Thursday, January 8, 2015


Currently feeling: Cautiously optimistic. I'm in the initial stages of my busiest time of the year at work. Knock on wood, things have been going smoothly. This is my second go-around in this role, and my experience from last year has been a gargantuan help. Praying that the smoothness continues!

Currently nervous about: The F^3 Half Marathon on January 24. Given the subzero temps we've been having in Chicago this past week, I am terrified for what race day might bring.

This picture was on the front page of the Chicago Tribune website this morning.

My training has been subpar, too. I only ran about 40 miles TOTAL in December. Almost all of those miles took place during the first half of the month, since I was participating in the Nike "Choose Your Winter" Challenge. My last double-digit run was on December 14.

Call me a wimp, but I am already contemplating whether I really have the chutzpah to do this race.

Currently listening to: Thisthis, and this. I've heard all three at various fitness classes over the past few weeks. (These days, fitness classes are one of the few opportunities for me to get exposed to new music.)

Current favorite new-to-me food: Cookie butter! Why did it take me so long to try it!?!? I got a jar of Speculoos from Trader Joe's and I am addicted. It's all I can do to not eat the entire thing straight out of the jar using a soup ladle.

I totally get the hype.

Currently looking forward to: So many things! Three upcoming cooking classes (topics: soup, pierogies, and pasta). Three upcoming Blackhawks games at the United Center (opponents: Penguins, Bruins, and Rangers). Running the Shamrock Shuffle this year for the first time. Going to Washington, DC in March to visit family/friends and to run the Rock N Roll DC Half Marathon. Going to Korea in May to visit Helen. The list goes on and on.

Current new product find: Dry shampoo. Another item where I can only ask why it took me so long to try it! In the wintertime, I don't want to shampoo my hair every day since it gets so dried out, but my roots beg to differ. Dry shampoo has been the perfect solution.

Current indulgence: Breyer's Gelato. I warned Adam that he wasn't going to like it, and that I would take one for the team and eat it all myself. If you look in the dictionary under the definition of courageous and sacrificial, you'll see my picture.

Warning: danger ahead.

Current fashion obsession: Scarves, scarves, and more scarves. Can't stop, won't stop.

Current fitness modification: I am always working to contain a case of piriformis syndrome caused by weak hips. Recently, I've been doing a LOT of strength work for my glutes. Despite these efforts, I was mystified to still be experiencing piriformis pain on my left side.

I remembered that my PT had once suggested doing single-leg squats so that one glute didn't compensate for the other. I started trying it a few weeks ago, and BINGO! It is working!

Currently giggling at: This video of Benny the Bull, which went viral earlier this week.

I know it was probably staged, but it still makes me crack up. Tommy Hawk looks like a complete angel by comparison. ;-P


  1. Which Penguins game are you going to? We are taking the whole family 2/15 - was our big gift to the kids this Christmas :)

    Does cookie butter taste like Biscoff spread? TUM!

    I am being a giant weather wimp right now. I don't blame you for being scared. But you never know - it could be awesome that day!

    1. Bobbi, YAY!!! Adam and I will be there on 2/15, too!!! (He'll be wearing a Penguins jersey and I'll be wearing a Hawks jersey.) What an AMAZING Christmas gift for your kids!!! We have to meet up at the UC - it'll be so good to see you!!!

      I haven't tried Biscoff spread, but it's now VERY high on the list of things to try ASAP. My guess is that Biscoff and Speculoos taste similar - in which case, YUMMY YUMMY indeed!!!

      Fingers crossed for F^3!!! I really appreciate your optimism!!! And you're right - the weather in Chicago changes so much from day to day that you never know, right?!?!?

  2. You got this race girl! Get to training, bundle up, and do it for fun! Plus, you know other people running it, right?!

    Biscoff is the bomb (pigging backing on what Bobbi said), and it's sold on the Fake Meats site! I actually wanted to try the TJ's cookie butter when all the bloggers were talking about it, but it's not vegan, so I found Biscoff. NOM!

