Monday, November 24, 2014


Motivation has been tough to come by for me as of late. It wasn't so long ago that I would hear about all of these races and I had to fight myself from signing up for every single one of them. I used to get ridiculously excited about adding to my medal collection. I had all kinds of ambitious running goals. It was bad for me to surf any online running stores because I would get so tempted to buy more shoes or gear.

These days, I am the definition of blase when it comes to setting and working towards new running goals.

I don't get the same feeling of achievement after doing any training runs - especially the longer ones. I am nonreactional whenever I hear about new races (I've signed up for exactly zero races in 2015). I have one more race this year, a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. However, I really just want to finish it so I can take a break from what little running I've been doing.

I do still enjoy shopping for running gear. But these days it's more to indulge myself in the eye-popping fashions versus actually wanting to put the gear to good use. Form over substance all the way!!!

The same lack of running drive has permeated my blogging mojo. I have quite a backlog of things that I should write about, most notably my second runnings of both the Carrera de los Muertos and the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon. However, I very nearly DNS'd the Carrera and ended up running it on an grudgingly obligatory basis. Then, the Disney Wine and Dine got zinged by mercilessly torrential rainstorms. In short, I didn't have the best experience at either race. Therefore, I haven't been overly excited to put together recaps.

Adding to the cumbersomeness is that I've been dealing with increasing achiness in my right knee. Over the past few years, my left knee was always the one that stubbornly caused me grief. Two rounds of physical therapy plus lots of stretching and strength work (on both knees) finally got things under control. But now that my right knee is starting to act up, it can only mean that I now need to seek new and different rehabilitative treatment. All I can think is, "Here I go again..."

Cue the great 80s namesake song:

All in all, I'm not sure what my future holds with running. I know there are a zillion ways to get myself back in the running saddle, but none of them sound very appealing right now. Maybe I just need a good solid break and/or off-season from running. Or maybe I'm ready to move in a different direction altogether with health and fitness? Who knows.

This is quite the chipper post, isn't it?

To that end, let's talk about some positive things:
  • First off, I am in Pittsburgh right now and looking forward to a fun week of Thanksgiving festivities here.
  • As part of my Fitness Bingo challenge, I recently tried a "spin and sculpt" class which was crazy intense. I can't believe some folks take spin classes on a regular basis! (I shared these exact thoughts with the instructor after class, and she told me that I'd be one of those folks in no time. I appreciate her confidence in me!)
  • I've gone through a lot of career challenges in my lifetime, but my current employer is by far the best place I've ever worked. I realize it more and more as time passes by.

On another more positive note, I do want to get back on track with blogging more regularly. Yesterday Lauren tagged me in a fun post, which finally inspired me to get off of my keister today. Katie has brought back her Take Time Tuesday series focusing on gratitude. Also, I've seen several instances where folks gave out the "keys to their blog" (credit to Meghan for this term), which I've wanted to emulate.

With that in mind, please share with me any and all questions, topics, areas, etc., that you'd enjoy hearing about from me. I want this to be an ongoing thing, too, and not just today's question of the day. This will also help jumpstart me when I'm at a loss for topics. The floor is and will always be open!


  1. Since it is the running off-season, it's a good time to take a break and not have to stress about up-coming races and focus on other aspects of life. I certainly hope your knee comes around. I have an ankle that flares up now and then and I have to take a week or even a month off until it settles. I guess I'll have to live with that at least twice a year and just enjoy the downtime when it does. That said, I'm glad you're still going to blog and I don't have any questions now, but if I do, I'll let you know! Have fun in Pittsburgh and happy Thanksgiving! :)

    1. You are too kind, Pete. Thanks for your wisdom and your empathy when it comes to these things! I hope that your ankle behaves itself as much as possible. Congratulations on your phenomenal performance at the Lincolnwood Turkey Trot, too! Are you staying in town this week? I wish you a happy Thanksgiving, too!!!

    2. Thanks! Yes, I'm staying in town doing family stuff. I am running the Schaumburg Half on Saturday as well! :)

    3. Good luck at the Schaumburg Half!!! I wish you a great race!!!

  2. I feel like you crawled into my head and wrote this post for me. Just switch knee issues for feet issues, and add some personal emotional issues as well. Mojo is easy to lose and definitely hard to find again.

