
Thursday, May 26, 2016

Three Things Thursday

1. Introverted, Extroverted, or None of the Above?
I've been seeing a lot of graphics, quizzes, and other social media fun to help you identify as either an introvert or an extrovert. (Of the two, I see a lot more materials depicting introverts.)

My Myers-Briggs personality type is ENFJ, with the "E" standing for extrovert. However, in recent years I've started trending more closely to INFJ, with the "I" obviously standing for introvert.
I've never felt like I fully related to the characteristics associated with either side. While I enjoy solitude, I also enjoy social interaction. I like large social gatherings, but I also like spending time with friends one-on-one or in small groups. Sometimes I proceed cautiously, other times I am spontaneous. I am happy working alone, but working in teams sits well with me, too.

Recently I came across this Forbes article describing "ambiverts" - which are folks that don't identify strongly either way. The article lists 9 signs of ambiverts - and almost every single sign applies to me! My one exception is "Being the center of attention is fun for me, but I don't like it to last." In my case, I do NOT like being the center of attention. At all.

Finally, I have found my place on the "-vert" scale. This realization was like a light bulb going off in my head!!!
2. Walking in Memphis
I want to travel somewhere next month for a weekend and have been searching high and low for the right destination. Some of the candidates: Colorado, Santa Fe, Memphis.

I could talk at length about the considerations for all three - but today I'm going to focus on Memphis.

Cue the obligatory music:
I've heard a lot of folks compare Memphis to New Orleans, which is one of my very favorite cities. Cities along bodies of water are my favorites, and the Mississippi River holds a strong allure to me from all of its storied history. I love cities with great live-music scenes. I've heard a lot about Memphis barbecue, Beale Street, the Peabody Hotel, Graceland, etc., etc., etc. There's so much to see and do!
On a related note, I am on a mission to visit all 50 of the United States, and I've never been to Mississippi. A visit to Memphis would allow me to sojourn across the Tennessee-Mississippi border and cross Mississippi off the list! =D

The catch is that airfare to Memphis is surprisingly high, especially considering the distance is not very far. I can get decent fare if I take horrible flight times (e.g. 10:55 PM on Friday night, 5:50 AM on Sunday), but not much otherwise.

The airfare search continues!

3. Old favorites
I am hosting my book club's meeting in July, and I get to pick the month's book. Here is my selection:
When I was growing up, Judy Blume was one of my favorite authors. After hearing In the Unlikely Event is the first new book she's written for adults in 17 years, I was excited to check it out. I just downloaded a copy from the library onto my Kindle and will start reading this weekend. (By the way, e-readers like Kindles are one of the most wonderful inventions made in recent history!)

There are several movies I watched as a child that I later rewatched as an adult, only to realize how much I didn't understand the first time around. Similarly, reflecting on Judy Blume's works made me want to go back and reread some of her books that I read during my youth. I'm most interested in this one:
Has anyone else read Tiger Eyes? I just read the synopsis, and am already amazed at how much obviously didn't resonate with me during my young age.

Would you describe yourself as an introvert/extrovert/ambivert? Any Memphis aficionados out there? Are there any books you'd like to reread?

Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursdays.


  1. I thought I read all of Judy Blume's books when I was young but I've never heard of Tiger Eyes! Every time I see a girl in my clinic with scoliosis, I think of Deenie! And a girl who gets her period? Are you there God, it's me Margaret. What great books!

    1. I was looking through Judy Blume's entire list of books, and there are a few I didn't know I'd missed, either - like "Here's To You, Rachel Robinson." I totally think about Deenie when I hear about scoliosis! And I still giggle about the little chant that Margaret and her friends used in that book. Such classics!

  2. I've moved a little bit from an I to an E over the years, but Ambivert does make sense! The only sign that really doesn't apply to me is the one about sometimes being skeptical of people. I trust everyone (even though I know I shouldn't always!).

    You need more than a weekend for Colorado, so Memphis is probably a better choice :) We're thinking about Memphis/Nashville for a fall trip, so you'll have to let me know if you go! Flights are pretty cheap in October and November. Terry and I have the 50 state goal as well (I've been to about 30, but together I think we're up to 18 or so) - good idea to squeeze Mississippi in while you're there!

    1. That's very interesting that you've moved more from I to E, whereas I've moved more from E to I! I can definitely see how you've gotten more E. It seems like you've gotten more social over the years since we first met!

