
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Take Time Tuesday - Winter Edition

I've been slammed with work the past month and a half. Absolutely slammed. (Obviously this is a big reason that I've been quiet on the blog front for so long, too.) This is the first week since December that I've had the opportunity to take a proverbial deep breath in the office. Woooooo!!!

With that, there is no better way to get back onto the blogging wagon than to link up with Katie's Take Time Tuesday.

What am I feeling grateful for right now? Let me count thy ways.

The Chicago winter has been brutal this year. Again. I won't kid you that it's been tough. All of my friends who reside in warmer climates think I'm crazy for living here. However, despite all of Chicago's challenges and it's famously harsh temperatures, I am grateful to live in such an amazing city. I am very proud to call it my home.

Even in the dead of the winter, the city still shines with an ethereal glow

I've been focused more than ever these days on trying to enjoy all the great things that the city has to offer. Yes, even in the wintertime. =)

Recent haunts? Food-coma-inducing adventures during Chicago Restaurant Week and beyond. Ice skating amidst the glittering backdrop of the city skyline. Taking advantage of free admission to several of the museums. Exploring the neighborhoods with a more observant eye on the locals living life and going about their days. Creating an ever-lengthening list of local businesses that I want to check out. Using the extensive Chicago Public Library system. Finding volunteer opportunities for local causes.

There are so many things to see and do. And just wait until the weather gets warmer!

On that note, I am extremely grateful that the month of March is nearly upon us. This means that the worst of the winter should be behind us now. The days are already starting to get noticeably longer and I'm embracing the return of the sun and some blue skies.

I am getting pumped for the many upcoming events that denote the start of spring. Not that I have Irishness on the brain, but the first examples that come to mind are St. Patrick's Day and my first-ever Shamrock Shuffle. ("Top of the marnin' to ya!")

Also, I'll be running the Rock N Roll Washington DC Half Marathon in less than three weeks! I am really excited for the whole weekend and getting to catch up with friends and family out there. My winter training has been going better than expected, too, so I am feeling well-prepared for the race. I can't wait to see scenery like this:

Hey, Mr. Prez! How's it going?

Back on the local front, I continue to be grateful for the wonderful company that I work for. Special mention to the company fitness center - all of its resources and programs are absolutely top notch. Our fitness staff is actually hosting a free indoor triathlon for all employees next month! (We don't have a swimming pool, so we'll be subbing the swimming with the rowing machines. Very clever, eh?) It has been a vague consideration of mine to someday do a triathlon. Therefore, I am grateful for the opportunity to do a simulated attempt right in my own office building.

Do contestants get disqualified for using two hands while ironing, perhaps?

Despite being so busy at work, I am grateful for still being able to get enough sleep almost every night. It seems that more people are chronically sleep-deprived than not. Personally, I can barely function while sleep deprived. I have a tough time imagining how people can operate sleep-deprived for extended periods. I am thankful that my schedule is balanced enough that I don't have to skimp on getting enough rest.

Finally, I am borrowing this from Katie's post, but I am thankful for Girl Scout Cookies! I ordered some Thin Mints and they arrived this week. It's both a good and a bad thing that these cookies aren't available on a year-round basis, LOL.

Speaking of Girl Scout Cookies, I simply cannot close out today's posting without mentioning this INSANELY adorable Blackhawks video:

(On a tangent to the Iron Man competition picture above, my favorite part of this Hawks video is the ironing scene. ;-) )

Would love to hear what you are grateful for these days! Happy Tuesday to all!!!


  1. I was just thinking yesterday, that you hadn't blogged in a while. So, I am grateful that you are back at it! I am also grateful that the spring racing season is around the corner. Since I'm not doing a spring marathon, I am excited to see what kind of speed my legs will have next month for the kick-off of the season at the Shamrock Shuffle! Anyway, even though this was a rough winter I'd rather live in Chicago than most anywhere else!

    1. Aww, you are too kind, Pete! I've been reading everyone's blogs, including yours, but just haven't gotten around to commenting. I'm excited to get back on track. I am also SO excited for Shamrock Shuffle, especially after all our discussions with Eric and Xaar on post-race plans!!! You must be flying high this spring without having to adhere to any marathon training, yes? And yes - I think there's a reason they say, "Sweet Home Chicago." =)

  2. Yum! Girl Scout cookies are the best! And, despite not blogging it seems like you're not completely consumed with work and are managing to take care of yourself and have some fun! That's awesome!!! And thank you for joining in the fun!

    1. Thanks again for hosting the link-up, Katie! It was a much bigger deal than you probably realize that you were able to lift me out of my blogging hiatus. I was thisclose to calling it quits on my blog altogether. And I think that you are THE role model when it comes to having a balanced and organized approach to living life. Please keep all of your tips and experiences coming!!!

