
Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekly recap: August 15-21, 2016

Hi friends! Adam and I got back last night from our weekend trip to Memphis. It was a very enjoyable visit and I have an renewed appreciation for the charms of the south. I will share more details later this week.

In the meantime, I am linking up with HoHo and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.
Here's how the week shook out:
MONDAY - 10 minutes stationary cycling, 45 minutes strength training
TUESDAY - Run 3 miles on treadmill, yoga class
WEDNESDAY - Zumba class, Mobility 101 class
THURSDAY - Strength Max class, Nike Unlimited Chicago Decathlon
FRIDAY - Rest (but lots of walking in Memphis)
SATURDAY - Rest (but lots of walking in Memphis)
SUNDAY - 40 minutes stationary cycling

Notes from the week:
  • The Nike Unlimited Chicago Decathlon last Thursday was a great event. I'll talk about it more in a separate post - but in short, it was a big learning experience while also being extremely challenging, both mentally and physically. My respect for decathletes has skyrocketed a thousand-fold!
  • I am getting increasingly concerned about my hamstrings. They are perpetually tight, even when I'm just walking around, and when I run they really, REALLY make their presence known. Admittedly, I haven't been good about stretching or foam rolling (i.e. other than yoga, I haven't done any focused stretching in weeks, maybe even months!) My lack of stretching has definitely caught up to me with a vengeance. Heck, at this point it has run me over like a bulldozer.
  • One of the fitness instructors at my gym mentioned my hamstring pain is likely due to weak hips. This would make sense, as I have a long history of injuries attributable to weak hips (runner's knee, ITBS, piriformis syndrome, et al). For a long time, I experienced some nasty piriformis pain while running. However, my recent barrage of squats, lunges, and other hip-strengthening work has eliminated the piriformis pain, so I'm not sure where to focus next. I'm wondering if it's really possible for the hip muscles to be that localized?
  • Last week, I underwent a mobility assessment. The diagnosis was that my inner right thigh needs some work. I've definitely neglected doing any lateral leg strengthening. My gym doesn't have an adductor or abductor machine, either, so I don't think about missing it. It's probably time to pull out the fitness bands and start loading up on clamshells and monster walks.

In other randomness...
  • Blackhawks tickets went on sale this morning! I blocked off my calendar in advance, put up my "Do Not Disturb" sign, and armed myself with both of my laptops and my cell phone. I had a few tense minutes there watching the clock tick down - but now everything is set. I'll be going to at least five games this season: October 15 vs Nashville; December 23 vs Colorado; February 26 vs St. Louis; March 1 vs Pittsburgh; and March 12 vs Minnesota. I am excited for hockey season to begin!
  • One of my favorite times of the year is when the weather is on the cusp of summer and fall. That time is now and I love it. I've been out of school for longer than I care to admit, but there is something special about the "back-to-school" atmosphere. You can just feel the collective hope and excitement in the air.
  • I didn't watch much of the Olympics over the weekend, but how cool was it to see Meb Keflezhigi doing push-ups at the marathon finishing line? He is awesome.
    What a legend!!!


  1. You have such awesome sounding classes at your work gym! I can see why you're going to miss it when (if??) you move offices.

    Have you ever done lateral squats with either dumbbells or a barbell? Those will work your inner thighs and your glutes.

    I'm having a weird knee pain recurrence which is SUPER annoying considering how much strength training I do. I think I need to get a sports massage to work out some kinks.

    1. Thanks, Erin! I am very blessed!!!

      Funny you should mention lateral squats, the fitness center posts a "workout of the day" each day for folks to do at their own pace. Last week they had lateral squats listed. So I tried them out - and I definitely need more practice! This will be a good thing to focus on in the coming weeks.

      That is a bummer you are having knee pain!!! I wish you a speedy recovery. Knee aside, I bet a sports massage will do wonders to help you out in general!!!

  2. Wow, you really kept active this week!
    I have weak hips too and at this point I'm not sure what more I can do for it.

    1. I wonder why so many of us runners struggle with weak hips? It seems to be an extremely common issue for all of us, yes? I wish I knew more of what to do with it, too. Sigh...

  3. Welcome back! I hope you had an awesome trip! it looked from Instagram like you did!

    I hope along session of stretching and or yoga help your hammy feel better!

    I read that most of us have hip problems because one of our legs is a tad shorter than the other, and that hip exercises help. I do not know what those are, because I'm not an expert, I just do whatever Roger gives me to work out on.

    Have lots of fun at the Blackhawk games!

    1. Thank you so much, Ana!!! Memphis is a really fun city!!! =) Thank you also for the supportive words regarding the hamstrings!

      Very, very interesting to hear about the leg length discrepancies causing issue. I'd definitely be a prime candidate because my left leg is shorter than my right leg. I know this because when I am out walking in wet conditions, my left pant leg always gets more wet at the bottom than my right one does. Weird, eh? It's so nice that Roger can advise you on what to do to get better!!! I wish I had a helpful resource available to help out so quickly like you do!!!

      Thanks again, Ana!!!

