
Sunday, June 19, 2016

Training week recap: June 13-19, 2016

I hope everyone is having or had a wonderful Father's Day! Earlier today Adam and I went to see my parents and celebrate the holiday honoring my dad. It was heartwarming to see all the families gathering together on a beautiful summer day.
Here are my workouts from the week:
MONDAY - Run 3 miles on treadmill, 20 minutes strength work on biceps, triceps, chest, abs, lower back.
TUESDAY - Yoga class, 15 minutes of leg strength work
WEDNESDAY - Zumba class
THURSDAY - Yoga class
FRIDAY - Run 3 miles on treadmill, 10 minutes strength work on shoulders, chest, upper back
SATURDAY - Run 7 miles
SUNDAY - Run 1 mile on treadmill, 15 minutes of leg strength work

Workout notes:
  • Yesterday, I ran 7 miles to begin my 4-week crash preparation for Rock N Roll Chicago. It was the longest training run I've done since running 6 miles on May 21. I got started too late in the morning, and the weather was already uncomfortably warm. The run was a battle of misery. I'm starting to get apprehensive about what race day might have in store for us, e.g.:
  • I didn't do any speedwork or incline work this week. Since I've done so little running over the last few weeks, I think it's a more urgent priority right now to focus on resolidifying my base. Ideally it wouldn't be one or the other, of course, but at least for the next four weeks it'll be more about running volume. Either way, running motivation remains low.
  • My workhorse running shoes are 25 miles away from retirement. Part of me wants to get them all the way to the finish line, part of me is ready to just move on to new shoes. I have a pair of brand-new Saucony Ride 8 shoes in the box, awaiting their inaugural run. I have resisted taking them out so far because once I do, I will probably not want to wear the old pair any more!
The Saucony Ride 8
  • I am continuing to try to tack on bits and pieces of strength work onto the tail end of other workouts, where possible. This has been a nice change. Psychologically, it's easier knowing I only have a handful of incremental sets to get through, versus the 25+ sets I do in a focused full-body lifting session.
Moving on from exercise talk - it was a very enjoyable week. Let's shift into photo recap mode.

Last Wednesday, Adam and I got together with friends Cheryl, Don, Ravee, Helanne, and Rose. We went to Chinatown and started with dinner at Dolo, then indulged our sweet tooths at Honey Dessert.
Top from L to R: Cheryl, Don, Ravee, Helanne, Rose, me, and Adam
Bottom from L to R: Adam and me with a terra cotta warrior at Dolo;
Cool Chicago-themed decor at Honey Dessert;
Mango coconut bubble tea;
Shave ice with tapioca
On Thursday night, the Windy City Bloggers Collective hosted an event at Blaze Pizza. This event was a huge treat for me! I am a huge fan of their make-your-own-pizza concept with unlimited toppings, so I really loaded it up. Since I'm a deep-dish pizza lover at heart, I basically tried to convert my thin-crust into a quasi-deep dish:
Friday night, Adam and I hosted game night/potluck at our place. It was a laidback night hanging out with Erin, Jason, Margaret, and Vinod. We played a new-to-me game called Castle Panic. It proved to be very strategic and so difficult to beat that some of us were joking it was fundamentally flawed. =D
Notice the castle on the left is going down in flames!
Last night, Adam and I went to watch the Cubs take on the Pirates at Wrigley Field. Here's a pregame shot:
Adam and I saying hello to Harry Caray before the game.
Despite Adam being clad in Pirates garb and me in a Cubs shirt, this is NOT a doom scenario.
The weather was perfect for a night baseball game. It wasn't until just a few weeks ago that I learned Wrigley Field only hosts one or two Saturday night games the entire season! This is a shame, because the atmosphere is really fun.
Left: Check out the beautiful sky contrasts over the ballpark
R: Erik Kratz is nothing if not consistent in his batting averages! He was up to a career 0 for 15 by the end of the night.
As I mentioned above, we celebrated Father's Day with my parents earlier today over a lovely brunch. To close out the weekend tonight, Adam and I are heading to Second City for a comedy show. I will share more details afterwards. How do weekends always go by so quickly???

Your turn! How was your Father's Day and your weekend? Who else slugged through training or races in the summer heat and humidity? What toppings do you like on your pizza?

