
Thursday, July 28, 2016

There's more to the story (part deux)

Awhile back, Katie wrote this post sharing extra details for a few of her Instagram photos. I absolutely loved the idea and posted my own rendition. Today I am back with another round of realities behind my Instagram.
Actual caption: Tried the Blackhawks Swap with the Corey Crawford poster. The results were... interesting.
Reality: Let's not kid ourselves, this face swap is just plain awful. Who the heck comes up with the concept, let alone develops the requisite software capabilities??? I know almost nothing about Snapchat so I had to ask Kayla to show me what to do. When Adam saw the photo, I seriously thought he was going to vomit. He turned a very special shade of green.

Actual caption: Southwest Michigan sunset (at Oval Beach in Saugatuck, MI)
Reality: Earlier that evening, Adam and I had waited over an hour for a table at a nearby restaurant. We weren't sure we were going to make it to the beach in time for the sunset. After dinner, we darted to the car, did our best impression of Mario Andretti enroute to the beach, and ran out to get pictures. The sun was under the horizon within mere moments! Three minutes later, we left almost as quickly as we arrived. Why? Because we wanted to get to a local frozen yogurt place before it closed. (Yes, it was quite the action-packed night! ;-P )

Actual caption: Latergram from Giovanni Zucchi's Flavor Your Life master class last week on blending olive oil. (at Quartino Ristorante)
Reality: One of the event photographers asked us to stage this photo. That night was the first time I'd ever met the two ladies I am pictured with. Sadly, I don't remember either of their names. =(

Actual caption: No further words necessary. (on Lake Street)
Reality: This mural is located on a semi-busy intersection right next to the elevated train tracks. I used my phone's self-timer to take the photo. In order to get the right angle, I had to prop my phone along the base of the track's cement pillars. It took about 10 attempts before I got the photo right, and each time I made adjustments I had to run back and forth. I am certain the dozens of cars and pedestrians passing by were considering calling the cops to report me for suspicious activity.

Actual caption: I'll be moving office buildings sometime in 2017. This is one of the river-facing views from my new building. (at 10 S. Wacker)
Reality: I am hoping to remain in my current office building as long as possible. Once I move, I'll lose my free access to the onsite fitness center, cafeteria, and other very nice perks. Normally I'm all about efficiency, but this is one of those very rare instances where I'm hoping the process takes much, MUCH longer than originally anticipated.

Actual caption: Indoor succulent garden workshop. Vanitha, Dina, and I are trying to develop green thumbs! (at Greenstreet Gardens in Alexandria, VA)
Reality: I flew back to Chicago a few hours after the workshop. My terrarium did not accompany me since I wasn't sure how I would get it through airport security, et al. Dina (who also lives in Chicago) ended up bringing both hers and mine back a few days later when she flew home. I subsequently learned she went through an enormous debacle trying to explain the contents to TSA. Mass misunderstandings, confusion, and near-disaster ensued enroute - but somehow Dina made it happen. Thanks for going through all of that, Dina!

Your turn! What additional details would you share from your photos?

Linking up with Amanda's Thinking Out Loud Thursdays.


  1. Based on my photos on Instagram it probably looks like the only thing I do is drink. But I swear I do other stuff. I just don't think anyone wants to see a picture of me sitting on my couch watching West Wing :-)

    Also, I can't imagine trying to get a terrarium through TSA! Way to go, Dina!

    I always wonder how people get such good/fun photos of themselves when they're out running. Now I know :-)

    1. LOL - I think your Instagram photos show you doing a lot of city exploration and spending a lot of time taking care of Chewie. =) I hear you, though, on the image our Instagram accounts might portray of us. Generally I only post on weekends because I'm sure nobody wants to see snapshots of my weeknight routine, either!

      Way to go, Dina, indeed!!!

      Yeah, the self-timer function is fantastic, but it definitely takes a LOT of trial and error. I'm opposed to getting a selfie stick but I can see why people like them. =)

  2. Sorry to hear about losing your onsite fitness center access. This may also be the case for me soon. Let's hope it doesn't happen for quite awhile for both of us! :)

    1. Gah, I hope you don't lose your onsite fitness center, either! Are you also going to be moving offices? Here is hoping the change process for both of us drags on and on and on... =)

    2. Actually, possibly staying in the same building, but different company! Anyway, I don't want to find a gym then have to sign one of those long term gym contracts! :)

    3. I am the same as you, I am hoping to avoid having to find a gym because the contracts are nearly impossible to cancel! Who has the time to deal with that?!?!

    4. The YMCA of Metro Chicago is the gym for you! Both of you!
      - No contracts at all
      - Free to cancel at any time
      - Joining one gym gives you access to all 22 in the city and 'burbs within the YMCA of Metro Chicago network
      - Depending on which gym you join at, the monthly fee is $38-$51/month

      It's still the Y, so it's not Equinox or anything, but they have classes (most of which are free to members), all the equipment you'd expect anywhere else, pools, AND you can feel good about yourself because the YMCA is an organization dedicated to improving the local community, not a greasy, skeevy corporate behemoth like most gyms. Win all the way around!

      (This message brought to you by a former YMCA employee. Hahaha :) )


    5. Thanks Bethany! The one caveat to the YMCA is that there are no locations conveniently located to where I live. =( Otherwise you know I'd be all about the Y!!!

