
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Training week recap - Dec 28, 2015 - Jan 3, 2016

Let's kick off the new year on the right foot! Here's how things went for me last week:

Run 3.3 miles on treadmill

Why the run ending in a .3 instead of a nice round .0 or .5? Because my YTD mileage at the time was 716.2. This run got me to 719.5.

My intention was to run another 5.5 miles over the next few days so I could end at a nice round 725 for the year. Unfortunately, it didn't end up happening so I ended the year at 719.5. UGH! Had I known, I would have at least gotten myself to 720! Grrrr...

Maybe one of my new year's resolutions should be to let go of my fixation with round numbers???
Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

I'm finding more of my groove with these classes. As I gain more experience, I'm focusing more on perfecting my form. It keeps the classes super challenging. The moves are tough, but the 55 minutes always fly by and I always feel great afterwards.
Rest (with some dancing)

For the first time in two weeks, I felt strong enough that I could have taken three consecutive days of barre class. Maybe at some point I'll try to up my game from 4 classes a week to 5?

Unfortunately, the New Year's Eve class schedule was limited and I didn't get out of the office until after 5:00. Rest day it was. But I had fun on the dance floor later that night!
Stationary bike - 30 minutes

I had to work on New Year's Day (yes, I know you are all overcome with jealousy). I was sleep-deprived so I wasn't feeling my best.

After getting home from the office, I wanted to get in some type of exercise. My criteria: The less concentration or mental focus required, the better.

Stationary bike it is!
Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

Pure Barre class - 55 minutes

I've mentioned before that I find most of my new music by hearing it at fitness classes. Here's my latest musical obsession from barre class:

Folks, Google is scary good. I remembered a few of the lyrics so I entered them into Google. I found the song instantly!

On a related note, I tend to associate music with where I was/what I was doing when I heard it. As luck would have it, my barre instructors seem to like playing this song during thigh/seat work! Life is funny that way, isn't it? =D


Linking up with HoHo and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.


  1. Haha about the even numbers at the end of a workout! I try really hard not to get caught up in that...I have to make myself stop and be done. No matter what it says on the Garmin!

    1. Yeah, I am the type that will run circles around my home just to get myself to an even mileage number. I need to take a page from your book and make myself stop when it's time to stop! But I guess this is a good problem to have, right? LOL

  2. I wish I could dance like Snoopy! Not having a whole number would drive me insane. Yes, I run that little extra piece on any run I need to get to one. I prefer something ending with a 5 or 0 too. It's a sickness. I had to work on the 2nd to catch up all that end of year stuff. Blech. Barre Class seems to be suiting you very well. I may have to try one, or not. LOL. Thanks for linking with us Emily. Happy New Year.

    1. Isn't Snoopy the best dancer? =D Do you think it's because we are both finance/accounting professionals that we like round numbers, too? I feel your pain on all the year-end fun. It's a double-whammy for all of us starting in January since the holidays are over, it's winter, and it's our busy season! Sigh. Thanks for co-hosting the link-up, as always, and happy new year to you too!!!

  3. What a pretty song! I don't hear that type of stuff in my cycling classes, but will add that to my favorites! Happy new year!

    1. Happy new year, Lauren! Glad you like the song! I don't know who picks the music at Pure Barre (e.g. the instructors themselves vs the Pure Barre organization) but they have some great finds! What kind music do they play in cycling classes?

  4. I've never tried Pure Barre, but I heard it's good. I'm all about finishing my runs on an even number. That would drive me crazy too. Congrats on great mileage for the year though.

    1. Pure Barre is intense! It's easy to see why the workouts are effective! The first times I did it, I was sore for DAYS afterwards. It definitely takes some time to get used to i. =) Congratulations to you too on a fantastic year and cheers to 2016 being even better for all of us!!!!

  5. I love Pure Barre! My form was suffering on my runs after vacation, so I got back to strength training. It felt good to be back at it.