  3. Welcome back!! I'm grateful, of course, that you're back online. I'm also grateful that (1) I was approved to be an ambassador for my favorite clothing line InkNBurn and (2) that ClassPass has opened in Minneapolis!! Perfect timing - more workouts, more workout clothes. Win, win!

    1. Thank you so much, Natalie! You are too kind! I have been reading all of your posts about your ClassPass adventures (LOVE!), as well as your ambassadorship. InkNBurn is PERFECT for you. They couldn't have asked for a better representative than you!!! I also couldn't agree with you more on how the variety of ClassPass does wonders for the workout motivation. Can't wait to hear the details on other studios that you try in the future!!!

  4. So happy to see you back!! You've been missed :) Sleep is definitely something to be grateful for! I barely got any sleep this past weekend and am STILL paying for it today. Sleep deprivation is no joke... And wooo for a race in DC! I absolutely loved running there and have no doubts you will too. I would love to hear how you've been training through this brutal winter, it's rough out there. Best of luck! Don't be a stranger, hope to read another post from you soon :)


    1. You are so sweet, Irina. Thank you so much! I was actually thinking about you when I was waxing poetic about my love for Chicago. This is because you clearly share a similar love for NYC! Isn't it the most amazing feeling to live in a city that so inspires you!?!? I always love reading about all of your adventures - you are living the dream! I obviously haven't been commenting, but I love your musings and the health and beauty secrets that you frequently share. Please keep them coming. =) Thanks also for the reminder that you've run in DC, too - I will have to go back and reread your recap!!!

  5. Love this! A bunch of my family is actually running RnR DC and invited me to come along, but I didn't want to pony up all the $$ for race registration + travel (especially since I just ran a race in DC last year anyway -- I want to go somewhere else to run a destination race next time!). I also had no desire to train for a half through the winter, soo.... Haha.

    1. Thanks so much, Bethany! Oh my goodness, that is too bad that it didn't work out for you to run RnR DC this year - it would have been so fun to meet up with you there! But I definitely hear you on wanting to go check out a new race destination. What places are at the tops of your list!?!? I totally understand the lack of desire to train during the winter, too. I've been dogging out a lot of midweek runs on the treadmill amidst all the horribly cold temps. But thankfully the weather has been nice enough on weekends that I've wanted to do long runs. Definitely can't wait for spring, though! The Shamrock Shuffle can't come soon enough!!!

  6. Ha, like Pete (and others) I was also thinking about you recently and wondered how you were doing! I am happy to hear you are ready for your race! Go get it! :)

    1. Thank you so much for thinking of me, Kim! Likewise, I've been reading everyone's blogs, though not commenting - and when you didn't blog for awhile I was wondering how you were doing. It was such a wonderful surprise to find out that it was because you were vacationing in Mexico!!!

      BTW - obviously we still have plenty of time, but we need to figure out what half marathon we are going to run together this year!!! =D

    2. Hee hee, thanks for thinking of me while I snuck away! :)

      Yes! Should we pick a new one this year?

    3. Yes on picking a new half this year! I'll start researching, and likewise, please let me know if you have any suggestions!

  7. They showed that video during the Hawks game last night! Too cute.

    1. Oh my goodness, isn't it the most adorable thing you've ever seen!?!?! I've seen it about 10 times already and I don't think I'll ever get tired of watching it!!!

  8. Glad things are going well! You definitely sound like you've been busy! I'm so ready for spring. We haven't gotten tons of snow over here but I'm sick of the cold. Glad your training is still going well! I'm not usually a huge St Patricks Day person but I think I'm actually coming to Chicago the weekend before this year. I'm excited!

    1. Kayla! Likewise, it sounds like you've been so busy, too! I was actually thinking the other day if I had to pick between snow and cold, which I would prefer. That's a lose-lose situation if there ever was one, eh? That's great that you might be coming to Chicago in March!!! Please keep me posted on your plans as it would be so great to see you, as always!!!

  9. Welcome back! I have missed your posts. Enjoy the RnR DC Half Marathon.

    Oh, and yes to Girl Scout cookies. My favorite are Thin Mints and Samoas.

    1. Awww, thank you so much, Zenaida! I have been meaning to go back and comb through all of your race posts to see if you've run RnR DC yourself. I hear that there's a big hill around Mile 7!

      Ahhh, Samoas! Another great Girl Scout cookie classic! Although, I am an equal opportunity Girl Scout cookie eater. =D

    2. Yes, I've done RnR DC and there is a brutal hill. I remember I was so mad and annoyed by it. :-)

    3. I will go back and re-read your recap!!!
