
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I have a dream

Inaugurally linking up with Deb for her Wednesday Word series.

Deb Runs

This week's word is "Dreams."

Here are some of the health/fitness things that I dream of, in no particular order:
  • Running completely pain-free and without fear of injury 
  • Not having to do physical therapy exercises anymore
  • Running a sub-20 5K, a sub-2 half marathon, and a sub-4 marathon 
  • BQing
  • Running all of the World Marathon Majors 
  • Never experiencing blisters, chafing, or black toenails ever again
  • Having an endless supply of running shoes and gear to play with
  • Being able to do an unassisted pull-up and chin-up, and being able to do a series of real push-ups (i.e. not on my knees)
  • Wearing shorts that don't ride up on me and underwear that doesn't create wedgies
  • Breaking the tape at a race
  • Refundable race registrations and/or never having to worry about race lotteries/sell-outs
  • Not being intimidated by hills
  • Being able to eat all the desserts, deep dish pizza, junk food, and fried foods that I love without gaining weight or having my stomach revolt in full-scale hubris
  • Never struggling with motivation, fear, or self-doubt
  • Never running out of battery on my Garmin or music source, and being able to completely trust my Garmin
  • Getting weekly massages
  • Having good weather for all races - no more racing in monsoons, derechos, or extratropical cyclones
  • Never being sleep-deprived and never having trouble falling asleep the night before a race 

To para-quote that guy from Pretty Woman, "Some dreams come true, some don't, but keep on dreaming. Always time to dream. What's your dream?"


  1. I really think the sub 2 and sub 4 are totally possible soon if you find a good training plan that has an appropriate mix of speedwork.

    I hear ya on the injury free/ no more PT part too!

    My dream for running would just be to keep enjoying every step pain free.

    1. Thanks for your confidence, Xaar! I have been doing the 3:30/1:30 speedwork intervals that you suggested, and you are RIGHT about them giving you more bang for the buck than 60 second intervals. Thank you so much for your advice!!! I can't wait to see how this speedwork is going to translate into results!!!

      AMEN to running pain free!!!

  2. These are great dreams. Yep, you can do the sub-2 half and sub-4 full. But pain free? Wouldn't that be nice?

    1. Thanks Wendy! Pain free would be amazing. I seriously can't even remember the last time that I ran completely pain free without fear of injury. And you are TOTALLY going to run sub-4 this year to BQ!!!

  3. It would be so nice to have to do PT anymore. My hips are weak so I have to be careful about ITBS and make sure I'm strengthening my hip muscles.

    1. Yes! I've grown so tired of doing my PT exercises. They do work, but they get so cumbersome and take so much time. I have weak hips and ITBS also, so I spend so much time doing squats and lunges and foam rolling. You too?

  4. Yes! Come run the majors with me! I NEED to focus more on massage. Well any massage would be a good start. :)

    1. Marcia, you're several steps ahead of me in that you've already run Boston and New York! Those marathon qualifyers and lottery registrations are something else, too. So running all the WMMs is definitely a long-term, life-time goal. =)

      ANY massage would be a good start for me, too!!! LOL

  5. Bah, you stole this one right from my head: Running completely pain-free and without fear of injury. I so cannot wait for this plantars thing to be over.

    1. I cannot wait for your PF to heal, too! I wish you the speediest of recoveries!!! Although, it seems like you had no issue when you ran your Minnetonka relay, so that is great to hear!!!

  6. I don't think a sub-2 half is too much of a stretch dream for you! I bet if you stick with the strength training you'll get to that PLUS a series of push-ups more easily than you think :-)

    However, I agree that being able to eat all the desserts and pizza and fried foods and junk that I want with no repercussions would be an amazing thing to have! That's definitely on my list.

    1. Thanks for your confidence, Erin! I am subscribing to your training plan of doing lots of strength training and minimal running but still getting faster. When are you going to publish your book?!?! And when can I get your autograph before you get ultra-famous? =)

      Sigh on eating all the food. Why must we live in a city with so many amazing dining options, right? =D

  7. Hello there are you doing girl? I have sadly had to quit running for quite some time now, so my dream would be to run without pain just for the pure joy of it. So glad to see you are alive and well my friend! Blessings!

    1. SHANNON!!!! SO GREAT TO HEAR FROM YOU!!! I was actually just thinking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing. I am really glad to see that you are blogging again! BIG HUGS!!!

  8. Spot on! How awesome would it be to break the tape? Maybe in my nursing home 5k. I think I would add to not get a shoulder stitch in a race (my nemesis).

    1. LOLOLOLOL about the nursing home 5K - it'll probably be the same for me, too! It reminds me of a time when a friend had just signed up for a Nike tracker of some sort. He had set it up to auto-post on Facebook. He was clearly trying to test it because there were posts like, "Ed just completed a 0.02-mile run." He got lots of comments like, "Way to tear it up! You training for the local senior citizen's race?" Hehehehehe.

  9. Oh man, not having to do PT exercises would just be the best. That's definitely one of my dreams. Sometimes I try to make that dream come true by choosing to ignore my PT exercises, but that usually doesn't pay off in the long run :P

    1. Bethany, I've made concerted efforts to make the no-PT exercise dream come true, too! Then I am met with the rude awakening (no pun intended) when my knees and hips start to hurt again. =( Curse those muscle imbalances, preventing our PT-free dreams from ever coming true. Sigh!!!

  10. I hear you about being able to trust my Garmin. I can't remember how many times it has lost my workouts including one race last year. Uggh! FWP. :)

    1. GRRRRRR. So annoying when the Garmin does that. I've heard the saying once that "it is human to err, but to really screw things up takes a computer." So true!!!

  11. These are great! Running pain free is the best feeling. I wish I had more money to enjoy a weekly massage.

    1. Thanks so much! Sigh, yes - I wish I had more money to enjoy a massage, period! I've only ever gotten maybe two massages my entire life, not including the muscle work that I've gotten at the physical therapist (which hurts like a dickens!)

  12. I love your dreams, and I'd love to be able to do an unassisted pull-up! I especially like the never being sleep deprived dream, and the pain-free dream! :-)

    Thank you for linking up!

    1. Thanks Deb!!! Thanks for hosting these linkups - I am loving reading all of the contributions. It's cool to see how people interpret things differently, isn't it!?!?

  13. I love your list of dreams! And I like the mix of big and small ones. Breaking the tape at a race would be an amazing feeling!

    1. Thanks so much, Meagan! Wouldn't it be awesome to break the tape at a race? Maybe someday I can do it at my local senior citizen's race. Sigh!

  14. Ultimately, I'd love a sub-4 marathon, too. I think it's going to take a lot of work and a lot of time, so many it will remain a dream. Still, I keep on chasing it!

    1. Amy, you are such a strong and determined runner that I KNOW you'll be able to run a sub-4 soon. I know you'll someday be able to BQ, too!!! No doubt in my mind!!!
