
Friday, April 3, 2015

High five

Happy Friday!

I have had a rough week in the office, and I will be putting in some working hours over the weekend. Therefore, we'll go with a quick "five-things" post today.

1. Spirit of the Marathon
Several folks have mentioned the Spirit of the Marathon documentary film to me over the years. Since it chronicles runners training for the Chicago Marathon, I decided that I want to watch it.

I am already bracing myself for an emotional reliving of my own experience.

Has anyone already seen it? Any thoughts?

2. Worth the Hoopla
While looking for Spirit of the Marathon from the library catalog, I happened to stumble across the free Hoopla app. You can use it to instantly borrow digital movies and music with your library card. Anything you borrow automatically gets returned at the end of the borrowing period. No worrying about due dates or late fees! The only usage requirements are that your local public library is set up with Hoopla, and that you have a library card. I'm a huge fan!

3. Watering hole
I have been very aware that California is mired in an emergency-level drought. It really, really hit me when I ran the Disneyland Half Marathon last year and saw this scene:

This is the Santa Ana River.
It is so dry that I thought it was a construction site for a new highway when I first saw it.

I've always tried to be conservative with water usage. However, the drought crisis has really made me stand up and take notice. You certainly don't have to live in California to focus on conservation efforts. It's an issue that affects everyone.

Last week, I was talking to Vanitha about the drought. She used to work in water conservation so she is a resident expert! She mentioned a free online course she is taking called Water in the Western United States, and asked if I'd be interested in taking it with her. Yes ma'am! The class starts next week.

4. The decoy bag
See this innocent-looking bag? It looks like a purse, doesn't it?

It's actually an insulated lunch bag. I thought it would be nice to use something a little more stylish than the usual cube-shaped lunch bags. However, the purse similarities ended up wreaking havoc on me.

One night, I took my wallet out of my (real) purse to check an account number. Then, I accidentally put my wallet into the lunch bag instead of back into my purse.

As timing would have it, I had a team lunch the next day. Therefore, I left the lunch bag at home... with my wallet inside! This led to some very anxious and awkward moments when I was at the store later that day and couldn't find my wallet. Sigh.

5. Pull-up/chin-up
I have a new fitness goal: I want to be able to do both an unassisted chin-up and pull-up. I've seen inspiring results from several friends who have been rocking their strength-training, most notably Marcia and Erin. I've started doing some research on training plans and so far I like this one the most.

We'll see how it goes! I have no illusions - this goal is definitely going to take a long time to achieve.

Linking up with ClaireKatieHeatherCourtneyCynthia, and Mar.


  1. I think you're last runner I know who hasn't seen Spirit of the Marathon! I think it's even free to watch online using hulu :-)

    I need a new lunch bag! Where did you get yours? Of course, if I get something that nice looking I'll have to keep your story in mind as a cautionary tale.

    I fully admit that it's taken me probably a year or more to get to the point where I can do an unassisted chin-up and I'm still not close to an unassisted pull-up! So, don't give up. It will take awhile! But, it's a pretty awesome feeling when you nail it :-)

    1. Erin - it is free! If the movies are still posted, I have links to them in an old blog:

      I recommend the Marathon Challenge one as well.

    2. Erin, I think I am the last runner that hasn't seen Spirit, either! Especially in Chicago, right? I've even heard about Spirit of the Marathon II, which chronicles runners training for the Rome Marathon. Would you believe that I've never used Hulu, either? I'm so not cool!

      Believe it or not, I got the lunch bag at Costco! It's amazing the diversity of products that they offer there! To quote Forrest Gump, "you never know what you're gonna find!" =D

      That video you posted doing the unassisted chin-up was just AWESOME. Power to you, my friend!!!! Rock on!!!

    3. Natalie - thanks for the tip and I will definitely check out the link you shared!!! I have also heard of the Marathon Challenge, so that will be next on the viewing list. =)

    4. The funny thing was that when I switched trainers at the gym he asked if there was anything I wanted to get to as a goal. When I said an unassisted pull-up he asked if I could do a chin-up. I was like, uh, I don't think so. Then he had me try and I think I surprised us both when I did one! So that video was to prove to myself that it wasn't a fluke!

