
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Coffee talk - September edition

I am linking up with CocoDeborah, and Lynda for this month's edition of Coffee Talk.

The Ultimate Coffee Date

The premise behind this link-up is: "If we were having [insert choice of beverage here] together, I would tell you..."

The link-up started this past Saturday, so I'm a few days late to the party. The main reason for this is because:

Adam and I had a terrific Labor Day weekend in Traverse City, Michigan. I was blown away by the beautiful coastlines/landscape, serenity, and friendly people. It's never been more apparent to me how pictures simply do not do justice to certain places.

My attempt to photograph the hilltop vineyard view of the Grand Traverse Bay.
This doesn't come anywhere close to depicting what it was like in person.

The weekend's jaunts are a topic for a whole other post.

For now - I hadn't thought much about potential destinations if I someday move out of Chicago. But this visit got me thinking about all the reasons folks enjoy living outside of a city/suburbs. Wow!

I am testing out a Le Tote membership. Le Tote is like Netflix for fashion. They send you three articles of clothing and two accessories, which you can keep and wear as long as you like. Then you send them all back and get more. Shipping and laundering is all included.

Erin is a Le Tote ambassador. At a party she recently hosted, I got a great introductory discount code which convinced me to take the plunge.

This was the contents of my first shipment:
I had a blast wearing the items! It was really fun to feel like I have so many new things to wear all at once.

I am currently awaiting my second shipment and it can't get here soon enough. This service can get very addicting very quickly!

Starting this Thursday, I am running three races in four days. On Thursday night, I am running the Super Bears Shuffle 5K.
From the Shamrock Shuffle expo back in March

This Saturday morning, I'm running the Fit Foodie 5K, thanks to Erica.

Then this Sunday morning, I'll be running the Hub City Half Marathon in Crown Point, Indiana, again thanks to Erica!

The Bears 5K is definitely going to be just for fun. Comparatively, I'm considering attempting a PR at either or both the Fit Foodie 5K and the Hub City Half. The weather currently looks pretty good this weekend; both are flat, out-and-back courses; and both are probably not going to be very crowded. (On the flip side, both are inaugural races - but I don't expect that to be a huge factor.)

It's probably not a good idea to go all out for both of them, so I have a decision to make. More on this to come.

And finally...

I somehow tweaked my right wrist yesterday. I think I hyperextended it trying to carry too much luggage to/from the car last night. It's made me appreciate how much we use our wrists, especially since I am very right-handed. Derp and blugh!
What about you? Tell me about your Labor Day weekend and/or what you would share with me over a beverage?


  1. My Labor Day...I had a fantastic weekend in Traverse City, Michigan !

  2. Your photo of the hilltop vineyard view looks gorgeous! I'm always looking for road trip ideas from Chicago - I'll have to keep that in mind! And Le Tote sounds so fun!

    1. Thanks Alexandra! Oh my goodness - I HIGHLY recommend visiting northern Michigan. It is STUNNING and there is so much to see and do. It's like a whole other world!!!

      Le Tote is super fun!!! It's a great way to liven up the usual wardrobe choices!!!

    2. I've been to Michigan, but never more north than Detroit which totally doesn't count. I'll have to add it to my list!

      Also, I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Blogger Recognition Award :) You can see my post about it on my page. Thanks for having such a great blog!

    3. Definitely add it to the list. You will love it!!! =)

      Thank you SO MUCH for the blogger recognition award! I am really, really flattered! I'll write up my award post in the coming weeks. =) Thank YOU for your wonderful blog, too! I am loving reading all your tips and thoughts about living in Chicagoland!!!

  3. Hm ... Le Tote sounds interesting. Is it expensive? I should check it out. Lord knows I never need to buy new clothes, but it is nice to have a few new things in the rotation on occasion. Are all the items solid colored/basic like you show? (You know me and wild prints).

    For your races ... three in 4 days is aggressive. Are you sure you want to push for a PR on any of them and risk coming out disappointed if you don't PR? The fact that you are completing so much in so few days in itself is a feat. But then again, I'm not one to talk, since a PR is not in my sites for any race of any kind right now. Boo to bad running seasons!! LOL!

    1. Le Tote is $50 per month. You can check out their clothing selections on their website: If you do decide to give it a whirl, would love if you used my referral code which will get you $25 off your first month:

      No pressure at all, of course.

