
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Training week recap: Jan 25-31, 2016

Yay for tomorrow being the first day of February! To me, February is winter's light at the end of the tunnel. The month goes by quickly since there so many holidays/fun events. Groundhog's Day, the Super Bowl, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day, President's Day... Before we know it, March will be here and that also means springtime is approaching!

Here's how my training week went:

TUESDAY - Run 3.1 miles, 30 minutes of lifting
WEDNESDAY - Zumba class
THURSDAY - 35 minutes on treadmill (10 minute warmup, followed by 1-2 minute intervals at incline levels 0-5)
FRIDAY - Yoga class, 40 minutes of lifting
SATURDAY - Run 6.5 miles (5.3 miles outside, 1.2 miles of treadmill incline fartleks, levels 0-5)

All in all, it was a solid week.
  • Thank you to all for your thoughts on my Pittsburgh Half Marathon training plan. Per suggestion, I am going to do a slower long run build-up. If/when I'm feeling good, I will try to add in some cycling and speedwork, lift heavier on single-set lifting days, and perhaps do a long run or two above the half marathon distance. Shooting for the moon!
  • On Thursday, I went in to my first hill-training workout apprehensively. I was thinking I'd have to start out at a pretty meager level. Surprisingly, right off the bat I was able to push myself at higher inclines and speeds than originally anticipated. Although, with my background, that's not setting the bar very high (no pun intended). LOL. In any event, I think five weeks of barre work is showing results. Yay!!!
  • Yesterday was my first time adding incline work at the end of a run to mimic the Pittsburgh Half Marathon course. Normally 6.5 miles is no big deal to me, but the addition of those inclines at the finish was very challenging. I was completely wiped out afterwards. Much respect to you folks who run hills all the time. I am very glad to be starting this acclimation process now.
  • On Friday, I went to lift right after work. The gym was nearly empty. It was so nice being able to romp around using any of the equipment I wanted, whenever I wanted. I might have to make this a regular visit time!
  • My company's fitness center is hosting a 6-week strength-training series focused on form, exercise varieties, equipment usage, workout design, etc. Woo hoo! This could not have come at a better time.
  • I dig those workout leggings with the mesh panels in them! I ordered a pair online today and can't wait to try them out.
  • Instagram is my favorite of all the social media platforms. However, I am getting progressively more and more annoyed with the glut of sponsored photos.
  • I heard the Disneyland Half Marathon registration fee starts at $205 this year before processing fees. Wow. I'm thankful to have already completed the Coast to Coast challenge because I don't think I can afford to run any more Disney races in the future.
  • Kingston Mines is awesome. How did it take me so long to check it out? Adam and I went last night with our friends Wenxin and Jason, and it was a blast. There's so much energy!
The legendary Frank Pellegrino at Kingston Mines
Linking up with HoHo and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.


  1. Awesome job on rocking your hill work! Are you missing barre?

    1. Thanks Lauren! I'm missing barre for the cameraderie, empowering environment, and the fun music - but I am NOT missing how sore I would get after the classes! It's nice to mix things up every so often. =)

  2. Great work!

    I cannot believe how expensive those Disney races are. Yet, people are clamoring to run them. So I guess they can charge whatever they want.

    1. Thanks Wendy! Yes, Disney races are still SO popular, despite the super-high registration fees. I've been wondering when they're going to start using a lottery registration system. Heaven knows they'll still sell out even if they charge an arm and a leg!

  3. So ridiculous on the RunDisney races right? I don't know what the prices will be for the other races I was hoping to run Wine and Dine again to make up for my horrible experience two years ago.

    So curious about the leggings with mesh panels.

    1. I found it interesting that Wine and Dine has been a little cheaper than Disneyland in prior years. I would have thought it would be the other way around considering the massive post-race party at Wine and Dine, whereas Disneyland doesn't have one! Crazy, right? If you do run Wine and Dine this year, I hope hope HOPE the weather holds up better!!!

