
Thursday, March 10, 2016

The ABCs of me

I always enjoy when my fellow bloggers share details about themselves as people! Today I am drawing inspiration from HoHo's awesome ABCs post. I've got my 100 Things About Me page with lots of random tidbits about myself, so I will try not to duplicate anything here.

Accents fascinate me! A friend of mine had an instructional manual on how to speak with different accents, and I am thinking about trying to get my own copy.

Breadman and Bread are the nicknames of my favorite Chicago Blackhawks player, Artemi Panarin. Now I chuckle to myself when I see a Panera Bread restaurant or when someone offers me bread during a meal, etc.

Cinque Terre, Italy, is one of my favorite travel destinations.

Dental floss is something I've started carrying around in my purse. It has already saved my life more times than I can count.

Evonne is my middle name.

Fun is my ideal way of life. I try to have fun all day, every day.
Germaphobe I am not. Since I rarely get sick, I don't worry much about germs.

Helicopters are a mode of transportation I've never experienced. I always take notice of all the Chicago Helicopter Experiences available on Groupon, but have yet to pull the trigger.

Independence is a huge priority to me. I am uncomfortable having to rely on others and I take great pride in being self-sufficient.

JCPenney is where I worked in high school and during my first few years of college.

Knocking on wood is something I do often, since I have experienced the jinx phenomena hundreds of times.

Laughter is the best medicine for me. In tough situations, it's helpful to be able to still find humor.
Mustard, especially dijon mustard, is my favorite cooking ingredient for its incredible versatility. Any time I get low on mustard, it sets off emergency alarm bells in my kitchen!

New York is a city I seriously considered moving to through a prior employer.

Overthinking is something I do easily, especially when I've got too much time on my hands. I'm usually in a better frame of mind when I'm busy (but not too busy).

Psychology is the subject I most enjoyed studying in school, and probably the only subject I would genuinely study on my own accord.

Quads are muscles that are perpetually tight for me, no matter how much I foam roll or stretch.
Reubans are one of my favorite types of sandwich. Sadly, I don't eat them much since they generally aren't very healthy. =(

Saucony Rides are currently my workhorse running shoe.

Three is my favorite number. I think it has the perfect rhythm.

United Airlines is the holder of all of my miles accumulated from years of business travel earlier in my career.

Visual is my style of learning. I'm all about pictures, charts, and color codes as tools.
Wednesday was the day of the week I was born. Yes, I was born on a Hummmmp Day! =)

X is an algebraic expression that I will use in everyday conversation when talking about unknowns. Ironically, algebra was one of my least-favorite subjects in school. I much preferred geometry (being a visual learner, and all).

Yes is something I say often, maybe too often.

Zumba is a fitness breakthrough for me! It's enthralling to get such a great workout while letting loose and tearing it up on the dance floor.

What are some of your ABC's?

Linking up with Amanda's Thinking Out Loud Thursdays.


  1. Fun! I'm with you on the Reuben. Delicious but probably more calories than I need in an entire day! I've never been to Cinque Terre.

    1. I think Reubans and deep dish pizza are the most "effective" methods of calorie replenishment available to any runner. =D

  2. I also have started carrying dental floss in my purse. It reminds me to floss after lunch at work, since I definitely have always been a bad flosser.

    1. I need to be better about brushing and flossing after lunch at work! When I wore braces I was good about it, but that went to the wayside after I got my braces off. =D

  3. Dental floss is like MacGyver gold! Don't let it just be for your teeth - it is super strong and can serve a ton of purposes ... I've even used it to fix my sandals!!

    1. PS - thanks for the idea!

    2. Don't laugh, but I've learned dental floss is great for cutting soft cheese like goat cheese! It really is super useful, yes? Yay for your own ABCs post - love learning all the new tidbits about you!

    3. Not laughing! My grandma used dental floss to cut the giant sheet cake at my cousin's graduation party!!

    4. That's a great idea! The traditional knives create such a mess on the frosting, not to mention crooked lines!!!

  4. I've never had a Reuben! I worked at a breakfast/lunch cafe for a couple summers in college and we served Reubens, and they always grossed me out haha. But more power to you! :P My parents went to Cinque Terre a couple years ago and LOVED it. It looks like such a beautiful place!

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. Reubans are definitely a calorie-intense sandwich that can be super greasy and messy when made in the proper diner style. =D Oooh, how awesome your parents went to Cinque Terre! I've heard the area has gotten so popular that they are now restricting the number of tourists that can visit!

  5. Loved learning more about you! And three is a good number :)

    1. Thanks Alexandra! Power to us that like the number three. =)

  6. I enjoy posts like this! I just recently took my first helicopter ride over the Gulf of Mexico. Awesome!

    1. Thanks for the inspiration on this post, HoHo! I remember reading about your helicopter ride. That sounded awesome!

  7. I've done the helicopter tours twice... with two different companies. Both were good! Totally get that groupon :)

    Have you had the Native Foods Ruben? Not healthy, but delish!

    1. I remember reading about your helicopter tours! Both sounded AMAZING! And your pictures - WOW!!!

      I have not tried the Native Foods Reuban! Will definitely have to give it a try. Sadly they closed the location near my office but maybe we can go together to the location near yours sometime soon????

    2. That stinks that it closed! Yeah, we'll have to meet up at the other one sometime!!!

    3. Looking forward to meeting up this Saturday. =)

  8. I agree and also enjoy reading about bloggers. I love that you enjoy having fun all of the time..I'm the same way. Life is too short not to have fun!

    1. Thanks Hollie! Love it! You and I operate in life with very similar principles. =) Solidarity, my friend!!!!!!

  9. I like Ruben as a name, too! It's got power. =) Between algebra and geometry, I've heard that most folks tend to be better at one or the other depending on if they are right-brained or left-brained! Zumba took me a few classes (and getting to know the same instructor) before I got the hang of it, too. My hamstrings are always super tight, too!!!

  10. This is great! Fun to read! I loved Cinque Terre too! One of my favorite places in Italy, the other Venice!

    1. Thank you so much, Sharon! I always love reading the cute little tidbits about my fellow bloggers. Would love to read all of your ABCs if you ever have time to put an entire post together! Ahhhh, Venice, yes... what a STUNNING city! Also one of my faves in Italy. =)

  11. Thank you so much, Karen! It took some effort to come up with things for some of the letters, as you can tell. =) My grandparents actually came up with the name "Evonne" so my parents used it is my middle name! It sounds like we have a lot in common with our ABCs. Would love to hear more of yours if you ever get the chance to write up an entire listing!!!
