
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Thinking Out Loud Thursday

Good morning! I am linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursdays.
1. Hip to be square
Thanks to Amazon's "recommended for you based on your browsing history" feature, I bought this brownie pan a few months ago:
The pan was sitting untouched in my cabinet... until last weekend. Suddenly I was overcome with a brownie hankering so strong it could part the Red Sea. When you have a craving that strong, you don't even bother trying to fight it. As quickly as I could, I whipped up a batch (from scratch, I might add!) I wasn't sure what to expect, but I LOVED the results:
No more disastrous messes from cutting the brownies and having everything stick to the knife. Every piece is the same size. The brownies cook more evenly. This is such a wonderful baking tool!

2. "Take the gun, leave the cannoli."
I don't watch a ton of movies, so there are plenty of classics I've never seen. One of Adam's all-time favorite movies is The Godfather. He quotes lines from it all the time and he does an uncanny impression of Vito Corleone.

I have always shied away from watching The Godfather for two reasons: 1) it's almost 3 hours; and 2) I've heard it contains graphic violence. Last weekend, I finally caved and sat down to watch it with Adam. (It helped a lot to have him there, because I initially had trouble keeping all the characters straight.)
The verdict? I absolutely understand the hype. What an epic story! So many layers, so many complexities, so many subtleties, so many questions of motivation. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino are both spectacular in their roles. The emotions were raw in their authenticity. It's definitely a movie you could watch multiple times to pick up more details over time.

The Godfather II is now in queue for a viewing in the near future.

3. "How can I know that and not know who I am?"
Speaking of movies, I am really looking forward to the new Jason Bourne movie being released next month! Matt Damon is one of my favorite actors and I think the Bourne series is the best of his career.
I rarely watch movies right when they open up in theaters, but this one I want to catch as soon as possible!

On a side note - I think it's funny the new movie takes place in Las Vegas. It reminds me so much of Ocean's Eleven, and Linus Caldwell is the complete opposite of Jason Bourne. =)

4. Groovin'
Here's the latest addition to my workout playlist:
Credit this one to yet another fun routine from my awesome Zumba instructor. I feel like I'm a little old to be rocking out to Justin Timberlake, but the dance number is so catchy!

5. Rocking in Memphis
Remember when I mentioned here that I wanted to visit Memphis? At the Chicago Blues Festival last weekend, Visit Tennessee had a photo stand set up with Memphis's Beale Street as the background. I took advantage (yes, I am wearing a wig):
Check out the animated version here.

Now I want even more badly to get to Memphis so I can see the real thing!

6. It was Olli a Maatta of time
(How do you like that word play on Olli Maatta's name? =D I only wish I could take credit for coming up with it myself!)

Obviously I am late in mentioning it here on the blog, but what a thrill to see the Penguins win their fourth Stanley Cup championship last weekend. Most of all, I couldn't be happier for Olli Maatta. He battled a cancerous thyroid tumor, mumps, multiple shoulder surgeries, kidney bruises, and concussions to get there. Olli is only 21 years old but has already been through more adversity than people twice his age. He is a true champion!

This picture of Olli (#3) and Nick Bonino (#13) is very touching:
7. Party on, Artemi
As happy as I am for the Penguins, I am ready for the Blackhawks to get the Cup back next season. So ready.

I have a LOT of other hockey thoughts to share, but will save those for another time.

In the meantime, it is terrific to see Artemi Panarin enjoying his offseason!
This pose is inspiration for a future race photo body spasm on my part...


  1. I'm glad that if the Hawks couldn't win the cup, the Penguins did. Sigh. That is a catchy tune indeed. Definitely a great Zumba choice! Ha!

    1. If it couldn't be the Hawks, I'm glad it was the Penguins! The worst would have been if it was one of the Hawks rivals like the Blues so thank goodness that didn't happen. I feel teenybopper liking a Justin Timberlake song - too bad it isn't Runfession time right now otherwise I'd include it on my list. =)

  2. Godfather one and two are worth watching, but not three. It was fun going to the Coppola winery last year because part of it is a movie museum, with props from movies and awards he's won.

    1. I've heard a lot of folks share your sentiments about Godfather 1 and 2! It must have been amazing to see the Coppola winery and museum - I didn't realize the Coppola winery was related to the movie producer!!!

  3. I've seen that brownie pan before and thought "who would want to get rid of the center of the massive brownie?!" Apparently you HA. I totally get why it would be great though - but don't you miss the half baked center? Or is that just me? lol

    1. Ahhh - here's the beauty of the pan. You can STILL have the half-baked center - with ALL of the pieces! You just have to adjust the baking time accordingly. So now you have not just one half-baked center, but TWELVE of them! =D =D =D =D =D

  4. oh wow! Congratulations to the Penguins...thanks for that alert, I really had no idea.

