
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Drops in the bucket

This week's Tuesdays on the Run topic is "Your running bucket list."

I used to have a never-ending list of races that I wanted to run. Here is a post I wrote last year which named around 20 of my wish-listers.

Fast forward to the present. Over the past few months, I've talked ad nauseum about how I've lost a lot of my enthusiasm for running and racing.
Honestly, right now there are only a handful of races which I would be genuinely very excited to run. They are:

The Honolulu Marathon
Or any race in Hawaii, really, but the Honolulu Marathon is the first one that comes to mind. I'll take any opportunity to visit the islands and enjoy the stunning scenery and aloha spirit. It would be amazing to run a race in that atmosphere.
The Disney Marathon
I love Disney and would always enjoy any opportunity to go to the parks and see Mickey. Admittedly I am shellshocked at how much runDisney registration fees have skyrocketed in the past few years. But I would really love to experience the original Disney race. In my prior Disney races, I've never had the chance to run through the Magic Kingdom. I still hope to do so someday.
Rock N Roll Las Vegas
I am fortunate that I'll get to cross this one off the list next month. It'll be a great experience to run through the Strip at night. If there was ever a race that is the equivalent of one ginormous party, I imagine this would have to be it.

As you can see, the running bucket list only has a few drops in it right now. I know these three races aren't the most out-of-the-box choices, either.

The more adventurous races on my prior list still sound cool to me, of course. However, they are all destination races. Right now I'd prefer vacationing over run-cationing at these destinations. These days my travel bug bites much more strongly than my running bug.

What races are on your bucket list?

Linking up with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run


  1. That picture of RnR Vegas makes me want to run it. Flame thrower start line? Cool! I'd like to run the NYC Marathon again. That is one massive party! The travel bug bites me a lot at well, but I can scratch my running bug every day. Unfortunately, I can only travel a few times a year! :)

    1. Hopefully the RnR LV organizers know what they are doing with the flame throwers, hehe. I hear constant rave reviews on the NYCM, but I am deterred by the logistics and the cost. So true that we can scratch the running bug every day but can only travel a few times a year. Sigh!

  2. There's one race on my bucket list and I'm pretty sure I'll never get to run it...Boston...

    But I've got other races that are kind of back up plans...RnRLV is there...Grandmas's...any of the National Park halfs...

    1. I beg to differ, Wendy! I believe you will make it to Boston - and I also think it will happen much sooner than you think!!!

      Oooooh, the National Park halfs are a great one to add to the list. I've seen some pictures and they are all stunning!

      Big Sur is the one you've done that so many of us still have on our list. =)

  3. I have run both WdW marathon and rnr Las Vegas. Both are great choices!

    1. Ahhhhhh - I am so envious!!! Glad to hear you enjoyed both of them!!!!! What's next on your list!?!?!?!? Disneyland Paris???

  4. RNRVegas will not disappoint! It was a total blast last year. The flames at the start are rad.
    I spectated the Maui half and even that was lovely. I need more Hawaii in my life!

    1. Bummer that you won't be at RnR Las Vegas this year, Marcia!!! I remember reading your recaps from last year and am going to go back and reread them as the race date approaches next month. OMG - how cool would it be to spectate anything in Hawaii? Can you imagine the Ironman series in Kona? We all need more Hawaii in our lives. =)

  5. I enjoy Disney races, but don't do them that often. It really is increasing, and I've noticed fewer character stops on the course. Disneyland is a little better with cost overall because there are so many outside hotels that don't charge Disney prices.

    1. The runDisney races really are getting out of control expensive. I heard one of the 10Ks was already $120. Ouch. That's a bummer if there are fewer character stops on the course, too. Thankfully WDW has a lot of local hotels, too, which are decently priced and not too far of a drive! These days I think the outside hotels are a better value than the Disney resorts.

  6. So interesting to compare your old list to your current list! I don't know if I have a bucket list of races, but I agree running in Hawaii would be amazing. I'd also like to do the Flying Pig half (or full!) some day. I think that's really about it.

    1. LOL - funny how my old list was so lengthy and my current list is barely a list, right? I've heard rave reviews about Flying Pig but have also heard there are some crazy hills there! It would be a great accomplishment to cross that one off the list, for sure!

  7. My bucket list includes Bay to Breakers - which I plan to hit next year. Let the costume planning commence!

    1. OMG - Bay to Breakers!!! I've heard that race is an absolutely trip!!! I am PUMPED to see what kind of costume you pull together for that one. Any preliminary ideas you care to share?!?!?!?!?

    2. I actually have zero ideas right now. I'm so overwhelmed by the opportunity that I don't know which direction to go, lol!

    3. Plenty of time to let the ideas ruminate. =)

  8. Ahhhh, the Disney Princess Half!!! I can imagine it would be an amazing experience, but yeah - the Disney races are getting out of control expensive. It's a good thing you already crossed Princess off your list, it seems the longer we wait the more expensive runDisney becomes!!!

  9. Thanks Kelly!!! I remember you said your brother lives in Vegas so you would have it set up so well if you decide to run RnR Vegas sometime! That is super cool that you ran the WDW Marathon twice. Agreed on the miles in between the parks that can be quiet - I remember thinking the same thing when I ran Wine and Dine. Big Sur was on my original bucket list, too, but these days I am too intimidated by the massive hills!!! Power to you, though. =) =) =)

  10. Yay for RnR Las Vegas!! I will be there too! :) Big Sur is on my bucket list and I would love to do a marathon overseas, just haven't decided on which yet.

    1. Yay for RnR Las Vegas! Let's try to meet up out there!!! Big Sur used to be on my bucket list too but these days I am too intimidated by the hills =) So many overseas choices, yes?

  11. I'm doing Vegas this year!I'm super excited. I've never even been to Vegas before, but I've heard great things about the race, and I'm really looking forward to the trip! Bucket list races for me: definitely Boston (one can dream...), New York, Big Sur...those are the main ones. Though I'm also very open to any destination race, no matter the distance - I really like running in other cities!

    1. WOW - talk about a great way to visit Vegas for the first time! Let's try to meet up out there. =) I've pretty much given up on Boston myself, but I bet you'll be able to qualify at some point! Maybe I can run it when I'm 85? LOL. I hear great things about the NYCM, too, and Big Sur also used to be on my list if it weren't for the terrifying hills. I do enjoy running in other places, too - it's such a great learning experience!

  12. There aren't any races right now that I'm dying to do, but when I see stuff about Big Sur, I often find myself oohing and ahhing. I also wouldn't mind running Wineglass. The medals look amazing! (Although, I'm not sure how a medal made of glass would fare in a move.) I've also considered throwing my hat in the ring for Chicago or Marine Corps. I could let fate decide if I should run them. And I loved Twin Cities so much that I'd do it again! I could go on and no :)

    1. I hear you about Big Sur! If it weren't for those crazy hills, sigh. I've actually never heard of Wineglass so I'm off to research it now! I can imagine with a name like that, it would be awesome. YES on Chicago!!! COME TO CHICAGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet you'd love the MCM, too, with your military background. =D

  13. Boston is one I would love to run but it will be a while since I said no more marathons for me. :-)

    1. Yeah, I'll probably never qualify for Boston so that one is out of the question for me, period. =D