    To help motivate me as of late, I have dropped a bunch of money on new workout gear. (And you know what wacky stuff I like to wear so ... let's not even talk about substance over form ... or functionality over fashion, as the case may be - ha!) The new stuff makes me look forward to wearing it while working out, so it's helping me a lot mentally. That and the fact that every time I step on the scale, I die a little inside and pledge I NEED to get back in a more regular schedule.

    How about if you give running a break and try a bunch of new stuff like your spin class? The cross training might do your knee some good, and I'd love to hear what kind of neat things they offer in Chicago / what you thought of the workout. I myself have been conned into doing Zumba TWICE in the last week and I have to admit ... shaking my ass for a workout IS kinda fun... :-P

    1. Natalie, that sucks that you are having feet issues. =( As always, I wish you a speedy recovery!

      Yay for new workout gear! Please do share more details and pictures when you get the chance. BTW - I'd never heard of the Lucy brand of fitness apparel until you mentioned your black jacket. Now, I'm noticing the Lucy stuff big-time! I am with you on looking forward to wearing the new stuff. I used to keep crappier workout clothes in my gym locker, but realized it made a big difference to have nicer stuff there instead. And regarding the scale, I just don't step on it when I'm not ready to deal with the number! How's that for an avoidance tactic? LOL

      Taking a break from running sounds great, but the only thing is that I'm fearful of losing all the running fitness that I've worked so hard to build up, you know? But I'm sure the break is more beneficial. I've actually done zumba on three different occasions and I feel horribly uncoordinated so I just don't look at myself in the mirror, haha. But I could see you really having a great time with zumba!!!

  3. Oh wow! I'm feeling the exact same way. I'm running but only minimal and only because I have one more half left this year. My ultra put me over the top. I love not having to run long. I'm trying to do other things. I think it's OK to take a break. You will come back to it if it's something you love!

    1. Amanda, after all the racing you've been doing this fall, you've totally earned yourself a break from running! I've only done half marathons this year, but you did your full and ultra in such a condensed timeframe that I can't even begin to fathom how you must feel. What is your last half of the year? Have you started your barre class membership yet? I bet you are really looking forward to a running offseason!!!

    2. I'm doing the Schaumburg Half Turkey Trot on Saturday. And yup! I've got in 3 weeks so far of barre classes at Pure Barre. The Dailey Method just opened a studio and I went to 2 free classes there over the weekend. I bought a 5 week unlimited pass there to begin using after Pure Barre is up. lol

    3. I wish you a fantastic race this Saturday! That will be a nice event to just let loose and enjoy yourself without having to worry about any goals. That's great that you've been taking advantage of Pure Barre and Dailey Method passes! I personally plan on taking advantage of the new client specials at as many barre studios as I can in the future. =)

  4. It's a good time for a break! Maybe you should set a challenge... e.g. no blogging during December! Just to let yourself off the hook!

    1. Lauren, your motivation with your tri training always blows me away, big-time! I have actually been thinking that maybe it's time to explore swimming and biking more, myself, but haven't been able to get myself over the mental hump. On a related note - I know you've been doing the Pile on the Mile challenge, are you going to do the Runner's World Run Streak challenge again this year, too?

  5. I am right there with you! I'm so not motivated to run in this weather, & anything over 3 miles on a treadmill bores me to tears! I do love this time of year for checking out new fitness classes though. And, if you want to try some more spinning let me know if you ever want to hit up Flywheel! :)

    1. Meghan, I couldn't agree with you more about the boredom-to-tears on a treadmill. When I first started running, my threshold for indoor vs outdoor running was about 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Now, that threshold is up to about 30 degrees, LOL. But treadmill running is not the answer for me!

      I would love to try Flywheel! I've heard so much about it and everyone seems to love it. Which Flywheel location do you go to!?!?

  6. I feel you on running right now- I'm kind of on a break. After my surgery I told myself I would take my time and not force myself. When I want to run, I'll run but for now I'm enjoying mixing it up.

    1. Katie, after your surgery, you were very smart to just take things as they came and listen to your body. Plus, it sounds like your weeks have been so busy with work, including your recent trip to Vegas, that it's better to just be flexible with workout options. Cheers to mixing things up based on what the body feels!!!

  7. It's totally okay to feel this way - you don't have to be gung-ho about running all the time (or any interest, for that matter)! I hope after your race on Thursday, you just run when you feel like it, and have fun with it. Even if that's not for awhile.

