
Thursday, December 3, 2015


Here are a few "things of the moment" for me.

Currently looking forward to:
Visiting San Antonio this weekend for the first time! I hear it's a charming colonial city with lots of history. It'll be fun to check out the famed Riverwalk. Ever since I booked this trip several months ago, I've been planning to remember the Alamo. =D

I'll be running the Rock N Roll San Antonio Remix Challenge: a 10K on Saturday and a half marathon on Sunday. There is no better way to explore a city than in your running shoes, yes? My only goals are to enjoy the atmosphere and cross the finish line with a smile (and maybe a race photo body spasm or two).

While in town, I am excited to meet up with Annabelle, who is also running both races. Miles and medals for everyone, yee haw!!! (<== trying to get myself into the Texas spirit!)

Current running-hiatus plan:
Immediately after the conclusion of Rock N Roll San Antonio, I want to take a break from running.

I have a 5-week Pure Barre membership package that I plan to activate next week. My goal is to go to at least 4 barre classes every week. My hips and core could really use the focus.

In addition to barre, I've got some really good momentum going with my twice-weekly lifting routine. I'd love to kick things up a notch. I don't want to overdo things, though, since barre is also a form of strength-training. We'll see how things go.

Currently listening to:
Another song that I picked up from Zumba class (which is where I get most of my new music these days) - "Hey Mama" by David Guetta:

It's the latest addition to my workout playlist. I find myself visualizing the Zumba dance moves every time I hear it!

Currently watching:
In addition to my usual hockey binges, I've gotten hooked on NBC's Blindspot.

It's rare for me to watch network television shows. I wasn't optimistic the show would hold my interest beyond the first few episodes, but I think it's gotten better as the weeks have gone by.

I am also eagerly awaiting the new season of The Americans starting in March.

Side note: Both of these shows jolt me with the sinister implications of their storylines; however, The Americans really terrifies me. After watching, I like to flip to something light (like a cooking show or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) to take off the edge.

Current color obsession:
Notwithstanding Pantone's announcement of rose quartz and serenity as the 2016 colors of the year, I am currently all about emerald green. I was inclined to wear something green every single day this week (but I held back).

I think green is perfect in December. It can be a holiday color, but it stands out a bit amidst the usual sea of holiday red. Plus, it's a pleasant reminder of the lushness of spring and summer (sigh!)

Speaking of spring/summer and things that are green...

Currently NOT planning:
I have a grand total of one race on my calendar next year - the Shamrock Shuffle. Other than that, my 2016 race calendar is completely clean right now. What an amazing feeling!

I've been tempted by a few races offering early-registration discounts (most notably, the CARA Live Grit Lakefront 10), but so far nothing has pushed me over the edge. If this holds true, next year will be an extremely low-volume race year. Quality over quantity, for sure.

Your turn! What "states of the moment" are new with you these days?

Linking up with Amanda's Thinking Out Loud Thursdays.


  1. So cool that you and Annabelle are going to hang out in San Antonio. Should be a good ol' time! :) I'm currently cutting back my running as December is kind of my "off-season". I don't race again until January. I take it you're not doing the F3 again this year?

    1. Thanks Pete! Annabelle is lucky that her parents live in San Antonio - it works out perfectly for her to go home and visit while enjoying the race festivity!

      Enjoy your month of off-season from running! I am not planning on running F3 again this year. Not up for taking the risk that the weather might be really awful that day! (It was such a relief last year when it was comparatively "warm"!) But I know you are going to tear it up at F3, like you do at EVERY race. =D

  2. AH! I was debating the Shamrock Shuffle again for 2016 ... until I realized it is early April and I'd be weeks away from due. Wah-wah, no shuffling for this lady until at least 2017.

    I'm super jealous of your upcoming mini vacation. I hope you have a blast, and look forward to hearing about it!

    1. Bummer that the timing doesn't work out for you on the Shuffle next year - but how exciting that your due date is just a few months away! Now is the time for you to rest up and take really good care of yourself, for sure. Heaven knows there will ALWAYS be plenty of races to run in the future!

      Thank you for the kind words on the San Antonio visit! I am practicing my "y'all" as we speak. =D

  3. I am looking forward to hearing about this Barre plan! I really love The Daley Method- I can't wait to go once I'm back in the swing of things- I start my post partum workout plan next week thank goodness!!!!

    1. I first got hooked on barre through that ClassPass package I won through your giveaway last year! I like the Dailey Method, too. Excited to hear about how your post partum workout plan goes!!!

  4. I'm actually thinking about the Shuffle..but it depends if it fits into my Big Sur training! It would be fun tho!

    San Antonio is a blast!

