
Tuesday, December 22, 2015

2015 Running Highlights

Before I kick things off - today is Adam's birthday!!! Please wish my wonderful, darling husband the happiest of happy birthdays!!!!!!!!! Cheers to many, many, MANY more. =)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sweetie!!!
I haven't run in over two weeks. Not a single step (unless you count darting across a traffic intersection when the "walk" sign has begun its final blinking warning).

I don't miss running at all. Not one bit!!!

I know I should probably get back on track soon to avoid completely losing my conditioning, but honestly I don't care that much. (Horrible, I know.)

All of that aside, I am linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for today's Tuesdays on the Run topic, which is "Highlights of Your Running Year."

Looking back, I was pleasantly surprised how many high points I had in a year where running often seemed more burdensome than fun.

I set new PRs in the 10-Miler and Half Marathon
The 10-Miler PR was one of those magical days where I learned the body is capable of much more than what the mind believes. I actually set three new half marathon PRs during the year! I was thrilled when my third PR result achieved my year-long goal of breaking 2:10.
From the CARA Live Grit 10-Miler with Marcia, Erin, Sara, Wendy, and Zenaida

I crossed a few more states off of my goal of racing in all 50 states.
I ran in Washington, DC (and a little bit of Virginia), two races in Indiana (here and here); and two races within 24 hours in Texas (race 1 and race 2).
From the Rock N Roll DC Half Marathon

I also added two new countries to the list of locales in which I ran. What amazing experiences it was to run in Seoul and Jerusalem!
Representing Chicago at the Olympic Park in Seoul
(By the way, I still have one more long-overdue Israel travel post in the works which I'll hopefully share soon.)

I ran the highest number of races for the first time and/or purely for fun/swag than ever before. This includes the Shamrock Shuffle, the Race to Wrigley, the Cinco de Miler, the BTN Big 10K, Fort2Base (also a new-to-me distance), and the Super Bears Shuffle.
From the Race to Wrigley 10K

I experienced no major injuries this entire year. I don't think I'll ever be completely devoid of the niggling aches and pains resulting from wonky knees and hips. But I am proud and relieved to realize that for an entire calendar year I never experienced any physical problems that resulted in me involuntarily taking time away from my training. That is a HUGE win for me. I credit running my training runs at a comfortable pace, plus doing lots of yoga, strength-training, and cross-training.
All in all, 2015 turned out to be a pretty darned good running year for me. Cheers to great things in 2016 still to come!

In the meantime, stay tuned for an upcoming post on my 2015 Running Lowlights (thanks to Pete for the idea!)...


  1. Congrats on an awesome year! It's so great how we can see the world by running through it! Always a good thing to be injury-free and still having fun running at the end of the year, but enjoy your time off!

    1. Thanks Janelle! Agreed, there is truly no better way to see and experience the world than via your running shoes. I wish you the happiest of holidays and much rest and relaxation as well!

  2. Enjoy the time off running. I quit earlier this fall (didn't feel right being pregnant), and honestly - I think it's healthy to switch it up every so often anyway. Running is particularly repetitive, so it's nice to give those muscles and joints time off to rest and repair. As long as you have other things in the schedule, which you and I both do, your conditioning won't suffer as much as you think.

    Oh - Happy birthday to the hubs! :-)

    1. Thanks Natalie! I think it's very smart to take time off of running when you are pregnant. Listening to your body is the most important thing. Are you still doing a lot of fitness class instruction these days, too? It must be magical feeling your baby boy's movements!!! The time has been going by so quickly. =)

    2. I'm still teaching 2 days a week, and swimming/biking (stationary)/etc. on other days as time allows. Of course my intensity is down, but I'm still at around 75% of what I used to do, so that's good!

      It's very strange but also cool to feel the kicking. Sometimes the movement is more subtle and almost feels like when your muscle twitches. Every so often, though, I get a good wallop - those almost feel like someone trying to poke at me through a thick foam barrier, and I swear my stomach bulges in the spot where it happens. LOL!

    3. Woo hoo, Natalie! Way to go on staying so active! Your baby boy is off to a fantastic start. =) I have heard many stories of how babies make a visible bulge when they move around! Especially during the latter stages of pregnancy!

  3. I'm taking it easy too, and I'm OK with that. I like breaks now and feel they're just as important as training. No sense in getting burned out. Love your picture outside the Olympic Park!

    1. Thanks Lesley! I strongly believe in taking an "off-season" to let the body recharge, both mentally and physically. Completely agree that breaks are just as important as the training!