Linking up with HoHo and Tricia for the Weekly Wrap.


  1. I'm still on the fence about RnR Chicago. I'll see how my runs go this week and decide. My foot is not behaving itself. After 7 months of PF I am ready to be done!

    1. On one hand - I would really love to see you at RnR Chicago, Wendy! But on the other hand, I'm very apprehensive about what the weather might have in store for us that day. I've become so intolerant of the summer heat that I'm starting to consider never running any summer races ever again!!! So on that token, I wish I were in your shoes where I could still think about whether or not to sign up!

  2. The pizza looks delicious! I love going to comedy shows, but don't get to go that often any more. Hope you have fun!

    1. Thank you so much, Sonia! I'm very fortunate that Chicago is blessed with such a great comedy community. I can only imagine what it must be like to be one of those comedy artists with the wealth of resources here!!!

  3. Looks like you've had another fun week. My cousin was actually at that cubs game too. Looked like a great night to be there! I'm so nervous about what the weather will be like for RnR but its not like we can control it so we'll just hope for the best. :)

    1. Thank you so much, Kayla! I was reading your tweets earlier about your brutal run in the heat, even when starting at 7 AM in the morning. It's seriously so hard to train in the summertime. Yes, hoping and praying for decent weather at RnR Chicago! At least it's not a race where there are a lot of expectations to set any PRs, right? How cool that your cousin was at the Cubs game, too! The stands were PACKED. =)

  4. I am the same way with shoes. Once I get a new pair and take them out of the box. My old ones are history. Having game night is always a fun time. I wish I did that more. Cute pic of you two at the baseball game!

    1. Yes, once we get started on a new pair of running shoes, sayonara to the old pair! It's really hard to go back. Game night/potluck combos are my favorite! Great quality time with friends, great food, easy to plan, low cost. Thank you so much!

  5. I always rotate between several pairs of shoes so I am never replacing a pair at the same time. (they are all the same model). It makes it an easier transition when I go from old to new. Baseball games are always fun and how interesting that there are only a few Sat. night games.

    1. I always rotate between several pairs of shoes, too! I've read that it's healthier because it reduces putting too much strain on certain foot muscles at once. That, and I love trying new types of shoes. =) Baseball games are the quintessential summertime activity, yes? They are a treat!

  6. I didn't do anything for Father's day, the whole weekend has been dedicated to packing for our move into a busy! Training in the heat is SO hard, I always struggle but I'm trying to get my body acclimated since it's not going away any time soon!

    1. Oh my goodness - packing and moving into a new house is similar to a whole other job! There is so much time and preparation involved! Hopefully the process is going smoothly for you. Yes, I'm working on the heat acclimation process since we've got several months yet of hot weather left to deal with - but the acclimation is a slow and painful process, yes? Sigh!

  7. I've started wearing brand new sneakers and then didn't want to go back to the older ones. I want a new pair, but I'm holding out specifically because of that. My current Asics are in great condition, and I don't want to give them up too soon.

    1. I have similar challenges where I've got a current pair of running shoes in decent condition, but I just want to shake things up and try something new. It's days like these that I would love to work for a running shoe company so I could try new things all the time. You too? =)

  8. That pizza looks AMAZING! I've looked into joining again Windy City Bloggers but am too lazy to fill out the application again. I was hoping they would have my information on file and I can join that way.

    Oh, and wear your new shoes. Why wait? Use it as a motivation to train for RnR Chicago.

    1. Zenaida, WCBC is totally worth the investment, in my opinion. Yes, it takes some time, but it's opened up so many amazing events for me. I vote you do it! Plus that way, we'll get to hang out more. =)

      I certainly could use motivation to train for RnR Chicago! But the thing is, the new-shoe luster wears off after about a week! So then it's back to the drawing board with the motivation, hahaha. I'm so over running in the summertime heat and humidity - and it's still June! Sigh...

  9. Ugh, I would not wanted to have run yesterday. It was too toasty for that for me! I have a feeling I won't be running outside today, either, seeing as how it's already 87 degrees, and I'm not particularly enthusiastic about the idea of doing speedwork outside in this kind of weather. I also spent almost all of last week on the treadmill, however, so it'll probably be a last-minute decision.