    1. I'm learning more and more that form makes an ENORMOUS difference in Pure Barre! When the instructors are always telling us "heavy tailbone" there's a reason behind that. Glad you got back to strength training and are feeling good!!!

  6. Thanks so much Karen! Congratulations to you too on a fantastic year! You really nailed it with all of your amazing races and all your hard work. I hope you are continuing to heal well from your niggles and pains!!! Glad you like the song. =)

  7. I'm with you on the stationary bike when I know I need to get moving a bit but I'm just too drained to do anything else lol

    1. LOL - the stationary bike is awesome for mindless exercise. You just sit and pedal. Don't even have to worry about keeping your balance!!! =D

  8. Thanks Amanda!!! Happy New Year to you too!!! How is your shoulder holding up these days!?!?!?!?

  9. You are kicking but at Barre! I need to try it one of these days!

    It's so crazy how our brains associate music with experience! When something comes on from high school I'm usually cringing. Ha! (Or singing along joyfully).

    Ending on a .5 would bug me too. I got to xx20 on purpose, lol!

    The bike is perfect for doing something easy when you're low on energy!!!

    Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks Kim! Barre consistently kicks my butt, too! LOL, I knew what you meant with the but vs the butt. =) I wish blogger would allow folks to edit their comments, similar to the way your blog does. I've taken advantage of the edit feature many times!!!

      I hear you on the high school songs! That, or the junior high songs that remind me of the awkward dances we used to have at that age, hehe.

      Glad you can relate to the even-number phenomena!!!

      Happy new year to you too! Cheers to 2016 being the best year yet!!!

  10. Funny I used to be pretty bad about always rounding up when running with my Garmin, but now I just let it be. :p I used to get all my new songs when I went to classes at the gym too! But now that I don't go to the gym, I resort to spotify or blogs like yours that list their fav new songs. I like the song! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. Sharon, good for you for being able to let go with the round numbers! I think it's a much freer way of training to go with the flow. =) Spotify is a really great source for new music! I wonder how they put together their recommendations, right? I am glad you like the song. =)

  11. Boo for having to work on New Year's Day. I really needed that day to just recharge and do nothing.
    You did great on your miles this year!

    1. Boo indeed to working on NYD! I am glad you were able to take advantage of the day to recharge and do nothing, especially given you'll be running the Disney races so soon. Thank you and I can't wait to hear how things go this weekend!!!

  12. I used to be similar to you in that I had to end on a "whole" number. But now I don't even look at my Garmin when I run most of the time and, heck, sometimes I let the battery die and don't even wear it! I honestly don't know what clicked in my brain that let me do that, though, so I don't have any advice on how to turn it off. Now, though, I get a bit annoyed when I set out to do 10 reps of a lift and pick too heavy of a weight and can only do like 7!

    Do you have an upright stationary bike in the gym or a recumbant one? We only have a recumbant one and I don't know how I feel about that...

    1. OMG - the thought of going for a run without even wearing a Garmin or other tracking device makes me nervous! Kudos to you for being able to do it! And I'm the same with you on lift reps - I like even numbers there, too! I always do 8, 10, or 12. =)

      We have both upright and recumbant. I prefer the recumbant because it's much less pressure on the tush. =D

  13. I wish they had Pure Barre classes here in France. So many people rave about it and I have never tried it !

    1. Awww, I wish they had Pure Barre classes in France, too! Now I've got an idea for a future business venture... =D

  14. I'm not laughing at you but with you cause I am so OCD about my numbers too! I associate music and where I am a lot too, even smells. Like a certain perfume smells like my grandmother. :) We don't have Pure Barre classes around me but gosh I've heard how challenging they are, so great job with that!!! Appreciate you linking up with us!!

    1. I am glad you understand the compulsion when it comes to the numbers. =D Oh yes, I am with you on the smell association, too and I also have a perfume that reminds me of my grandmother. Funny how that works, eh? Thanks so much and as always, thanks for co-hosting the link-up! I always love reading all the submissions!