    And I hope your knee starts shaping up :( That stinks that the regular exercises are no as effective as they were on the other knee. And really, you'd think that since you've been doing them, it would have been preventative! :(

    Have a fab time in Pittsburgh! :)

    Blog post ideas... I'd like to hear about your work and what you love about it! :)

    1. Appreciate the encouragement, Kim! It's funny, I don't think I've ever heard a time from you when you yourself weren't gung-ho about running. You are always so motivated! What is your secret!?!?!?

      Yes, I am really bummed that the PT work seems to be phasing itself out in terms of effectiveness. Alas, given that the body adapts so quickly to routine movement, I guess it kind of makes sense that it would get used to certain PT exercises after awhile, too. Sigh.

      I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, as well! What are your plans for the week?

      Thanks for the blog post idea! Likewise - I would love to hear more about your work, too!!!

    2. Aww, thanks for your kind words! I felt pretty blah last year when I had the flu! But other than that, I do love running, most of the time. I think it's because it's social for me - I try to run with my girlfriends and we just chat away. ;)

      I hope you can get in to the doc/PT soon to see what you need to be doing! :)

      Thanks! Not many plans! I have Thursday off and we are going to a friend's home! Was thinking about a thanksgiving day race, but I have to do my last 22 that day, so I think I will pass :)

    3. You are so great about keeping running social and using it as a way to stay in touch with friends! Every week when I read your weekly training recaps, I am amazed at how you do almost every run with a friend. Very cool!

      You are planning on running 22 on Thanksgiving Day?!?!? You are a powerhouse. How are you feeling about the Dallas Marathon coming up in just a few weeks!?!?

    4. I feel very lucky that I have a running partner who will meet me at crazy hours of the day to run!

      Ha ha, yes. I thought that would be a good day to burn some extra calories! I feel good about the race and excited! A bit sad training is almost over and it's almost taper time. I hate cutting back my mileage. LOL

  8. I've definitely been feeling the same way about running and blogging lately! Running was such an awesome outlet for me for a while, then I just totally lost motivation and stopped training for anything. And as such, yeah, I don't have a ton to write about. But things like that ebb and flow, I guess.

    I like your idea of taking fitness in a new direction. I'm thinking about getting back into lap swimming if I don't keep up with running all winter (the park district pool is not even a mile away, so why not?). And those spin/sculpt classes are really intense! But the teacher is right, you'll probably get the hang of it pretty quickly :)

    1. Anne, you've been going through so many changes lately that it's completely understandable. Any time I've started a new job, etc., that always takes the top billing in terms of daily focuses until I feel like I've got my feet under me. BTW - I read your RnR Las Vegas recap (just haven't commented yet) and HUGE CONGRATS!!! I am dying to hear more details about your time in Vegas outside of the race, too!

      Ah yes, swimming. For me, swimming has been the only method of working out that comes anywhere close to matching the endorphins that I used to get from a good run. I just get lazy about all the prep work that swimming requires both before and after (I know it's a very sad excuse). But yes, cheers to swimming for all of us!!! I am envious that you have a pool so close to you. =)

      Thank you for the confidence in my spin/sculpt potential. =)

  9. You could sign up for the Live Grit First Timers Corral at the Chicago Tri with me :-) Sprint distance :-) They're putting together swim workouts and have all sorts of fun stuff planned, too. Only like 30 spots left, though...

    Anyway, I TOTALLY understand where you're coming from. This is how I felt in the beginning of 2012 and again this year. Just...not feeling like running. Instead I've started a strength program that takes me about 30-45 minutes per day and is making pretty big changes to my body already. And,yes, I just ran a 10K only about a minute slower than last year on basically no running. So, you won't lose your running fitness as long as you stay active.

    So, since you go to Pittsburgh fairly often, why not tell us about good restaurants, things to see, etc. Or even do that about Chicago! By the way, I highly recommend Kaiser Tiger on Randolph. Definitely check it out!!

    1. OMG, Erin! I read your post about signing up for the Chicago Tri and was so inspired! I think you are going to kick butt in the tri world. So excited to hear about your adventures! I had actually received an email about an indoor triathlon at Lifetime Fitness, for those who were interested in dipping their toes into the water (no pun intended), and was giving it some consideration. I won't kid you, I am very intimidated by open water swimming... but I'm guessing everyone was at some point, right?