    5. I still love how Chewie was standing behind you watching you do the chin-up, looking amazed, too!!!!

  2. WHOO! I've been thinking about pull-ups, too. Race to see who can do one first?! Just kidding!! LOL, you have the advantage there, I've probably got a few pounds on you so I've got some work to do to build that strength up. ;-)

    Your story on the lunch tote. How embarrassing! One time I managed (I don't know how) to forget my purse at work at the end of the day. I think my hands were so full with gym bag, empty lunch tote, etc, that I just forgot the purse when I grabbed my keys, phone and sunglasses. To make matters worse, I was almost out of gas ... and of course had detoured to a gas station only to find I had no way to pay. Thank goodness I hadn't pumped anything yet. But, I did do a lot of praying on that drive home, and had a minor panic attack when I thought for a second I was running out of gas... thankfully I made it with a few fumes to spare.

    1. LOL, no racing. I don't have very good arm strength. I can't even do one real push-up on my toes instead of my knees! So I know that I have a LONG ways to go when it comes to chin-ups and pull-ups.

      Oh no on the gas station when you didn't have your purse!!! That would be so stressful! I've had situations in the past where I was running low on gas and the gas light was on. It is the most awful feeling, ever. And it always seems that those are the times when you get EVERY SINGLE RED LIGHT, too. Glad that you hadn't started pumping yet before realizing you didn't have your purse - that would have made an already stressful situation even worse! And really glad that you made it home with a few fumes to spare. WHEW!!!

  3. I'm impressed with your pull-up / chin-up goal. I have extreme tennis elbow and the doc told me yesterday it would take a year to heal. Can you believe that? So, I'll be having none of that! Ugh. The picture of the Santa Ana River makes me sad. That's awful. We get so much rain here, it's hard to even imagine. Have a wonderful Easter weekend.

    1. Thanks HoHo! Are you a tennis player? That is so frustrating that the doc said it would take a year to heal. But at least you can still run, right? Consider yourself blessed to be living in an area where you have plenty of rainfall! It's really too bad we can't shift some of the precipitation from the areas where it's been causing major issue (e.g. Boston) to the areas out west that so desperately need it. =(

      I hope you have a wonderful Easter weekend, too!!!

  4. I have seen the Marathon movie and I think it's very inspiring. I have not seem the second one though. I've heard it's just as good if not better. -L

    1. Great to hear! I think I'll be partial to the first one, regardless, just because it focuses on Chicago. But I can imagine that it would be very eye-opening to see the differences between the two marathons!

  5. I absolutely love Spirit of the Marathon. I watched it before I ran my first Chicago marathon. I haven't seen the second. And thanks for the scoop on the Hoopla app. Going to check that out!

    1. That would be amazing to watch Spirit of the Marathon before running Chicago for the first time! It must have been so incredibly inspiring, especially to be able to experience it in person afterwards! I hope you like Hoopla - I've already checked out my maximum allotment of items for the month! =)

  6. Let me add to the chorus of people saying, "You haven't seen Spirit of the Marathon?!" It's so good. I haven't even run Chicago, and it still inspires me. I love that it shows runners of all skill level. Running ain't only about the elites, ya know? I find every day runners inspiring. In fact, for a while, I was listening to a podcast called Everyday Runners, but I don't think they make new episodes anymore.

    1. Wow! Another rave review for Spirit! I definitely need to get watching right ASAP! I completely agree with you about everyday runners being inspiring. That's the best part about running, I think, is that the elites and the back-of-the-packers all share the same field. There is no other sport out there that does that!

  7. I've watched both movies. Love them! But I do like the first one so much more.

    That was a river (photo in CA)? I also thought it was a construction site. Wow!

    1. I think I am going to like the first one more since it's Chicago!!! I just got word that it's available for pickup at the library, so I'll be watching this weekend. Can't wait!

      Yes, isn't it crazy that that is the Santa Ana River? It was only afterwards when I was looking at the course map and saw that we ran along the Santa Ana River Trail. I was like, uh, we never ran along a river. Then I looked more closely and realized what it was. So sad, eh? That drought in CA is devastating. We are very fortunate to not be dealing with that here in Chicago.