  3. Bummer about the office move! Or, more specifically, the things you'll lose as a result of the office move. The new office location looks gorgeous! Does your new building have any of those amenities?

    Bah! I'm disappointed your terrarium building took place in Virginia! I was hoping it was somewhere around here, because I was going to ask for details and try to go myself! Though I bet if I looked hard enough, I could find a terrarium building workshop somewhere in the city. Your terrarium looks so cool, and I really want to make one for myself now!

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. The new office location is very nice, but my current office is only a block away with much nicer amenities. The new building does have a fitness center, but sadly it's a PAID facility. =( Not to mention that you have to pay EXTRA for things like towels, lockers, laundry, etc., whereas everything is included for free at my current facility. These things all add up!!!

      Ah yes, I have to imagine there are places in Chicago that offer indoor succulent-type workshops. I'll keep an eye out and will let you know if I hear anything! Seeing your green thumb in action, I know you would do really well with a terrarium!!!

  4. I hope it takes FOREVER to move to your new office!

    The mural picture turned out great! But who cares what anybody thought, likely they will never see you again... I apply that philosophy to anybody who sees me running only in a sports bra... i'll never see them again.

    ja ja! I hope your husband had a good laugh at the picture... even after turning green!

    1. Thanks so much, Ana!!! =D

      Glad you liked the mural picture! And you're absolutely right, the odds are pretty slim I'll see any of those people again. That's a terrific way to think about it! Although, go figure that one time I was out running in just a sports bra, and I ran into one of my managers from work. AWKWARD!!!

      Unfortunately, laughing was not one of Adam's reactions. When he saw this post, his first comment was, "Oh god, you're actually posting that picture on your blog?" =D

    2. No way!! you "Ran" into your manager? I would have run the other way and pretend to not see them...

      face swaps are supposed to be weird... I have some really strange ones with my brothers.

    3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, very clever pickup on the word usage, Ana! I like it. =) Unfortunately I was on the Chicago lakefront path when the run-in occurred, which is a wide open space that is not conducive to running away gracefully. Although, I guess it's an awkward situation either way, so at that point what difference does it make, right?

      Would love to see the face swaps you have with your brother!!!

  5. This is a fun post! I do a lot of selfies for IG. In fact, I prefer it because I like to get the right angle and lighting. When other people take my pictures, I'm not always satisfied with them. But I'm pretty sure I look sketchy after multiple takes!

    1. Thanks Wendy! Do you have a selfie stick? How many tries does it usually take for you to get a selfie you like? I'm the same as you, probably 50% of the time when I ask someone else to take the photo, it doesn't come out the way I like it. But I do feel bad asking someone to try taking more than two photo attempts for me! At that point, I just walk away and find someone else, LOL.

  6. Thanks Kelly! Yes, especially when it comes to those horrendous face swap photos, we should never take everything at face value (pun intended =P ). Ah yes, I am also well-versed in the 1,000 outtakes it requires to get a single shot, along with the explosion that usually occurs shortly afterwards. I completely understand, my friend!!! =D

  7. I have been meaning to do one of these posts for awhile! Next week for sure- I haven't done one since Buel is born and there are so many good stories!

    1. Yay! These posts are my favorites and I can't wait to see what you share! Is Buel feeling better now? I hope to see you Sunday!!!

  8. That face swap photo cracks me up! I see those posters all the time and always wonder if anyone actually does it - now I know, and I know the results are not so great haha

    1. LOL - if you have the stomach for it, do a search on Twitter or Instagram for the #BlackhawksSwap hashtag. There are some really, REALLY hideous results!!! =D

  9. Great post! An idea for me to do for my blog. :-)

    1. Thanks Zenaida! Please do, I would absolutely love to see your rendition!!!

  10. Oh goodness, that photo swap is disturbing. I keep meaning to post the one and only that I ever did - it's not quite that awesome, but close :)

    I always feel so strange using my photo timer out in a mostly empty forest preserve (will someone see me? are they going to steal my phone?? are the obnoxious geese going to poop on my phone???) but can't imagine doing it at a busy city intersection! I just assumed Adam or a friend took that for you!

    1. "Disturbing" is a very nice word, LOL. I think vomit-inducing would be more appropriate. =D Oh yes, please do share your face swap!!!! I would love to see it!!!

      I can relate to the weirdness and fears of using the phone timer in a forest preserve! LOL at the obnoxious geese and their "gifts" - you KNOW that they would have perfect aim in those short moments, right? Yeah, I might avoid doing it in public again, especially since crime watches are rising these days. Nobody wants to arouse unnecessary suspicion in broad daylight!!!

  11. LOL - I've long heard that it's best to run with a friend or in a group. Maybe the true rationale behind this is to bypass the difficulties of the phone timer and prop? =D I am impressed by the folks who post on IG every day, too. My life definitely isn't exciting enough on a day-to-day basis to post that frequently! Thank you so much, Karen! Yes, here is hoping the office move dragggggggs out and takes its sweet time. And oh yes, sunset/sunrise pictures are the best - the scenery practically takes the picture for you!!! =)

  12. I can't tell you how many attempts I do with the self timer to get one good run selfie!

    1. Based on my own experience, I can certainly imagine!!! It's much harder than it looks!
