
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Oct 17-23 training week recap, race do-over

Quick post today. I've been in scramble mode over the past few days (hence also the delayed nature of this post!) Over the weekend, I had family in town from Maryland, and tomorrow morning, I'm off to visit Vanitha in Alaska. Since I'll be out of the office the rest of the week, I've been trying to get as much done in advance as possible.

Normally I'm pretty organized when it comes to packing and preparing in advance, but last night saw me up at midnight stuffing things into a suitcase (!!!).
Side note:
I'm sure a lot of folks are either sick of hearing about the Chicago Cubs in the World Series starting tonight, or can't hear enough about them. I'm not a diehard fan, but in general I have a knack for being out of town when my teams of interest are late in the playoffs or finals. Sigh.

In short, my best hope is that the Cubs take the series in five. If so, they'd close out in Chicago and I'd be home in time to watch it!
Here are my workouts from the week:
MONDAY - Yoga class, 20 minutes strength work (biceps, triceps, core, lower back, squats)
TUESDAY - 10 minutes stationary cycling, 35 minutes strength work (upper back, shoulders, chest, quads, hamstrings, core)
WEDNESDAY - Zumba class, Mobility 101 class
THURSDAY - Strength Max class
FRIDAY - Yoga class, 3.3 miles of speedwork on the treadmill (warm up 10 minutes, 2:1 tempo/recovery interval ratio at 7.5/3.0 MPH, repeat 8 times)
SATURDAY - 35 minutes stationary cycling

My speedwork surprisingly went very well this week, and I was happy to be able to strength-train on 3 days. It also felt really good to get in a pure cycling workout on Saturday. These days I usually treat the stationary bike just as a warm-up machine, but I might have to revisit using it more consistently.

Switching gears now. This week's Tuesdays on the Run topic asks: "What race do you want a do-over on? Either to train/race differently or to relive the awesome."
Easy answer. I'd want to re-do my one and only marathon, the 2012 Chicago Marathon. Reasons:
  • At the time, I was dealing with various injuries which resulted in horrific groin pain and very wonky hips and knees. Over the past few years, I've done a lot of strength work which has significantly alleviated those issues.
  • I'm at least 12 pounds lighter now than I was back then, quite possibly even more.
  • Experience has taught me a lot more about proper pacing, fueling, and nutrition.
  • At the time, I did minimal cross-training, yoga, or speed/hillwork, and I probably did my long runs at a faster pace than necessary. I feel like I'd know how to train smarter and more effectively now.
  • I am more familiar with the course now and would know better how to tackle it.
  • Running gear continues to improve all around in the marketplace.
What about you? What race(s) would you like to do over and why?

Belatedly linking up with HoHo and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap, and linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.


  1. I'm sorry, I got lost at "CUBS" and couldn't read anymore...

    GO TRIBE!!! :)

  2. Have a fantastic time in Alaska! It's funny all the things you learn throughout the years in racing opposed from where you started.

    1. Thank you so much! Yes - it really is true how much experience comes into play with running and racing. You can hear about things all day long from others, but until you experience them yourself it doesn't always fully resonate!!!

  3. Such an interesting question about what race you'd want to re-do! Personally, if I could capture how I felt when running the Milwaukee Marathon and bottle it that's what I would do. I felt so amazing that day. And I totally agree with you about knowing more AFTER you've run a marathon. I'm continually amazed by people who have a great first marathon. That takes some skill!

    1. Ahhh - I remember you telling me stories about how well that race went for you!!! I wish you could bottle that feeling, too! I am downright jealous of folks who have a great first marathon. Let's not even talk about the folks who BQ on their first try, sigh!!!

  4. Yes!!! Please do join in on the TOTR linkups, it's really fun to read everyone's take on the prompts. The San Diego half marathon sounds amazing but it also sounds like you learned some very valuable lessons! Two half marathons in two weekends - WOW. Just wow.

    Would love if you came to Chicago to run the marathon here!!! Please keep me posted on your long-range plans. =)

    Thanks so much Kelly!!!

  5. Alaska at this time of year? I think I saw parts have gotten snow already, so bundle up!

    1. You know it! Vanitha texted me last night and advised I pack snowboots - and I have! The one good thing about Chicago's brutal winter is that it prepares you to travel in Alaska 😎

  6. Thank so much, Karen! Yes - a few pounds really makes a difference, especially over the course of several hours! And what do they say, experience is what we get when we didn't get what we wanted? LOL. I do think I will run another marathon someday, just not for a little while. :-)

  7. I'm not very much into sports, but Go Cubs!!

    Have fun in Alaska!! How cool!!

    Do you think you will run the Chicago Marathon again ? or do you have plans on another race?

    1. Go Cubs! Thank you, Ana! Literally it's cool - temperatures here in Anchorage are already extremely winter-like and there is snow on the ground!

      I'd love to run the Chicago Marathon again someday, but the registration lottery is making it tougher and tougher to get in. =( This is further motivation to run, say, the Honolulu Marathon which has no caps on registration and no course limits. =D

  8. I'm not a big baseball fan, but I'm so so so excited for the Cubs!!! Excited enough to apparently purchase a last minute flight home just so I can hang out and soak in all the excitement in the city, regardless of what happens. But ugh, yesterday's game broke my heart a bit. Today is OURS!

    1. Game 2 was ours indeed!!! You are going to have such a great weekend soaking up the atmosphere in town - the entire city is as fired up as I've ever seen it! Travel safe!

  9. Your never too late to link up! Well I guess if it's closed yes but you made it in time! Off to Alaska? How awesome I can't wait to hear about your trip! Safe travels to you!

    1. Thank you so much, Tricia!!! I feel like everyone links up on Sundays now, so when I'm the straggler that comes in on Tuesday, it's like whaaaaaa? LOL. Thanks again!!!

  10. I so hope the Cubs win it in five, especially since they lost on Tuesday, so they can win it all in Chicago! Thank you for scheduling your trip out of town to coincide with the World Series to help the Cubs on their quest to glory not seen on the North Side in 108 years :P Hahaha. Have fun in Alaska! Can't wait to see pictures!

    1. Anytime I can provide my services on being out of town to allow for one of my local teams to go to the championship final, I am more than happy to oblige. =D Here is hoping they can close out the next 3 games and finish this off at home!!!

  11. You have definitely evolved as a runner (in the best way) since I've known you! Does that mean there'll be a Chi Marathon rematch in the future? Have a great time in Alaska and GO CUBS!!!

    1. Thank you so much, Marcia! Many thanks to you and all of our other amazing running blogger friends for helping me continue to learn on an ongoing basis! Go Cubs!!!

  12. I spend so much time mentally packing before a trip that the actual packing is usually a non-event. LOL. I hope you are having fun in Alaska! You should run Chicago again. I'm sure the experience would be different this time around. I think we learn something from every race that helps us for future races. Thanks for linking, Emily!