    1. In my book, Big Sur should definitely take priority over EVERYTHING. That will be the most amazing race, ever!!! Can't wait for you to run it so I can see all your pictures!!!

  5. I love San Antonio!!!! My brother lived there for about 10 years, so it's been one of my favorite places to visit! :) Have an awesome time exploring!

    I think Emerald was the Pantone color a few years back (not that I actually care about that), but it's always been one of my favorites since it's my birthstone.

    So Blindspot gets better? We watched the first 5 or so episodes, but had to stop because the premise is a little ridiculous (I mean really, the FBI is letting this random amnesiac work with them??) and the lead guy's acting was so terrible. But it does get better? Hmmm, I may need to re-add that to the queue.

    1. Thanks Anne! So cool that your bro lived in SA, it's always best to visit a city when you've got a local in the know to show you around.

      You are absolutely right about emerald green being Pantone's color a few years ago! I loved it back then and still love it now. Jewel tones are the best!

      I agree with you that there is some ongoing suspension of reality in Blindspot. Also agree the guy who plays Kurt is not very good. But they've gotten better with character development, which I appreciate. There have been some super unexpected twists and turns in the story, too! Let me know if you do decide to pick it back up so we can talk about it. =D

  6. Have fun this weekend!! Looking forward to hearing about what you think of running in San Antonio. Are you guys staying near the Riverwalk?

    I think you'll really enjoy your running hiatus. Also, I lift 5 days a week so it can be done :-)

    1. Thanks Erin! Will tell you more about SA the next time we catch up. It was a solo trip for me since Adam had some commitments in Chicago this past weekend. I booked one of the official RnR hotels which was conveniently just a few blocks from the Riverwalk and the Alamo. It was nice!

      I am actually worried my running hiatus will become permanent, LOL.

  7. I feel so behind the game on planning my races for 2016. I know I'll do the Shamrock Shuffle, and I plan to do the Chicago Marathon (assuming I get an entry, that is), and I plan to enter both the Marine Corps and NYC lotteries and seeing what happens, but beyond that...I got nothin'. I was quite happy with my racing calendar this year, and I'd really need to follow pretty much the exact same calendar to qualify for CARA's 5+2 Chicago Marathon entry program for 2017...but I really don't want to do the Lakefront 10 with it being SO early :/ And I don't want to do the Chicago Spring 13.1 with it being so late (May 20, I think? That just sounds like it's asking for trouble in the weather department). I guess I'm open to doing Soldier Field, and I'd be open to doing the Chicago Half again...but that's only two of the five races (three if you count the marathon). So I guess I don't really have much of a choice, but I'm also not enthusiastic about keeping my mileage that high for all of 2016...GAH! So many decisions to make :( Maybe I'll just do the Chicago lottery in 2017, or take a charity entry if I don't get in. If I do it this year and next year, I'll have five Chicagos under my belt, so I can forget all this stupid marathon incentive program nonsense.

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. I so feel your pain with all the race planning and scheduling and training! The CARA incentive program is a nice idea, but it definitely requires a commitment! What is up with some of the weird timeframes for some of the classic Chicago races, right? Good luck with the Marine Corps and NYC lotteries - wouldn't it be cool if you got into both the same year?!?!?

    2. Oooh, I could tell you some of the stories I've learned about the race permitting process. It's apparently kind of a free-for-all.

    3. Discussion fodder for our next get-together! I can't wait to hear!!!

  8. San Antonio has a 10k? I'm trying to work up to 10k's, then maybe stick with those. I've lived in Texas for almost 7 years and haven't gotten to San Antonio yet. Bad Texas? Good luck on your races!

    1. Thanks Lesley! Yes, RnR brought their 10K back into the mix this year, which was cool. Over the weekend, they had a 5K, 10K, half marathon, and marathon - so a distance for everyone! Texas is so big that it's completely understandable how anyone might not make it there even after many years!

  9. I love the green! And I was a bit disappointed with pantones pick this year. Oh well.

    1. Jewel tones are the best, aren't they? I was surprised by Pantone's pick this year. I would be curious what their research and decision process is, you too!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Deborah! RnR San Antonio has the benefit of taking place during the holiday season, which just adds to the festivity. =D

  11. Thank you so much, Karen! Agreed, running a race for fun and NOT for time goals is a wonderful experience. I hope your race went well - can't wait to read your recap! Keep smiling, yourself! =D

  12. I'm also signed up for Shamrock Shuffle next year! Oh, and for RnR NOLA and Bayshore Half Marathon.

    1. So exciting! RnR NOLA is going to be AMAZING. It's on my list of races to do some time in the future. I've heard fantastic things about Bayshore, too!!! You've already got such a great calendar of races lined up for 2016!