    That is awesome the single leg squats are working! That is such a good workout! :)

    Which dry shampoo are you using? I have been wanting to try it!

    1. I appreciate your confidence in me, Kim! Yes - there are a ton of CRBs running, so it'll help to see friendly faces there. Too bad the race organizers aren't hosting a costume contest, otherwise I could go dressed up like the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. =D

      Oh wow, that's great to know that Biscoff is vegan! Now I am even more excited to try Biscoff in the future. I'll have to look more closely at the Speculoos ingredients, too. I am guessing it's got dairy in it?

      Yay for single-side exercises! I think I'm going to try doing single-sides for other things like bicep curls and tricep pushdowns, too. I am very right handed so I am sure that I am compensating all over, not just when doing squats.

      I use Suave Keratin Infusion dry shampoo. It is the most affordable I've seen on the marketplace, by far! If you do try it and/or any other types, please let me know what you think!

    2. Ha ha! You would get a lot of fun comments if you dressed like that!!! :D

      Yeah, probably some silly milk thing (like whey?).

      Ahh, Suave! So I can get it at Tarjayjay? I will let you know what I think! I am doing a lot of doubles so taking two showers a day and I don't think my hair likes (being around) all that water (even though I only wash it once every day or two!).

    3. Yes, I got my bottle at Wal-Mart so I am sure that you can find it at Tarjayjay, too! It's got a pretty potent scent which some folks say is overwhelming, but I think it's okay once you get used to it.

      Rock on with all of your doubles!!! You continue to be the biggest powerhouse, ever!!!!

  3. OMG I love that Benny the Bull video.

    1. I have seriously watched the video about 20 times, how about you? I am ready to bookmark the link and keep on hand for the times that I need a laugh!

  4. Amanda - yes! The single leg squats were super effective for me. Let me know what you think once you do give them a whirl!

    Thanks for the positive, warm thoughts for F^3! Here is hoping. Actually, it's kind of depressing that "much warmer" translates to temps in the 20s, isn't it? But after a week of single-digit temps, the 20s will feel downright balmy!

    Let me know what you think if you do try dry shampoo, too. It has saved me SO much time and effort on so many mornings!

  5. I'm scared to use dry shampoo. I'm worried it will look gross/weird/I don't know! But like you, I like to spread out my hair washes. Can you recommend your brand?

    It's been pretty cold here lately (34 and windy!) but seeing your pics makes me feel downright toasty! Stay warm, my friend.

    1. I use Suave Keratin Infusion dry shampoo. I picked it because it was by far the most affordable on the marketplace (it's only about $3!) I was worried about my hair looking gross or weird, too - but I figured for $3, it wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't like it. What helped me a lot was reading the online product reviews. Folks gave some really helpful tips (e.g., spray from at least 6 inches away, don't use too much or it will cake up). That made a big difference for me!

      34 and windy is no joke! Winter is definitely here EVERYWHERE. How is G-Mo handling the cold? I am sending warm thoughts your way, too - and please stay warm as well!!!

  6. Wow, you're busy over the next few months! Have you ever been to Korea before? My cousin lived there for a couple of years (and met her husband there, aww) and really enjoyed it. I hope you have an awesome time! And how cool that you finally get to run the Shuffle! Glad to hear there's no work conflicts with that this year :)

    I love dry shampoo! I wash my hair twice, maybe 3 times a week, at most during the winter because of it. Which one do you use? I've only ever used Suave - it works really well and is super cheap, so I haven't felt the need to try any others.

    1. I've never been to Korea! I've heard so much about it from those that have been, so I am very excited to experience it for the first time. That's awesome that your cousin enjoyed her time there and met her husband there! Was your cousin working out there? Did she pick up a lot of the language?

      Yay for Shamrock Shuffle! You have a good memory about my work conflicts preventing me from running it in prior years. =) You're running this year again, too, yes? We will definitely have to meet up!!!

      I use Suave, too, and really like it! It is so much more affordable than all the other brands on the marketplace. Seriously, I've seen some brands out there for over $25! Considering that Suave is usually right around $3, I don't plan on trying any others, either!