  4. The strength training I have been doing with Becky has really been a game changer--it has really helped with my weak spots. I have been neglecting my hip work and I need to get back at it. I keep saying that but I don't... I have homework to do!

    1. Every week when I read your strength workouts with Becky, I shake my head in amazement. She sounds like an amazing trainer who really knows how to bring out the best in her clients! Your results speak for themselves!!!

  5. Instead of yoga, I've been creating a stretching routine that I can do on my own, every day, during whatever. I'm not doing anything to a yoga DVD or youtube video. I make sure to hit all the poses, but I don't do them as a set routine. I just make sure I stretch.

    1. I used to be really good about stretching every night after dinner while I was watching TV (instead of sitting on the couch). I need to get back into that routine, too. You are right - the most important thing is just to make sure we stretch! Even a little bit is better than nothing!

  6. I'm excited to hear about your trip to Memphis! As for your hips, are you working your gluteus medius at all? (Your side butt). That little baby muscle has been responsible for nearly all of my running injuries. Clamshells and wall slides (laying down on the floor on your right side with you back against the wall, lift your left leg up the wall and return to the start. I tend do to this standing, just lifting my leg - a very easy exercise to do during the day at work! I go into the bathroom, since I work in a cube and don't want people to see me, and do two sets of 15 on each leg, though sometimes I have to break those up into pieces if other people come in while I'm doing them, since I don't want to look ridiculous haha). Working my glute medes is really the #1 thing I have to do, personally, to keep the rest of my legs happy.

    1. Thanks Bethany!!!! Ahhh, it's nice to hear what the official physiological name is for the side butt. =) When I was in PT, I did a lot of clamshells and wall slides, and all kinds of lateral work - so it definitely sounds like it would fit the bill again for my current issues. I love that you take time to do your PT work when you are in the bathroom! What a great idea! We're always being encouraged to get up and be active at least once an hour instead of sitting at our desks, so this is a fabulous way to kill two birds with one stone. I'm going to follow your lead (including stopping if other people come in while I'm doing them). =)

  7. Looking forward to reading about your decathlon and your trip to Memphis! Hope your hamstrings feel better soon. Since I started strength training and yoga, my legs rarely feel tight. Well, except if I've been sitting all day. Come to think about it, they feel tight everyday, but not so tight that they don't loosen up after a few minutes! Loved the Meb push-ups. He is so cool!

    1. Thanks Pete! Do you have an office job where you sit all day long? I do and I definitely can feel the tightness by the end of the day. I am really glad your strength work and yoga has kept the tightness at bay for you. Meb is AWESOME. Can you imagine being able to have that kind of a sense of humor at the finish line of a marathon? Wow!!!

    2. Yes, I do sit all day except when I do my lunch runs and workouts on Mondays and Wednesdays. Those two extra runs per week might be going away soon unless I can figure out a place to shower near work since my in-building health club access may go away soon. Womp!

    3. I hope you can hold on to your in-building health club access as long as humanly possible!!!

  8. Kelly, I am so with you on having to do more non-running activities to be able to run. Between the yoga, weight-lifting, biking, PT exercises, and all kinds of other cross-training, who even has time to run these days, right?!?!?! Very interesting that Meb is doing a 9-day running schedule, I'll have to read that article too. Galen really tore it up out there!!! And we've talked before about going to a visiting stadium and rooting for your own team, versus spewing hatred on the home team. Knowing you, I know you would be very respectful!!!

  9. There is usually a morning around this time when I can literally smell fall during a run. I can't explain it. But, it hasn't happened yet. I'll be giddy with excitement when it does. I'm so glad you got the Blackhawk tickets you wanted. I do hip strengthening exercises but sometimes they bother my groin -- of all things. So frustrating! Why is it always something? Thanks for linking, Emily!

    1. I love the smell of fall! It's that crispness arising in the air! I haven't smelled it yet, either, but I do love when it arises. I have had a history of groin pain arising from all of my injuries, too. My PTs have said everything is interconnected so it's not at all surprising. It is always something, right? Thanks to you and Tricia for hosting, as always!!!

  10. Most all of this you talk about hamstrings and ITBS issues are me to a tee! I don't do enough foam rolling or stretching either, sadly. Yes to fitness bands! They do work wonders so get you some!!
    Memphis is a cool city, we've been a few times, and I think it's about time to make plans for another one soon!

    1. Ahhh, Tricia, your travel adventures are so wide and varied that I am always envious of all the fun you are always having!!! Yes on going back to Memphis. Since it's so close to the Mississippi border, I was actually hoping to get there since I've never been, but didn't have time over the weekend. Next time.

      I wish your hamstrings and ITBS issues a speedy recovery!!! Yay for fitness bands!!!

  11. Jealous of your Blackhawks tickets! But I am also happy for you because I know you are a true fan. :-) I LOVE Meb!!

    1. Thanks Zenaida! FWIW - Blackhawks ticket prices just continue rising year after year. It put quite a dent in my pocketbook to get this year's tickets. =( I always hope the team is good, but this year I really, really hope so considering how pricey the tickets have become!!!

      Meb is AWESOME. Such an inspiration!!!
