
Monday, December 28, 2015

Training and holiday week recap - Dec 21-27, 2015

To all that celebrate Christmas, I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

After a 5-day weekend, I am back in the office trying to get reacclimated.

Here is more about my workout/holiday week:

Stationary bike - 30 minutes

This workout ended up being very rushed. Normally my company's fitness center is open until at least 6:30 PM. I showed up around 4:25 PM and learned it would be closing at 5:00 PM that day (holiday week hours)! Good thing I got there when I did. I squeezed in 30 minutes on the bike before making a mad dash out the door.

That night, I went to the Bulls vs Nets game with a colleague. The festivities were fun, despite the Bulls losing in heartbreaking fashion (although, my colleague is a diehard Nets fan, so of course had a different opinion, LOL). It's always fun seeing the contrast between Bulls games and Blackhawks games at the United Center. Both teams put on a fantastic in-game experience!

Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

Pure Barre's motto is "lift, tone, burn" and wow, do the exercises ever burn. As I've said before, it's easy to see why these classes are effective. It's all about burning calories the old-fashioned way!

It was Adam's birthday so we went out to dinner at one of his favorite local neighborhood joints, Hello Tacos De Cero. We played the birthday celebration card as an excuse to order way too much food and stuff ourselves silly!

Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

I took the day off work and spent the day scampering around the city in mad holiday-preparation mode. Same workout sentiments as the day before, but even more so since this was my second consecutive day of barre class.

My dear friend Vanitha, who is home for the holidays from Washington DC, came over that night. It was wonderful to catch up with her! I am already scheming when I can go to DC next and get together with her again. =D
Dinner at Greek Islands
(photo by Adam)

After dinner, Adam and I watched Return of the Jedi as quickly as the DVD would play! (Are you noticing a theme here?) I finally accomplished the mission to see Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, and 6 before seeing The Force Awakens. (Folks, in retrospect, this was not an easy challenge. Note to self for next time: PLAN AHEAD.)


I had ambitiously planned to take another barre class. In the end, I opted not to because I was too sore and still had a lot of holiday preparations to complete.

Early on, I was thankful for the rest. Then my muscles started loosening up later in the day, making me wish I had pushed through a class! Nevertheless, I know the rest was helpful.

My parents came in for the holidays. Before Christmas Eve dinner, we all went out to see The Force Awakens. For those of you that have seen it, let me know so we can talk about it. In the meantime, I have to share how much I love BB-8! He is the cutest droid, EVER.

Run 5 miles on the treadmill

First run in 2.5 weeks! I was apprehensive about loss of conditioning, but it was barely noticeable. I am guessing the effects would be more pronounced at longer distances? Either way, the run felt strong. For the first time in a long time, I remembered why I love being a runner. I'm still not ready to jump in feet-first with race-planning or setting new running goals, but I am starting to feel like my old self again.

My family and I did our traditional Christmas Day dinner in Chinatown. The neighborhood was packed, as always.

Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

After so much holiday eating the day before, it felt really good to get back into the studio. I started feeling improvements in strength, which was so motivating. There's nothing I love more than seeing results!

Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

At this point, two consecutive days of barre is still all I can handle - but the post-workout soreness is definitely getting less pronounced. Woo hoo!

My book club gathered for a holiday potluck brunch and book exchange, which was a lot of fun. Thanks to Amy G. for hosting! I've got so many new books to read and don't know where to start!
Brunch, glorious brunch!

My outlook for this week:
More barre classes, trying to get back on track with healthy eating habits, resting, getting into the spirit of things on New Year's Eve, and gearing up for my busiest time of year at work.

What about you? How was your week and what are you looking forward to in the new year?

Linking up with HoHo and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.


  1. Wow, sounds like a busy but fun holiday break!

    And - I knew you'd be fine with a minimal rest from running. :-D

    1. Busy and fun is a great way to sum it up! It's amazing how quickly the holidays go by. You spend so much time preparing, then it's over in a jiffy!

      LOL, thanks! I appreciate that you consider 2.5 weeks "minimal rest." =) I know plenty of runners who go crazy if they don't run for more than a week!!!

  2. I am happy you are feeling like your old self, and that you enjoyed Star Wars! :)

    1. Thanks Kim! It's a slow progression and I still have a ways to go before I'm completely back to my runner ways, but at least we're seeing some movement!

  3. You said it was your busy time at work, what do you do? I think I need to watch the previous Star Wars movies before I see this one, too! Glad you got in those workouts! This week has been crazy and I too will be glad to get back in the saddle of a routine! Oh wait no I've got a marathon to run in 2 weeks then it's back to normal...I think! Thanks for linking and have a great New Year!

