
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Favorite spectator signs

Linking up again with April, Patty, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.

This week's topic: favorite race spectator signs!

I happen to love reading the spectator signs along a course. As much as I enjoy running in solitude, when I run a big race I do enjoy going all out. It's fun to interact with the crowd and feed off of the crowd's energy. I think reading the race signs is one of the best ways to do so!

When it comes to selecting my favorite race signs, it was hard to narrow it down. I am an equal-opportunity race-sign liker! However, there are a few categories in which I would classify my very favorite signs:

Interact with me!
I love when spectators promote true interaction between the runners and the crowd. I always try to follow suit with what the sign encourages. Some examples:



It is always so great to see the signs where the spectators GET it. Give credit to the runners who are spectating, and/or to the family members/friends who understand the unique challenges that us runners go through. Examples:


Pure encouragement
When I'm dying on the course, sometimes the simplest words make the biggest difference for me. Examples:


Honorable Mention - "the fill in the blank"
I get a kick out of these. I just think they are really funny.



I had a lot of fun looking for race/spectator signs to share! Kudos to Jill at Best Race Signs for being an absolutely amazing resource on this topic.

One more mention. At Rock N Roll DC there was a spectator cradling her adorable sleeping puppy in her arms. She was shouting, "Smile! I have a puppy!!!" It did indeed make me smile. It wasn't technically a spectator sign and unfortunately I didn't get a picture. However, it was definitely one of my favorite spectator moments!

What about you? What are your favorite spectator signs?


  1. I always touch the POWER signs. I love that Dory sign. That is so me!!

    1. I LOVE those power signs. It might be just a psychological boost from touching them, but when you're dying on the course you'll take all the boosts you can get, too! And I am SO Dory, also! I always swear I'll never run another race and then next day I'm out signing up for another one. =)

  2. I would have a hard time resisting the "stop here and dance" sign. :)

    1. Yes! Especially since it's probably one of the few times that the dorkier your dance, the more the spectators love it! =D

  3. Fun post! I like when somewhere in the crowd is interactive or makes comments that lets you know they "get it"! I find those to be helpful because you know they understand what you are going through at the moment. I definitely read as many signs as I can when I race. I have laughed out loud at numerous and that is always helpful!

    1. Thanks Lee! Yes to interaction with the crowd and knowing that they understand the feeling of dying on the course. Solidarity all the way. Anytime a spectator can get me us smile or laugh, it's a huge win and psychological boost!!!

  4. One of my all-time favorites was during the 2013 Chicago Marathon, which happened to coincide with the federal government shutdown: "You're running better than our government!" Hahaha. Also, last year at the Chicago Marathon there was this CHAMP who had an "All toenails go to heaven" sign with an artfully colored comic toenail. It was hilarious and I loved it.

    1. HAHAHAHAHA! I've seen a few signs that reference the local public transit systems in similar ways, e.g. "You're running faster than the CTA!" I've come across a few of the toenail signs, too, but never with an artfully colored comic toenail. That would be a sight to see! It sure helps lessen the visual impact of the real thing. =)

  5. When I spectated RNR Chicago my sign said, "Wave if you're having fun!" I got a lot of great comments so I think people liked it :-)

    1. Yes! I like the "wave" part because it's easy to do even when you're completely dying on the course. =D

  6. Thanks for the shout-out! Appreciate it!


    1. Thank YOU, Jill, for your amazing blogs! Incidentally - I saw that you are from Pittsburgh, and my husband is born and raised there also. Cheers to that! =)

  7. You have seen some great signs along the courses. Encouragement signs are great to see when you are struggling. -L

    1. Encouragement signs are the best! I truly believe that the energy of the crowd is what keeps us going during those tough moments. Spectating is hard work, too!!! I give all those spectators a lot of credit for all of their efforts!

  8. My personal favorite is my unicorn sign - Does this unicorn horn make my butt look big? ;-)

    I love the Dori sign ... I'm never running again, oh look a race! LOL!

    1. LOL at the unicorn sign. That sounds very you! So does the Dori sign. Isn't it so true, though? At almost every race, I wonder why the hell I put myself through this... and then a few hours later, I'm signing up for another one. =)