  4. Yay for no injuries! Looks like you had a great year! How many more states do you need to finish the 50?

    1. Thanks Xaar! Likewise - yay for a strong year of training for you, too, with an even stronger year still to come Ms. Future Ironman. =) LOL, I've still got like 42 states left. I'm not even 20% of the way there!

  5. Happy Birthday, Adam!

    If you don't miss running right now, don't force it. I think it's better to wait until you WANT to do it again, even if that means losing a little conditioning. You can always work it back up!

    1. Thanks Anne! The scary part is that I'm so far removed from any hint of wanting to run that I seriously wonder if the motivation will ever come back. I once took a running hiatus that lasted several years!

    2. I'm either the right or very, very wrong person to ask about that :) That's more or less where I found myself last year. I was so proud of all I had accomplished with running in 2014, but once I took a little break, just didn't feel like getting back to it. I still miss the feeling of a good run, or crushing a goal in a race, but not enough to do it on a regular basis anymore.

      Maybe the spring racing season will get you back into the mood? Or not, which is okay. :)

    3. LOL - I completely understand where you are coming from! I always love the feeling of a good run and achieving a goal, but at the same time I've realized I can find that athletic high in other ways, too! Either way, as you say, it's okay. Life is a constant and these are things we can always come back to later when we are ready. It's all good!!!

  6. Congrats on your great year of running! Well deserved time off ;)

    1. Thank you so much, Rachel! Likewise - I wish you many strong runs followed by strong periods of rest! =)

  7. Luke, come back to Running Side! :) Ha, ha. It's good to take a break now and then and come back when you're feeling it. We'll miss seeing you at the F^3, but it'll probably be bad weather and you'll be inside watching tv under a warm blanket and I'll be wondering what I got myself into! Anyway, congrats on the two PRs! Also, thanks for the shout-out and looking forward to reading your lowlights!

    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Good one!!! I wish you the best of luck at F3 - I know that you'll tear it up, as you ALWAYS do. I LOVE your idea of writing about the lowlights - they are usually more interesting than the highlights, in my opinion. ;) I just saw you posted yours so I am off to read right now!

    2. Although I haven't looked at the stats, I think my lowlight posts are more popular than my highlight posts. Go figure! :)

    3. I think people appreciate when we "keep things real." =)

  8. Happy Birthday Adam! Injury free is a GREAT way to end the year. lol Congrats!

    1. Thanks so much, Patti! I think all of us appreciate being injury-free more and more as time goes by!

  9. Sounds like a stellar year! You're a constant inspiration to me and many others - good luck in 2016!

    Oh, and, "back on track", I see what you did there ;)

    1. Thank you so much, Aiknami! I really appreciate it! I know you are quite the inspiration yourself. Good luck to you in 2016 as well!

      LOL - I didn't even think of the "back on track" pun! You are very clever. =)

  10. It's been so fun getting to know you this year! We need to plan a race to meet up! Not sure if I'll run the 10 miler or not..I have to work that day (yes I already know) and I have to see if it fits in my marathon training plan...

    1. It's been so fun getting to know you this year, too! Agreed on finding another race to meet up. I so wish I could join you in Big Sur. =D Sadly I don't plan on running the CARA 10-Miler this year, either - but we'll find something else! Please keep me posted on your race schedule!!!

  11. Great job knocking out a few new states and getting a bunch of PRs! I'm really hoping 2016 will be the year of speed for me.

    1. Thanks so much Erika! The states-goal is one of the most fun, yes? Any excuse to run-cation. I wish you a fantastic and SPEEDY 2016 coming up!!!

  12. Congrats on reaching a new PR in your 10 miler and half this yr! And even better not having an injury this year. It's always great to finish a training cycle feeling good. Happy birthday to your hubby! Hope you two get to do something fun!

    1. Thank you so much! I think all of us runners appreciate the times when we can run injury-free more and more as time goes by. I wish you a fantastic 2016 coming up, too!!! Can't wait for you to run the Disney races!!!

  13. Happy birthday, Adam! Congrats on surviving another year :-)

    Keep up with that strength training and I bet you won't lose as much conditioning as you think :-)

    You had a great year even if sometimes it felt like a struggle. Looking forward to seeing what you achieve in 2016 even if it's not running related! Do you have any specific non-running goals?

    1. Thanks Erin! I have been SO HAPPY to see how much success you had with your running despite focusing more on other fitness pursuits this year. I am really hoping I can follow in all of your footsteps that way! Congrats on your new deadlift PR, by the way. 2x your bodyweight, WOW!!!

      I need to sit down and think of some non-running goals for next year... How about you?

  14. Way to go Emily! I am excited to run with you again next year.

    1. Thanks Zenaida!!! I am excited to run with you again next year, too!!! Cheers to 2016 being an even better year for both of us!!!