    1. I work in a corporate accounting role, so year-end is our busiest time of year! How about you? I would definitely recommend seeing the previous Star Wars movies before seeing the new one, since there is a lot of reference to the prior stories. The countdown has begun on your marathon - you must be so excited to cross it off the list!!! I hope you are enjoying your taper. Happy new year to you too, and as always thanks to you and HoHo for hosting!!!!!!

  4. It was so good to see you at the holiday brunch!

    1. Katie, it was so good to see you too!!! I'm looking forward to kicking off the new year with some great book clubs reads!!!

  5. Looks like you got a lot in over the break!

    Looking forward to seeing you at some races this year!

    1. Indeed, I'm feeling like I need a vacation from the holidays this year, LOL! I am sure you can relate to that feeling considering how much you are always packing into your schedule, too. I'm looking forward to seeing you at some races this year, too!!!

  6. So glad to see you enjoying Barre! Remember when we tried it out the first time together last year?! I enjoyed Star Wars too-- saw it on Weds! Here's to keeping up the workout regimen this coming week!! *cheers!*

    1. Thanks Lauren! I very much remember when we went to Pure Barre Bucktown together the first time, plus the great pizza we had at Piece afterwards! That was SO MUCH fun. Remember how we got pelted with that huge snowstorm that day, too? I am glad you enjoyed Star Wars as well! We'll have to add it to the list of catch-up topics to talk about the next time we get together. Cheers to great workouts this week for both of us, indeed!!!

  7. Thanks Karen! I am totally with you on having a hard time reigning things in after the luscious holiday offerings. It's a momentum thing, yes? Once you get rolling, it's hard to stop. =)

  8. You've been staying active so I'm sure that's making a big difference in how your "first" run back felt.

    Jason and I saw The Force Awakens a few days after it came out. I so rarely go to movies in the theater but I'm glad I saw this one. We both really enjoyed it.

    1. I think you're right - staying active in general helps a lot with maintaining conditioning! I think I read somewhere that it takes about 2 weeks of complete inactivity before conditioning losses are really apparent? That seems like a long time but the human body is quite resilient!

      I am glad you and Jason both really enjoyed The Force Awakens! I am curious what he thinks about JJ Abrahms' work compared to George Lucas, et al. I'm the same as you - I almost never go to movie theaters! But this was an AMAZING movie to see on the big screen!

    2. Jason actually hates George Lucas as a director and definitely enjoys Abrahms more. He says you can definitely tell that Abrahms is a huge Star Wars Fan Boy who wanted to do right by the movies' legacy whereas Lucas had a great idea for a story but didn't know how to execute it as a director when he did the prequels.

    3. Ah yes, now I remember Jason and Adam talking about Episodes 4, 5, and 6, and how Jason didn't like Return of the Jedi (the one Lucas directed). Interesting thoughts on the comparative executions! Incidentally, I heard Abrahms was only directing Episode 7 and someone else will be taking over the subsequent releases???

  9. I'm not sure I saw all of the newer movies (4,5,and 6) but had no problem following the story in Force Awakens. I'm bummed about Han Solo. I'm glad you are feeling more like yourself. Sometimes it's good to take a step back. Thanks for linking Emily and Happy New Year!

    1. My mom said the same thing! She said it was very exciting to watch, even if she didn't know all the background details. I am bummed about Han Solo, too. He was such an iconic character! I am glad you are healing so nicely, too! Thanks for co-hosting the link-up, as always, and happy new year to you too!!!

  10. Looks like you had a nice holiday! I'm out for Christmas Break, but it is going by fast as usual. It's so hard to get back to work after time off. Glad you had a good run after taking some time off. Sometimes a little rest does the body good. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

    1. Christmas vacation always goes by so quickly, doesn't it? I hope you are resting and relaxing and recovering from all the craziness of the year. Don't even think about going back to work until the day of. =) Happy New Year to you too!!!

  11. Where do you go for your barre classes? Also, I want to you your book club!

    1. I go to Pure Barre West Loop at 1170 W Madison - it's a 10-minute walk from my home so it is convenient! Would love to have you join the book club - the only caveat being that almost all of the meetings take place on Friday nights in the burbs. BUT - I will be hosting the book club in July, so at the very least please come over for that month!

    2. Oh yeah, Friday nights in the burbs do not work for me. But yes, keep me posted for the one in July. Definitely cannot miss that one.

    3. Yay! We'll be doing Sunday brunch on July 31 and the book is "In The Unlikely Event" by Judy Blume. =)