      I got my leggings from Old Navy! Go check them out. =D

  4. Nice training week! I think starting out a bit more conservative (like you did) with the long runs will be a good idea and good for the long term. I think it's really good you were able to incorporate the hills at the end of your LR- the tread is a perfect spot if you don't have any outdoor hills :) yay for a fab training week!

    That's so expensive for a half! I'm glad I got my fix of the money sucking mouse while growing up in Florida- and have no desire to ever do anything Disney related in the future. I can see how folks like those races, but $205 is just wow.

    1. Thanks so much Xaar! You'll notice that many of my training plan tweaks are due to your expertise, of course. =) The suggestion of referencing Hal Higdon's mileage build-up was really good.

      Ah yes, I can imagine you had ample opportunity to enjoy Disney while growing up in Florida! I'm scratching my head at how the Disneyland Half is THAT expensive. Wine and Dine was comparatively cheaper last year and it has a much better post-race party than Disneyland does. But hey, supply and demand, right?

  5. When you put it that way yes Spring is right around the corner, Eeeek, where is the time going?? Great week of workouts for you! I love instagram too but dang what is up with all the sponsored posts?? I could just do with a few but so many? Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Isn't it crazy how quickly the time is going? It's a good thing when it comes to winter. The sponsored posts on Instagram are driving me nuts. It's to the point where I don't even feel like scrolling through my feed sometimes, ugh. Thank you, Tricia! Thanks to you and HoHo for hosting, as always.

  6. You mentioned how great barre class is and how it's helped you. I still can't believe that I have yet to try it. I pretty much just go to classes that my gym has and they don't have that one. I am going to look into it. Happy Half Marathon Training!!

    1. Sadly, my gym doesn't offer barre classes, either, presumably because they aren't physically set up with the barre! So I had to go external to get the classes, too. Please let me know what you think once you do get a chance to try them!!!! Would love to get your take on the experience!

  7. You had a great week of training and killed the hill workout! It would be wonderful to go through a course like your company is offering that would teach form, equipment, etc. in strength training. That sounds like just what I need as a novice. I'm curious to see what the Disney World prices will be. Thanks for linking with us Emily!

    1. Thank you, HoHo! I am very blessed that my company is so generous when it comes to health and well-being! I think it's a good thing you ran Disney when you did, since the prices are only going to keep rising every year!!! Thanks again to you and Tricia for hosting the link-up!

  8. I used to LOVE Friday night workouts!!! It's the best to just let go the week.

    1. Agreed! Plus, you feel really hard-core working out on a Friday night when others are getting ready to go drinking, LOL.

  9. Bravo for finishing up your long run inside on the treadmill. That will build both your strength on this hills and your mental game of bringing the run inside!

    And good plan to double strength on run days/other days so you can have full rest days! :)

    1. Thank you, Kim! Your training suggestions are super helpful. This will hopefully be the first time I ever try running 13 or more in training for a half. I'm excited to see how it helps!!!

  10. Great job on your workouts this week, Emily! Hills are no joke! I live in a very flat, sealevel place so I usually do hill work on a treadmill as well. And yes, it always makes me so tired too! But eventually I find that you get used to it. -C

    1. Thank you so much, Christine! All hail to those of us who live in flat, sea-level locales!!! I am hoping to get used to the incline work sooner rather than later, because right now it certainly feels like quite the uphill battle (pun intended!) =D

  11. Great job with the hill work. I know I'm feeling results from Pure Barre, isn't it wonderful?

    I did see the starting prices for the Disneyland September weekend. Tink will probably be my last rD event for some time. I wondered when they'd hit the $200-mark for the half, and 2016 is it.

    1. Thank you Lesley! YES - there is nothing more encouraging than to see the payoff from all of our hard work at Pure Barre. YAY!!!

      It's a good thing you are running Tink this year! The prices are only going to keep rising, so there is no time like the present!!!