    2. Yep, she taught ESL while there. She's picked up a fair amount of Korean from her husband (they've known each other for 5 years now, I believe) and I think their daughters will probably learn it too.

      I'll hopefully be doing the Shuffle, but as of right now I have no race plans for 2015! I haven't run in nearly 2 months, so I'm not sure how much running or how many races I'll be doing. But that one usually is on my calendar!

      I saw that you use the Keratin one - that's new to me and I really like it! The smell can be a bit much initially, but I like it and think it works even better than the original. I'm currently on day 3 of a wash because of it :)

    3. Very cool that your cousin picked up so much Korean! Does she go back to Korea often?

      Please keep me posted on your Shuffle plans! The nice thing about Shuffle, from what I hear, is that everyone is out there just to have a good time. So no big deal if you haven't run for a while, yes?

      Yes on the smell of the Keratin. I've learned to make sure the bathroom door is open when I put it on, LOL. Ventilation is definitely key!

  7. You have so many fun things on the schedule, including Shamrock Shuffle. Want to borrow my rainbow costume?! ;-) But seriously, I hope you wear something festive.

    As for F^3, I think you're freaking nuts. I hope you don't freeze your toes off!! (Sorry, I'm not a very good motivator on this one ... maybe because the high here in the last few days has NEVER GOTTEN ABOVE ZERO!!!!!!! BARF!!)

    1. Any chance you'll be making a jaunt down to Chicago to run Shamrock again this year, too!?!?!? Would love to see you!!! Your rainbow costume last year was CLASSIC. I still have yet to wear a costume, ever, so that would be quite a way to get started. =) I need to make a trip up to Minnesota to run with you in your hood, too!

      Yeah, I agree with you, I think I am freaking nuts, too, and am also worried about freezing my toes off (as well as my fingers, ears, nose, arse, etc., etc....) Is it sad that I'm starting to get used to these single-digit or below-zero temps? Last night it was 12 degrees (and snowing) and it actually felt kind of warm by comparison! Sigh...

    2. You totally need to run in MN! Just not right now, though.

      Sadly, I don't think Shamrock is in my cards this year. I'm trying to diversify into new races. But depending on when we do year end this year (we did it on Halloween last year, boo), I might try for Dia de los Muertos in Chicago!!

    3. I've heard amazing things about the Twin Cities Marathon (not to be confused with the Minneapolis Marathon, right?) Maybe someday. It's too bad they don't have a marathon relay option otherwise I'd say let's do it together!

      Ooooh - let me know if you do decide to do the Carrera de los Muertos! You would LOVE all the amazing costumes that folks wear on the course!

    4. YES! TC is nationally known. They have a 10 mile lottery that you should totally throw in for. If you get in, you could stay in our spare bedroom...

    5. Oh wow, I actually didn't realize that the 10-Mile was based on a lotto system! This is good to know. Thank you so much for the hospitality - would love to take you up on that!!! You know you are always welcome to stay in our spare bedroom in Chicago, too!!!

  8. I think Bethany also talked about the cookie butter. And I told myself that I had to get it. Still have not. Sad face.

    1. Zenaida, you must get cookie butter the next time you visit the grocery store!!!!!! I waited for months to try it and now I'm never going back, LOL. Thanks for the reminder about Bethany's cookie butter posting! I went back to read it after you mentioned it. =)

  9. Yay for the F^3 to spice things up this January. My legs are sore from lots of miles, new shoes and running on uneven ice and snow. So, there will be no PR, but most important is that there will be lots of friends to drink a beer with post-race!

    1. Pete, you've been killing it with your new weekly PDR record and your new shoes! WOW! Yes - no expectation of a new PR for any of us, but I am so excited to catch up with you and all the other CRBs there!!! Here's hoping Mother Nature plays nice that day!

    2. Yes, here's hoping the path is clear of ice and too much snow! Looking forward to catching up as well. BTW, Icona Pop? I love it - yet I don't care! :)

    3. NICE, Pete!!! Very clever reference. =D Rock on!!!
