
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Post race eats and my namesake burger

Today I am linking up with Patty, Erika, and April for (a Wednesday edition of) Tuesdays on the Run.

This week's topic: Post race food!

In a flashback to high school English class, I will start by sharing a quote:

"The human being is a bag into which to put food." - George Orwell

This sums up my philosophy on eating in general.

When it comes to post-race food, however, things are a little different for me. My standard go-to foods post race are pretty bland: a banana, water, maybe some sports drink, and any kind of sports bar. This is because I frequently don't have much of an appetite after a tough race.

That aside, here are some of the less-standard offerings that I've enjoyed when I DID have the appetite:
  • Rock N Roll Chicago gave out fruit smoothies and chocolate milk. 
  • Esprit de She had coconut water. 
  • ZOOMA Chicago gave out sandwiches
  • RunDisney has little food boxes with hummus, crackers, cheese, and other little food samples.
  • The Chicago Spring Half Marathon had a full breakfast spread with eggs, pancakes, potatoes, etc.
  • The Illinois Half Marathon, 13.1 Chicago, and PAWS Run For Their Lives all had pizza!!! I am an equal opportunity pizza eater; however, 13.1 Chicago gets an even bigger thumbs up from me for having Lou Malnati's deep dish pizza.
Deep dish pizza... say no more!

Offerings that looked good but that I did not partake in:
  • The Wisconsin Half Marathon serves brats
  • The F^3 Half Marathon gave out hot chocolate

Comparatively, here are the typical post-race offerings that I always forgo:
  • Pretzels
  • Cookies, bagels, or any kind of baked goods
  • Apples
  • Granola bars
  • Beer or wine (yes, I hear your collective gasps of horror. I acknowledge that I am an alien and a lucifer. I've been kicked out of the runner's union about a zillion times because of this.)

Moving on now from the foods immediately post-race to an hour or two afterwards. When it comes to my first MEAL after a race, my appetite is usually back with a vengeance and I usually crave something savory. Here are my favorite post-race meals:
  1. Veggie omelette with cheese, plus some type of carb (e.g. pancakes, toast, potatoes). 
  2. A turkey burger or a chicken burger.

It probably goes without saying that deep dish pizza used to be on the list (I wrote a whole post about it here). However, for caloric purposes, I am trying to cut back on how much deep dish I consume. (Here is my second acknowledgement of the day regarding my alien-ness and lucifer-nous.)

Going back to the topic of burgers. I've seen several instances where burgers were named after certain people. Here are some examples. Totally random, but I started thinking what I would want my namesake burger to be if given the opportunity to create one. 

Ooooh, the plot thickens!

After giving this way too much thought, here is what I came up with:

Turkey burger on a whole-wheat bun with sauteed spinach and mushrooms, avocado, roasted red peppers, and provolone. Served with a side of fruit and a pickle.

YOUR TURN! Tell me what your namesake burger design would be!?!?!?


  1. It pains me not to partake of the Lou's deep dish at the 13.1 finish. Alas, like you, I just can't stomach it after racing. Any other time though, watch out. For burgers I go classic: beef, onion, lettuce, tomato, pickle. If I'm splurging I'll add a pretzel bun and fried onion strings.

    1. Completely agree! Last summer, I paced a friend at 13.1 Chicago for her first-ever half - so I actually finished feeling normal instead of nauseous! And boy, did I ever take down that deep dish that day. =) Ooooh, fried onion strings on a burger, YUMMMMM....

  2. Hmm... the Natalie Cobb - a 70/30 burger (70% ground chicken, 30% ground bacon) topped with corn and avocado relish, blue cheese sauce, red onion, tomato and lettuce. It's a cob salad on a bun!! ... ???

    I'm with you on post race beer. It never appeals to me after a hard run, so I usually end up giving my coupon away to some enthusiastic runner.

    BTW, I LOVED the Chicago Half's post race pizza! You should have substituted the above pizza photo for my post race thumbs up photo.

    1. (I mean, you are in the background of that photo after all ;-) )

    2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Cobb/cob salad play!!! Very, very clever! And I'm with you on corn and avocado relish - those are huge winners in my book, too.

      Cheers to us runners who don't drink the post-race beer! It does make us very popular when we give away our drink tickets, though, heh heh heh.

      I actually forgot about the post race pizza at the Chicago Half Marathon! That was one race where I didn't have much of an appetite afterwards. And never fear, now that I have your express permission to use your pizza photo, I will use it in a future post. =D Still loving how we were randomly in each others' pictures before we got to meet! (BTW I still remember the one woman at that race who didn't get to the portapotty in time... shudder!!!)

    3. Ugh, the 6 mile pooper. HAHAHAHA!

    4. Can you imagine running another 7 miles after having gone through that? This might be TMI, but wouldn't that cause severe chafage, too!?!?!?

  3. I like this topic! :) Food is always worth talking about. My favorite thing to eat post-race is a burrito/taco bowl and chips. Tex-Mex for the win!

    And your namesake burger sounds deelish! Swap out that patty for a veggie burger and count me in!

    1. Thanks Amy!!! Oooooh, a burrito bowl... yummy!!! I know you have a MUCH bigger selection of good burrito bowl options in Texas than we have in Chicago, too. Otherwise I would totally dig those, too!

      Oh yeah, I do love me some spicy black bean burgers, too!!! YUMMMMMMMMMM