      Please share more about your strength program! That is awesome that you are seeing results so quickly. There is no better motivator than that, for sure! I'd heard from some folks that if you have the choice between strength work and cardio, that you should default to strength work as it is more effective. I have definitely experienced that myself, too! Congrats on nailing your 10K, too! I saw Pete's recap with the picture of you, so I'm looking forward to hearing more about the details from your end.

      Intriguing suggestion about sharing a frequent-tourist perspective in Pittsburgh and/or good joints in Chicago! That might actually be good fodder for a guest post from Adam, too, since Pittsburgh is his hometown. And thanks for the tip on Kaiser Tiger. I've passed by it many times and it looks very cool. Sausage, bacon, and beer, right? Perfect for a WRCE member. =)

    2. I'm using the book Thinner, Leaner, Stronger and following one of their custom meal plans, too. I've lost a few pounds but am gaining muscle and strength. I just straight leg deadlifted 95 pounds! Next goal: my body weight.

      The 10K was not as rough as I expected. I mean, clearly I'm slower than my PR times but, hey, you can't PR every race. But, I'm happy that my endurance is still there and I can still run a 9 minute mile for a 10K without putting in any concentrated running time.

  10. Jumping off your reply to Erin's comment -- if you haven't done an indoor tri, I definitely recommend giving one a shot. I did one of FFC's in 2013, and it was a blast! It was a super small event (I won my age group! I...was also the only one in my age group! Haha), but for me it eliminated ALL of the scary/prohibitive parts of triathlons -- namely, the fact that I don't want to swim in Lake Michigan and the fact that I don't have a bike. I also loved that it was done by time (15 minute swim, 20 minute bike, 15 minute run) rather than distance. For me, it was fun to see how far I could go in a certain amount of time versus how quickly I could cover a certain distance. FFC's indoor tris are a little expensive, but maybe Lifetime's are cheaper?

    Honestly, I don't think there's any reason to push yourself to run, or blog, or anything you're doing unprofessionally, just for the sake of doing it. If it's something you *want* to do -- of course! Do it! But if you've lost your mojo, I think it's okay to ride that out. I used to do a LOT of creative writing, but I haven't done anything of substance--or really much of anything at all--in about two years. Sometimes I feel guilty for not writing, but the truth is it just doesn't appeal to me like it used to. Whenever I try to sit down and write something, I get bored, frustrated, and just generally don't enjoy the experience. I'm not under contract with anyone to produce x amount of novels, or short stories, or whatever, so I don't see any reason why I should force myself to write if it just doesn't interest me like it used to. I'd rather spend my time doing things that do hold my interest right now instead. So if you need to take a break, take a break! If you want to come back to it, whether "it" is running or blogging or both, it will always still be there for you.

    1. Bethany! Thank you so much for the very thoughtful comments. It is really great to hear about your indoor tri experience, too! I went back to your event recap and was fascinated by the details. I would have been just like you in that my only real goal would be to not come in last place! With the smaller group of attendees, that would be a real concern for me! =) I agree with you that it's a nice change of pace (no pun intended) to be focused on how far you can go in X amount of time, versus how quickly you can cover X distance. I've actually seen some running training programs which are based on time rather than mileage, too. I might have to give one of those a try, too, to help shake things up. In any event, I'm really glad to hear that FFC hosts indoor tris! I'll definitely keep an eye out for FFC's next hosting, since Lifetime's locations are not convenient for me.

      Thanks for sharing your experience with creative writing, and for the perspective that we're not under contract to do any of these things. So true! Hobbies are hobbies for a reason, indeed. On that note, it's times like this that make me realize how tough it must be to be a full-time blogger. I have enough trouble coming up with content on a hobby basis, without worrying about pageviews and sponsors and all that nonsense. Cheers to the FREEDOM of running and blogging only when and if the inspiration hits!!!

  11. I completely understand your current mixed feelings towards running. 2012 was my running year...I participated in something like 9 races I think? But last year and especially this year weren't nearly as running-focused as 2012. I think what it comes down to is making sure that your attitude towards running remains positive, because the moment you start dreading it you are at risk for losing the habit for a long time (who wants to do something they hate?)

    Anyway, I hope your knee feels better and I hope to see you pop up on my newsfeed more often (but only if you want to :) )!