      You are absolutely right that 3 races in 4 days is aggressive. The Bears 5K is basically going to be a training run, though, so I don't count that. For the others, yes, I'll be disappointed with a failed PR attempt - but heaven knows that I've gone through it so many times that I'm used to it, haha. I don't have high expectations since I haven't been training with much focus, but at this point I figure nothing ventured nothing gained. Indeed, boo to bad running seasons!!!

  4. I adore tooling up the coast of Michigan! That's why I HIGHLY recommend the Grand Rapids full or half in October. You drive up, stopping in Southaven, Saugatuck, run the race then tool back down and hit Holland, New Buffalo, whatever. It is awesome! Glad you enjoyed. Le Tote sounds cool. I'm going thru a bit if a fashion crisis right now. So much running gear and little else! Enjoy all those races!

    1. Ah yes, the Grand Rapids full or half! I was thinking about that as we were passing by to/from Traverse City. I especially love its timing in October. The foliage must be so gorgeous at that time of year! I'm with you on the feeling that all I have is running gear right now, too. I've considered trying out that Fabletics subscription, but I keep telling myself that I don't need any more fitness apparel, LOL. Thanks Marcia!

  5. Glad you liked your first Le Tote shipment! I just put a bag back in the mail today and am anxiously waiting for the email to tell me I can go confirm what they've picked for me this time :-)

    What's your 5K PR goal?
    Although my weekend did not go as planned, I did get to explore Carmel, IN which has an amazing biking/running path! So, I'm actually kind of looking forward to going back and exploring some more.

    1. It was too bad that I just started Le Tote before Labor Day! I put a bag back in the mail last Friday, and the holiday yesterday has caused some turnaround delays!!! This is the only reason I will complain about a day off from work. =)

      My current 5K PR is 25:55 and is well over a decade old. In July 2014, I ran a 26:28, and at the time I felt like I could have done better. But then, I tried again in September 2014 and failed miserably. This year I haven't done any 5Ks at ALL so far, so it'll be interesting to see where I stand.

      I am glad that you were able to make the most of your visit to Carmel last weekend! The weather this weekend is supposed to start cooling down nicely, so this coming weekend will be even better for further exploration!!!

  6. That picture of Traverse Bay...leaves me speechless!

    1. Isn't it amazing? Northern Michigan is such a gem!

  7. Grand Traverse Bay is beautiful. I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. That's a lot of racing in one weekend! Sounds fun! I've never heard of Le Tote. I guess you would have endless "new" outfits.

    1. Thanks HoHo! Cheers to holiday weekends! The races kind of snuck up on me - I was surprised to see how they all grouped together this week, myself, LOL. Yes, the beauty of Le Tote is feeling like you always have something new to wear!

  8. Oh my gosh, three races in four days?!? That's so intense and so awesome! What a fun challenge, I have no doubts you'll succeed with ease :) I'll be crossing my fingers for a new PR for you!

    Michigan is absolutely stunning, stunning! It's one of my favorite places to "vacation" in the Midwest, mainly because it doesn't even feel like the Midwest with the beautiful scenery, lakeshores, and forests.

    1. Thank you so much, Irina!!! Likewise - I am crossing my fingers for your knee to behave itself, and for you to continue running pain-free!

      You are absolutely right about Michigan feeling unMidwestern! The wineries feel like Napa Valley, and the coastlines and rugged landscapes reminded me of Canada! It's a blessing to have it so relatively close to the rest of the Midwest. =)

  9. I loooove Traverse City. That's the part of the state I brag about the most when I tell people I'm from Michigan, even though I'm not from that area at all. But it's seriously so, so gorgeous up there!

    Look at you, running superstar! Three races in four days! I'm impressed by your dedication and hope that you're able to nab at least one of the PRs you're shooting for :)

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. If I were from Michigan, you better believe that I'd brag about the Traverse City area, too! Incidentally - I was noticing that there was SO MUCH Michigan pride from the locals in the area. So many people were wearing Michigan-themed attire, had M-22 bumper stickers or Great Lakes logos on their cars, etc. I've never seen anything like it anywhere else in Michigan!

      Thanks for the kind words and well wishes on my upcoming three races this weekend! I really appreciate it. =)
