
Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Disney Nature

Before we begin today, how about that Blackhawks triple-overtime victory last night?!?! OMG. I stayed up to watch every second. It's going to be a rough morning but it was so worth it!!!

Allright, down to business and linking up with Deb's Wordless Wednesday Disney photo hop.

Focused on the Magic

The theme for this week is "Disney Nature."

Right away I thought of the Kilimanjaro Safaris at Animal Kingdom. This is one of my favorite experiences in all of the Disney Parks!

Here are some action shots:

I've been on the Disney Kilimanjaro Safaris maybe three or four times. It's a different experience every time, since the animals are free to roam and do whatever they please.

The animals always get right-of-way, too. During this most recent visit, our jeep had the pleasure of waiting for some of them to cross the path before we could proceed. Love it!

Quick side story:
Elsewhere in the Animal Kingdom that same day, Adam and I were watching some monkeys bopping around and swinging from tree to tree. We saw one monkey that decided to, uh, answer nature's call while dangling from a branch about 20 feet in the air. Worse yet, there was another monkey on the ground almost directly beneath that, uh, took the brunt of the answer. (I actually did get a picture of this, uh, incident, but decided for the sake of decency not to share it.) When you gotta go, you gotta go, right?

"There's nothing funnier than the human animal."
- Walt Disney


  1. I agree with that Disney quote!

    We did the safari once, the weekend I ran the WDW half. That was a wonderful family vacation!

    1. Oooh, I didn't know that you ran the WDW Half! I will have to go back and find your recap. I love how Disney races give us a reason to go have a fantastic family vacation!

  2. We love the safari as well, great shots. Thanks for sparing us on your side story pic, when nature calls :)

    1. Thanks so much! LOL, I figured that nobody would enjoy seeing the monkey doing the business. There ARE boundaries when it comes to sharing! =D

  3. Such an amazing attraction! What a funny monkey story! You never know what monkeys will do!

    1. Yes, monkeys can be so playfully unpredictable! It actually must be kind of nice to not have to worry about things like finding a restroom or disturbing others, LOL.

  4. We did the safari again this year and were happy to find they dropped the poaching story line. It had gotten stale. I also feel we saw so many more animals this year than ever before. It was great.

    1. I don't think I ever went on safari when they first had the poaching storyline. I've heard a lot of folks say they were happy that it got dropped, though. Although, I do understand and appreciate that Disney was initially trying to promote awareness. It's a big cause!

  5. Great Safari shots! Like you, one of the main things I like about the Safari is that it changes each time you ride due to the free roaming animals.

    I remember being on it one time and we caused quite a traffic jam because a rhino decided not to cross the road, but to actually walk *down* the road for a little bit in front of us - he wasn't in any hurry either, hehe.

    Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thanks Penny! Isn't it amazing how incredible it is to watch nature in action, no rehearsal, not preparation? LOL at the rhino that decided to meander down the road in front of you. You hear about how smart these animals are, so who knows - maybe he was even doing it on purpose to have fun! =D

  6. The Safari is always one of my favorites. We don't always visit AK on each trip but when we do get to visit I forget how much I enjoy it!

    1. Likewise - Epcot is the only park that I visit EVERY time I go to WDW. But when I do get to Animal Kingdom, I am reminded how amazing it is. So much to see and do!!!

  7. We always see something amazing on the Kilimanjaro Safari! Occasionally something disgusting too, lol! :)

    1. Gotta love how unscripted the animals are. They definitely don't worry about trying to hide things from the visitors. =D

  8. I love the shot of the hippo! So cute! It was hiding from us when we went! Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks Michaelyn! Whenever I see hippos, it makes me think of the childhood game, "Hungry Hungry Hippos." Ah, memories! =D

  9. Oh my goodness, hilarious side story! Animal Kingdom was always my kids' favorite of the parks. They need to stop starting those Hawks games so late! What a win!!!

    1. Animal Kingdom is really amazing! I bet it's the favorite of a lot of kids!

      Completely agree with you on these late puck drops for the Hawks games. We're in for yet another one tonight. Here is hoping for a Hawks win in regulation!!!

  10. Lol, life lessons for the kids from Disney Nature. Kilimanjaro Safari is my favorite attraction. You just never know what you'll see. Great Hippo shot!

    1. Thanks so much Deb! Thanks for hosting these link-ups - I love how almost everyone shared pictures from Animal Kingdom! It couldn't have been a more perfect choice for Earth Day. =)

  11. Ah! Hahahaha! That poor monkey.

    1. Yes, that poor monkey! Can you imagine getting nailed with a surprise like that? Yikes!

  12. Great pictures! I've only been there once. I don't count it the time I ran the WDW Marathon and ran through the park.

    1. Thanks Zenaida! I agree - running through the park during races is awesome, but it's not the same as visiting the park and enjoying all the rides. Although, I heard at the WDW Marathon they had one Space Mountain (?) open for the runners to ride during the race? How fun is that!!! Hopefully you'll be able to go check out Animal Kingdom again very soon!!!
