
Friday, March 25, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Good Friday! (Is that redundant?)

Today I am taking a cue from Alexandra, Katie, and many others by sharing a round-up of recent favorites.

Cookie Monster Commercials
Adam and I both busted out laughing when we saw this commercial:
This is an instant classic! Cookie Monster is me in the kitchen, especially when it comes to baking desserts. Kudos to whoever came up with the idea. I am totally going to put that "Time in a Bottle" song on my kitchen playlist, too.

We both think this should have been a Super Bowl Commercial!

And speaking of cookies...

Adventures in Girl Scout Cookies
When Girl Scout cookies go on sale each year, I've long been a captive devotee to Thin Mints. My motto was, "All Thin Mints and only Thin Mints, all the time!"
This year, a mysterious cookie force came over me. This caused me to make a snap decision to try something different. I threw a dart at a Girl Scout cookie dartboard and bought a box of Savannah Smiles. (Description: Crisp, zesty lemon wedge cookies dusted with powdered sugar.)

Hello, my lovelies:
The Savannah Smiles are SO good. I am addicted.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Savannah Smiles are going to give the Thin Mints a run for the money in the future. Ladies and gentlemen, the tide has turned. I am in a world of trouble!

Finnish Hockey Players
I've previously mentioned that through Adam's influence, the Pittsburgh Penguins are my second favorite hockey team behind the Chicago Blackhawks. My favorite Penguin used to be Max Talbot until he left in 2011. Since then I never found a true new favorite Penguin... until now!

Please give a warm blogger welcome to Olli Maatta (Finnish: Olli Määttä - shout out to Pete for nailing those umlauts!):
Would you believe that Olli is only 21 years old, yet dealt with surgery last year to remove a potentially cancerous tumor from his neck? Thankfully he's made a full recovery.

I watched several of Olli's interviews and videos. In my opinion, hockey players are generally very down-to-earth - but Olli is exceptionally genuine and considerate. He strikes me as someone who would make you feel super comfortable from the moment you met him.
Olli recently signed a long-term contract, which makes me really happy. Now I can buy his Penguins jersey with less fear of enacting my jersey curse(If you're keeping score at home, yes, I'm anxiously waiting for the Blackhawks to extend Artemi Panarin's contract...)

It's going to be so much fun to follow Olli in the coming years!
Olli and his bobblehead look-alike. So cute!
The Americans
In my opinion, this is far and away the best show on free television right now. The story is chilling, riveting, and masterfully thought-provoking. There are so many plot lines to think about.
In the interest of avoiding spoilers, I won't go into any story-line specifics here. I'll just say it's been gripping to see what creates motivation.

Who else is watching? If you are, please let me know so we can talk about it. There is A LOT to discuss.

During TV player introductions, Pittsburgh Steelers cornerback Ike Taylor would say he went to Swaggin' University.

Here's an example. Ike comes on around the 12-second mark (note the commentary at the very end, too).

Adam and I were joking about how for our own personal usage, we'd change it from "Swaggin'" to "Snoozin'." =D

Then I randomly came across this video in which Ike explains the credentials for getting into Swaggin' U:

You got it, buddy! Next time, I am going to try washing and folding my clothes with swag.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone! Happy Easter to those who celebrate!

Linking up with MarCynthia, and Courtney for the Friday Five.


  1. I am totally going to spend the day...maybe the whole WEEKEND swaggin!


  2. Replies
    1. YES! Go get 'em, Wendy!!! SWAG those hills!!! =D

  3. Happy Friday! And thanks so much for the shout out :) I love posts like this! And that commercial is so great - I'm like that too!

    1. Happy Friday, Alexandra! Your Friday Favorite posts are always so much fun to read. =) You always keep it nice and diverse, too! The baking time on cookies can be torturously long, yes??? Too bad there is no such thing as "instant" cookies. =D

  4. Go Swagger U! I like how his voice goes up an octave when he says swag. The Cookie Monster commercial is spot on. Jim Croce's song takes be baaaccckkkk.