      Yeah, you are right, "Colorado" is really a really broad travel term, since there is SO much to see and do all over the state! That's awesome that you and T are thinking about a Tennessee sojourn, too. I'm curious what the contrast is between the two cities. I've been to Nashville for a couple of quick trips, and from what I've seen it's very lively. Will definitely keep you posted if we do end up going to Memphis - and thanks for the tip on the airfare this fall!

      I LOVE the 50-state goal - it's so much fun to plan out the course of action over our lifetimes, yes? =)

  3. I consider myself an introverted extrovert. As I get to know people, I get more comfortable and feel like I can be myself more and more.

    1. I used to debate whether I was an introverted extrovert, or an extroverted introvert! =D If I had to pick one or the other, I'd probably be an extroverted introvert, but it's easy to go either way!

  4. Take the train to Memphis! It's under $200 round trip the City of New Orleans train, which leaves Union Station at around 8:00 every night and gets you to Memphis around 6:00 the next morning. You could sleep through the whole trip and not lose any time in Memphis at all! And on the way home, the train leaves Memphis at 10:40 pm and gets into Chicago at 9 the next day. The train is really comfortable and spacious, too - that's how I got to New Orleans earlier this year, and I absolutely LOVED traveling that way. You should definitely consider it!

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH. Thank you SO much for this suggestion, Bethany - I never even thought about the train! Take that, airport TSA with the 3-hour advance arrivals, hahaha!!! It really is a shame that train travel is not hugely popular in the States because it truly is a terrific way to travel. I LOVE that both trips are overnight and that the train is comfortable and spacious - it sounds like the perfect solution! I'm off to research further details. =D =D =D

  5. In The Unlikely Event is a haunting book!! At first I had a hard time keeping track of the characters, but the book is good! I have never read Tiger Eyes.

    all 50 states? Wow!! that's amazing! Have you considered traveling by train? I'm going to NYC next week, and taking the train... I love the train!

    1. Ahhhh, thank you for the note on the characters, Ana - this is really helpful to know! Maybe I'll take some notes as I'm reading to use as a reference? I'll let you know after I'm done reading so we can talk about it more. =)

      Thanks, Ana - the 50-states goal is something that I hope to accomplish over my lifetime! Still have a bunch left to go. =) I really appreciate the suggestion on the train, too, which is a FANTASTIC idea! Especially given all the issues people are facing in having to go to the airport 3 hours in advance. Who has the time? Much easier to just hop on the train and head out!!! =D

  6. I'm with you about not really fitting into extro or introvert. It totally depends on my mood and how recently I had an extroverted day - I guess I have limited extrovertism (word? haha) and then I fall back to an invert until I can charge back up ha

    1. Moods have a lot to do with -vertism, for sure! I definitely have my intro days and my extro days, and recency is a big factor. It's nice being able to change things up, yes?

  7. I definitely fall more into the introvert category. Once I get to know someone I never shut up but before that I'm more quiet and I don't like attention. I would love to make it to all 50 states as well. I've been to a lot since my family is big on road trips and not flying places, but still need to hit the northwest and northeast. Memphis seems like a fun place. I've driven through but didn't spend much time there.

    1. We definitely have in common the desire to stay OUT of the spotlight! Growing up, I never liked having birthday parties, graduation parties, or anything of the sort since I didn't like being the center of attention. The Northeast is fun to cross off states, because there are so many of them in such close proximity! One weekend I went to visit a friend in Boston, and I knocked out Connecticut one day, New Hampshire and Maine another day, and Rhode Island on a third day. =D

  8. The train to Memphis is sounding like a more and more promising idea!!! I also wish train travel was as convenient here as it is in Europe, too. Too bad we don't have the infrastructure, sigh. Ooooh - the four corners would be awesome! I've actually already been to CO, AZ, and UT, but still need to get to NM (hence was Santa Fe was one of the considerations) and it would be cool to see that part of the geography. Alone time to recharge is so important, I agree!!!

  9. I am more of an introvert but occasionally do enjoy gathering with friends. However, I prefer smaller than larger groups (3-4 people).

    I've never read "Tiger Eyes" either. Maybe I'll pick it up this summer.

    1. I do like smaller groups for better quality interaction! It's hard to have really good conversation at a big party. Let me know if you read Tiger Eyes - would love to hear what you think!
