
Monday, March 2, 2015

Balancing on one leg

For years, I have been plagued with pain in my left piriformis while running. The discomfort was very stubborn. It seemed that despite plenty of stretching and hip-strengthening work, I could never fully rid myself of that tight soreness.

I had mentioned here that I had been trying single-leg squats so that one glute didn't compensate for the other. This was based on the recommendation of my PT.

I've tried some variations, as well. For example, I've been doing "squats into lunges." Description: Squat on your left leg with the right foot just touching the floor for balance. Move the right leg back into a lunge. Then, keeping your left leg in the squat, return your right leg back to starting position. Repeat 10-15 times and switch to the other leg. I try to do three sets of reps on each leg.

For the record, I'm not the most graceful when it comes to balancing on one leg.

I'm like that duck trying to fit in amongst a flock of flamingos

That aside, I have been running nearly pain-free these days! All the single-leg exercises have really paid off. Even during long runs, I have had almost no issue. Post-long run, my hips used to get so sore that I pretty much HAD to stretch before being able to continue with my day. But these days, I've been able to just shower and move on without a second thought. (Obviously it's always still better to stretch, of course.)

I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop (both literally and figuratively). Knock on wood, it's been all good!


On that note, I am a believer in signs from the universe. For example, if I'm trying to eat some ice cream but can't get the package open, it's a sign that I shouldn't be eating it.

Well! Last night, I was thinking about effective the single-leg squats have been. Then, Agnes texted me with this:

Coincidence? I think not!

I am not a frequent participator in these types of challenges. However, I am going to give this one a try. With yesterday being March 1, I made that my "Day 1." It felt good to knock out my prescribed 50 for the day (I did 50 single-leg squats on each side).

I am sure it will be very tough to get to 250 squats by Day 30. But even if I don't get there, I will definitely embrace any motivation to keep the momentum rolling on hip strengthening exercises.


(I know, I know, bad joke...)


  1. Yay for pain free running!!! It's truly the best isn't it!? I'm happy you discovered some exercises that really seem to be working for you and maintaining your injury free status :)

    1. Thank you, Xaar! Oh my goodness, I can't even being to tell you what a wonderful feeling it is to run pain free. It's like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am glad that you've experienced the joys of it yourself after your fantastic PT!!! I am SO motivated now to keep up with the strength training. You too!?!?

    2. It's amazing to run and not feel anything... Although the thoughts do creep into my mind time to time of what if it comes back!? But those are less frequent now. In addicted to strength training. I only do leg stuff on hard running days but do arm and core stufd most days. I'm finally seeing a little muscle definition in my arms :)

    3. Go, Xaarlin!!! Upper-body muscle definition ROCKS. You really do feel so much stronger overall after doing arm and core stuff, yes? I love the results that strength-training gives you. I think I like it more than cardio now! =D

  2. Congratulations on being past your pain. There is nothing better than running pain free after months of little niggling issues. Good luck on the squat challenge.

    1. Thank you so much, Ima! I'm pretty injury prone, so I feel like I've been dealing on and off with various pains my entire running career! Here is hoping that this is the start of an extended pain-free run (no pun intended)!

  3. This is great news! I'm SO happy you found something that alleviates the PIA. I've been squatting more than ever lately. Hopefully it'll pay off once marathon training starts.

    1. Thank you, Marcia!!! LOL at the PIA reference because it is LITERALLY true in this case. =) You are a beast when it comes to the strength training, yourself! I am absolutely certain that it is going to pay off for you big time!!!

  4. Great news that you have no pain! That is such a relief when you figure stuff like that out. I also am a big believer in signs so I guess that squat challenge is a must-not-miss! :)

    1. Thank you so much, Jan! The body is an amazingly complex thing, isn't it? It's funny how it can be so scientific yet so unscientific at the same time. Yes, join in on the squat challenge!!! Even if we can't get to 250 squats by Day 30, all the interim work will still help us all out tremendously!

  5. Replies
    1. Hooray, indeed! And cheers to you for your first triathlon, plus all of the amazing workouts that you've been doing through ClassPass!!!

  6. So happy to hear you're running pain free!!! Isn't it amazing to see how small tweaks lead to the biggest positive changes?! I started doing planks daily and can already sense my core getting stronger. I'm totally adding in this exercise into my daily routine. I'm still struggling with shin splints and think that strengthening my hips will certainly help!


    1. Thank you so much, Irina! Woo hoo on your daily planks and feeling the improvement already. I think that core strength will have a HUGE positive impact on your shins! Up until a few years ago, I always thought that running was all about lower-body strength - who knew that the core made such a difference, right? I think I remember you said you were up to like 2:15 or 2:30 already with your planks. GREAT JOB!!!

  7. One day I hope I run pain free too! I am a believer in the signs too. It helps me to not get too stressed out about so many things. If it isn't meant to be then so be it.

    I've tried to do the squat challenge but have failed. So because now I saw it again in your blog does it mean I need to attempt it again?

    1. YES on not getting stressed out about things if they're not meant to be. Why fight it, right?

      So long story short, I haven't been able to keep up with the squat challenge, either. Maybe we can both attempt a modified version of it at some point?!?!?

    2. I am doing a plank challenge. And I started again from Day 1. I'll check out the squat challenge. There is also one for lunges.

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