  12. I just found you on IG, too. =) I really do love seeing everyone's photos on Instagram! A picture tells a thousand words, yes? Thank you, I need all the preparation I can get when it comes to hill running since it's been such a weakness for me. Aren't empty gyms the best? SO NICE to be able to spread out!!!

  13. I absolutely cannot FATHOM paying $205 for a HALF - that's more expensive than the Chicago Marathon!! If I'm going to shell out that kind of money for a race, it had better be the best freaking race experience I've ever had. I know Disney organizes good events, but that is crazy talk!

    Friday has been my rest day for years and years, so the idea of working out on a Friday (especially a Friday afternoon!) sounds just terrible to me haha. Though I think I may have to work out this Friday, since I'm not 100% sure I'll have time to work out on Saturday. Alas!

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. Isn't it crazy that Disneyland is more expensive than one of the World Marathon Majors??? Disney certainly does put together an awesome race experience, but I don't know if it's worth $205. Alas, many people will willingly pay it!

      Ahhh, a Friday rest day would be nice! It's a great way to lead into the weekend! But it is nice to mix things up here and there. Gives a different perspective. =) Sounds like you've got a busy day coming up this Saturday, anything fun planned???

  14. Sounds like a good week of training! I like how you look at the month of February! It is a short month and does go by quickly! Uggh I can't believe how expensive Disney races are. I would still like to do one, but it's going to be so darn expensive! Nice that you got the Coast to Coast challenge in! Have a great week!

    1. Thank you, Sharon! We play these mental games to get ourselves through the rough winter here in Chicago. =) Whatever works, yes? I am thinking those that want to run Disney races might have to start looking at charity entries! It might be more worthwhile to raise funds than to outright pay the high registration fee, sadly. I hope you have a great week, too!!!

  15. Thank you so much, Amanda! I am the queen of flatlander, so hills are SO HARD for me, too. I am hoping the first week of hill training is the toughest!

  16. Very solid week indeed! I love how you're taking this Pittsburgh Half by the proverbial horns. Hills when you're tired are no joke! I feel the same way about the sponsored posts on IG. Blech.

    1. Thanks Marcia! It's seriously such a quadruple whammy to do hill-training at the end of a run. I wonder if the Pittsburgh race organizers plotted this on purpose just to make us sweat at the end, right? Grrr on the sponsored IG posts...

  17. I'm an Instagram fan too but I agree, it's so annoying when some people follow and it's obvious they are just trying to sell something.

    1. YES! When someone follows me for "spam" I can always tell when they are going to unfollow within 24 hours, too. Super annoying.

  18. I have to admit, the idea of finishing out my long run on the treadmill is less than appealing :P So kudos to you! I think I've only finished a run on the treadmill the time I was doing speedwork at the track in Arrigo park and Chewie's leash broke. I didn't want to scrap the workout so we came home and I finished my intervals on the 'mill.

    I'm interested to hear what you think of the Old Navy leggings since I clearly love mine :-)

    And that 6 week class at your gym sounds AWESOME! I want to hear all about it.

    1. Thanks Erin! Believe me, I'm not enamored with having to finish the run doing incline work on the treadmill, either! But I'm even less enamored with dying a slow, painful death on race day. GOTTA LOVE NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT, LOL!!!

      That would be really scary to be out running and have Chewie's leash break. I remember you mentioning it when it happened and I am glad you were able to keep the situation under control on the fly!

      Your rave reviews on the Old Navy leggings were a huge booster for me to get my own pair! I looked around and those were by far the most affordable option I saw, too. Win-win!

      We'll definitely have to talk lifting shop the next time we get together. =)

  19. I'm starting to prefer Instagram over Facebook. I find it's easier to attract followers on Instagram. The sponsored ads can be annoying though. Great week of workouts! I'd love to run Disney, but it is so expensive!

    1. Insta is much easier than FB, indeed! It's just fun to look at pictures, no? Thank you for the kind words on my week. I seriously wonder at what point Disney will ever stop raising their race fees, sigh!