    You made brownies from scratch? that is fantastic!! I'm so jealous! send me some!

    I think it's great you sat down and watched the Godfather! it is a great movie! Back in 2003, I sat down and watch all three of them, back to back.

    1. Yes, congratulations to the Penguins! I was reading that the TV ratings for this year's Stanley Cup Finals were low for various reasons (no Canadian teams in the playoffs, two smaller-market teams, et al) but that's another topic for another day.

      I would have loved to send you some brownies but sadly I already ate them all! That is the truth! Next time. =)

      OMG - you watched ALL THREE Godfather movies in one sitting??? That takes some major muscle-watching endurance - especially given how intense the stories are!!! Way to push through!

  5. I'm intrigued by the brownie pan! Do you have to fill each square individually? That seems like too much work for me. I just want to get them in the oven so I can get them in my tummy!

    JT is just so creative with his music! I'm not a huge pop music fan but I do love his new stuff. And his old stuff. And his dance moves.

    1. You do have to fill each square individually, and yes, it took some work. I guess the question is whether you prefer the extra work before baking or after the brownies come out of the oven? Either way, though, I agree about wanting to get the brownies into my tummy ASAP. =D

      JT does have some amazing dance moves! I've grown to appreciate talented dancing once I started taking Zumba classes and realized how hard it is, LOL!

  6. I am equal opportunity brownie eater. I love all brownie parts. =D

    I was curious what the exact release date was for Jason Bourne. When they said "next month" in the promos, I thought maybe over July 4th weekend? Nope - July 29. ARGH!!!!

  7. brownie pan ....yes please!!
    Me too to the new Jason Bourne movie! I love that series!

    1. Brownies all day, every day! =D I can't wait to see what happens in the new Jason Bourne movie, and I'm already wondering if it will leave room for yet another sequel or not, too???

  8. OMG I love Matt Damon. I didn't know a new Jason Bourne movie was coming out. Did you see Mars (or Man on Mars ? I don't know the exact title in English !) It was GREAT.

    1. I did a google search and it sounds like you are referencing The Martian - which I'd never heard of before now! Will have to add it to the must-watch list. =D

  9. Now you're tempting me to try a onder (as in it only does one thing).

    I have to admit I've never seen the Godfather either.

    1. I'm a fan so I would definitely recommend. =)

      If you do have time to see the Godfather, please do let me know what you think!!! It's an investment in time but worth it in my opinion!

  10. That brownie pan is amazing ... But if I owned it, I'd be far too tempted to bake all the time. I'll just enjoy your photos instead. :-)

    1. You've got some great discipline, Natalie! Very impressive!!! =)

  11. I'm glad Panarin is still with the Hawks, for your jersey wearing purposes if nothing else haha. Super bummed out about Teravainen and Bickell, however. Although, honestly, I'm bummed out ANY time the Hawks trade any of their players. I know it's part of the game, but ugh. It makes me so sad :( I'm still not over losing Sharp and Oduya.

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. Thanks, Bethany! I've already declared that if Stan lets Artemi go, I'm not sure how closely I can keep following the team. I can only take so much heartbreak from losing my favorite players, you know? I was really bummed about Teuvo. At some point they have to keep some of their young, talented prospects, right? And YES on how much it sucks to lose ANY of the players to salary cap issues. Couldn't agree with you more. The list is too long for me to even begin lamenting here. =(

  12. I love that brownie pan! I cannot believe you finally watched The Godfather. Awesome movie!! As for Jason Bourne, isn't this like the 5th one in the series? Movies like this just make it drag too much and I could have sworn that Jason Bourne died in a previous movie. I might need to watch and catch up on them this summer. Netflix?

    1. There were three Bourne movies with Matt Damon prior to this one; there was a fourth in the series which Matt Damon was not involved. I don't count that fourth one and have never seen it. Oh yes, Jason Bourne is very much still alive! I am surprised that you think the Bourne movies drag - I think they are incredibly exciting! But hey, everyone has different opinions, right?

    2. Oh, I did not mean to say that the movie itself drags too long but series like this just drag too much. Now that makes sense about the 4th one. I can see why I thought he died. :-)

      Did you ever watch "Lost"? Ugh, I got sucked into it and then stopped watching it because I just wanted them to get off the island.

    3. Gotcha! Yes, I can see why you thought he died based on the fourth movie - that makes total sense. =) Speaking of movie series that drag too much, I am frustrated that the next Star Wars movie isn't coming out until December 2017!!! I'm not even that big of a Star Wars fan but that seems like a crazy long waiting period.

      I've never watched Lost but I hear it is very addictive! It does get frustrating when these elimination shows go on and on and on. I totally relate!