    1. LOLOLOLOLOL, I giggled at Ike's vocal variety, too! It really adds to the SWAG! factor. =D I think a lot of us can relate to Cookie Monster - kind of like how a watched pot never boils, right? Oh yes, Jim Croce's song takes me way back, too. Sigh!!!

  5. Have a Happy Easter Weekend. Can you believe I did not have one girl scout cookies this season!

    1. Happy Easter Weekend to both of you, too! I am shocked... SHOCKED... that you did not have any Girl Scout Cookies this season. You have incredible willpower!!!

  6. Siri - how much time is left? (13:08) Uggghhhh!!!! *thump, thump, thump*

    I can't help but laugh at that commercial every time. You know we've all been there. The struggle is real!!

    1. LOLOLOLOLOL. I go through that debacle pretty much every time I put something into the oven! Just like Cookie Monster, I've eaten all of my wooden spoons while trying to pass the time. The struggle IS real!!!

  7. I'm addicted to Savannah Smiles too. I tried them for the first time last season and now they're going to be on every order I make.

    1. I am usually very partial to anything chocolate, so this was quite a new step for me to try a non-chocolate cookie and like it so much! I am right there with you - I'll be ordering Savannah Smiles every year from now on!!! I swear there is crack in those cookies...

  8. I have the worst time choosing between Girl Scout cookies. Thin Mints, of course, are always a given, but Tagalongs are great, and I don't mind a good Do-Si-Do, and SAMOAS *heart eyed emoji* My usual solution to the problem is just to buy multiple boxes of everything I want :P

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. AHHHHHH, Bethany! Your solution is PERFECT. Why limit ourselves to just a few types when we can order one (or more) of each??? Not to mention that it goes to a good cause. If that's not justification for buying them all, I don't know what is!!! =P

  9. Ooooh, ooooh, ooh!!! I've had limited exposure to the Samoas but they seem to have quite the rabid following! The Tagalongs sound like they'd be right up my alley. Really, anything with chocolate is an automatic yes. =)

  10. I'm glad you liked writing this post. I REALLY want to get back on the bandwagon and I'm thinking a blog structure/calendar will help. We shall see!

    1. I really want to get back on the bandwagon with blogging, too. I go in spurts where I'm motivated for a few days, but then it all disappears. I tend to lose momentum after taking a few days off from writing. Let me know how you feel after implementing the calendar!!!

  11. That Cookie Monster commercial is awesome! I too wish it had made the Super Bowl cut! :)

    And girl scout cookies? I was once a Girl Scout. Therefore I have tried them all. ProTip: Always stick to the same flavors. If you don't, there can be some real problems in your house. ;)

    1. I have watched the Cookie Monster commercial about 25 times and I still laugh every single time. You too? =)

      I was a Girl Scout back in the day, too! But sadly I didn't get to try all the flavors when I was selling them. I know, I know, what is wrong with me, LOL. Great pro tip on sticking to the same flavors. Consistency is key when it comes to cookies!!! =D

  12. I tried Savannah Smiles for the first time this year and really liked them, too! I normally prefer anything with chocolate and peanut butter but the Girl Scout PB ones are not my favorites. The Savannah Smiles were a nice change!

    1. Chocolate and peanut butter is such a classic combination! While I do like the Girl Scout PB cookies, I agree with you that some of the other Girl Scout cookies wow me a little bit more. The lemony Savannah Smiles are indeed a nice jewel in the mix! I am excited to see what other flavors they come up with to add in the future. =)

  13. That cookie monster commercial is adorable! I agree that it is a SB caliber ad. I did not buy any girl scout cookies this year - didnt know anyone selling them .

    1. Isn't Cookie Monster the cutest? Oh wow - that is both good and bad you didn't know anyone selling the cookies. I was inundated by several folks at the office, plus saw stands set up at grocery stores, restaurants, etc. For me, they were everywhere! Again, good and bad. =)