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. The thought of doing speedwork requires me to psych myself up a lot, period, so I'm with you - it would be darned near impossible to gear up for speedwork in this kind of heat. I spend a lot of time on the treadmill these days, too, so I hear you on the toss-up between weather and indoor staring-at-the-clock-on-the-mill. It's really challenging either way!

  10. Nice week! I want that pizza in my life.<3

    1. Thanks so much, Tiffany! I think the world would be a better place if we could all have make-your-own-pizza on demand all day, every day. Do you agree? =)

  11. Way to get that 7 miler done in the heat! Training in the heat is tough, lol what a fitting picture of the ice cream cake melting. Nice shoes! I always try to get as many miles as I can on my running shoes before changing them. Sounds like you had a fun week. That pizza looks delicious and what a great picture of the sky at the baseball game! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks so much, Sharon! I think all of us runners are dealing with the rude adjustment to summertime running these days. It's the one part of summer that I don't enjoy! Speaking of shoes, what are the purple Brooks shoes you were wearing at RnR Seattle? I hope you have a great week, as well, and that you get to relax a bit after all of your travels and family gatherings!!! =)

  12. I totally relate! I started around 8:30 on Saturday morning myself, and it was WAY too hot by then already. It's funny, I have a really tough time dragging myself out of bed on weekday mornings to get to the office, but on weekends I'll often bound out of bed early without an alarm clock. Running in cooler temps can help a lot with the motivation to get up! Ahhhh, Papa Murphy's - YUMMY!!!!!

  13. You had a nice week of workouts. I think you'll do great at RnR. As runners, we tend to think we haven't done enough. My favorite pizza is spinach alfredo with chicken. I've never heard of Castle Panic. I'll have to check that out. We played Left Right Center at our father's day celebration (no strategy required!). Thanks for linking with us Emily!

    1. Thanks HoHo! Spinach alfredo with chicken - YUM. My mouth is seriously watering right now just thinking about it. I've never heard of Left Right Center, so likewise - I will have to check it out, too! Games that don't require strategy are wonderful. =) Thank you so much for co-hosting the linkup, as always!

  14. Oh that pizza looks so delicious!

    I'm sure you will be find for RnR, sluggish runs are part of the training, I think they are the ones that remind you that you can do it.

    It has been a long while since I had bubble tea! well, last time I had it, it was bubble coffee and is was super tasty!

    What a beautiful shot of the stadium!

    1. Thank you, Ana! Sluggish runs are all the rage these days for us runners, yes? The one good part is how terrific we feel once fall arrives and the temperatures cool down. It's an instant boost to our legs!

      Oooh, bubble coffee - that sounds awesome! I've only ever had the smoothies but coffee would be fun.

      Glad you like the shot of Wrigley Field, thanks again!

  15. Nice mileage for the week! Maybe it'll rain for the RnR and cool us all off?!

    1. Thanks Pete! That would be great if it rained BEFORE RnR to cool things off. Strong emphasis on BEFORE. I don't want to be held responsible for my rain jinx messing everything up once the starting gun goes off. =D

    2. Ha, ha! Yes, rain before the race would be preferable, so please tell your jinx to stop at 6:15 (don't want to get wet waiting in the corral)!

    3. I'll do one better and try my best to make it stop by 5:30 AM so folks don't have to travel downtown in the rain. =)

  16. Father's Day weekend was great! No races, but it's hot as blazes out.

    The new Ride is a NICE shoe. You are going to love it.

    1. I hear you - I am starting to think I am going to avoid racing in the summertime altogether in the future!

      YAY - thanks for the feedback on the new Ride, I am super pumped now to try it out!

  17. Thanks so much, Karen! Yes, summertime is ALL about survival. Sadly, I end up working out indoors a lot more than ideal, simply because the heat and humidity is too much. I like going for the flattest routes, period, LOL. YES on pizza! All hail to food lovers and pizza lovers!!! =D

  18. Sounds like you had a fun week! That pizza looks amazing (I'm getting hungry now). It is always tough acclimating to the heat in the summer.

    1. Thanks Vicki! I always get hungry when I see the picture of others' luscious food, too. Here is hoping all of us runners can acclimate to the summer heat quickly!
