Thursday, June 20, 2013

Big changes, digressions, and a winner

A lot has been going on in my corner of the world these days.

First off, I am starting a new job on Monday!  I am very grateful for this new opportunity and for a fresh start.  The last several months have involved a lot of soul-searching for me, and I am really thankful, as always, for everyone's support throughout the process.  My new office is only about a 10-minute walk from where I live, too!  The much-reduced commute will be awesome.*

I have had the luxury of enjoying a little bit of time off before starting the new work.  It has been very restful and has allowed me to finally take care of a lot of things that were piling up on my personal to-do list.  During this time, I've been logging some good miles in my running shoes.  I've also been watching a LOT of Blackhawks Stanley Cup Finals hockey.

OK, OK, yeah, I would have watched a lot of Blackhawks Stanley Cup Finals hockey regardless of my schedule.  But at least now I don't have to worry about trying to get to bed right after each game ends.  Instead, I can stay up late watching post-game shows and trolling social media outlets for ardent displays of fan loyalty. 

Curious?  Here are a few classics:

While we're at it, check out this video of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra saluting the Blackhawks with a classical rendition of Chelsea Dagger.  Cool, eh?

Anyways, I digress!  All in all, I couldn't be more thankful for this time to regroup and get myself back on track both mentally and physically.

Moving on to other news.  I made a change to my hair yesterday.  Here's the "before" - a representative picture of how I've been wearing my hair for the last several years:

Adam and I at a birthday celebration for the son of my friend Erica.
Photo courtesy of my friend Jenny.

Here is the "after" - a self-portrait that I took last night:

I've worn the bob hairstyle a lot throughout my life and love it, so I decided to go back to it again.  It's a nice cut for the summertime.  (Although, I'm sure it will be weird washing my hair for the first time today post-haircut.  I will probably use too much shampoo and it'll feel like something is missing.)

A few other notes:
  • I am off to Michigan this weekend and will be running the Fenn Valley Winery 5K Frolic in the Vineyards tomorrow night!  This will be my first-ever trail race so we will see how it goes.  I don't think that vineyards are considered very hard-core trail but I am sure that my tripping propensity will still be tested, regardless.

  • I've said before that the 10-miler was my favorite race distance, but I think I'm starting to have a change of heart.  Maybe it's because I'm not training for a marathon this year, so 10 miles feels like a bigger deal now than it used to be?  At this very moment I think I like 10Ks better.
  • Speaking of 10-milers, I just found out that the Toronto 10-Miler will not be taking place in 2013.  That is disappointing, as I was looking forward to adding Ontario to my list of states/provinces raced in.  Hopefully the opportunity will present itself again another time in the future.
  • Incidentally, the Toronto 10-Miler is the third recent race that I'd planned on running but was then cancelled by the race organizers.  The other two include the Rock N Roll Pittsburgh Half Marathon and the 2012 running of the Mad Dash to Madison 5K.  Yikes!  Here is hoping that there will be no more race cancellations after this.

And last but certainly not least:

The winner of the Chicago Half Marathon race entry giveaway is: Amanda from Get To Goal.  Congratulations, Amanda!  Please drop me a line at

Happy Summer Solstice weekend to all!

*Sorry, Maggie, I don't mean to steal your thunder regarding new jobs, much-reduced commutes, and some time off!  But we'll definitely have to do a joint celebration.  =)


  1. Gosh! Now we know not to register for the same races as you - they will get canceled!

    Congrats on the new job! So happy you were able to take some time off to relax, too.

    Love the new "old" (LOL) bob! :)

    1. LOL, reminds me of when Gingerfoxxx said that she curses every race she runs with boiling hot temperatures. =D. Wonder what would happen if she and I both signed up for the same race? Which of our tendencies would dominate?!?!

      Thank you for the kind words on the new job and the new hair!!! I am super excited to meet up with you during lunchtime soon!!!!

  2. What!?!? Awesome! Thanks!!! Sending you and email now!

    1. Woohoo!!! Congrats again, Amanda! Let me know if you have any issue with registration. Look forward to seeing you at the festivities!!!!!

  3. Congrats on your new job! Your do is fabulous!

    1. Thanks so much, Marcia!!! It'll be interesting to see how the hair holds up when I try to do it myself versus when my hairdresser does it, LOL. ;-)

  4. Congrats on the new job! 10 minute commute?!! AWESOME!!
    Love the new haircut! have fun at the vineyard run!

    1. Thank you so much, Declan! Will let you all know how the vineyard run goes. First-time trail running mixed with post-race wine can make for an interesting combination, LOL.

  5. Congratulations!! I'm starting a new job on Monday too! I took this week off, thinking it would be restful, but instead I've been busy settling into our new apartment. Also your hair looks super cute!

    1. Thanks so much, Maggie, and huge congrats to you too on your new work AND your new place in the city! It is a good thing you had the week off because moving really takes a TON of time and effort. Yay for new beginnings and shorter commutes for both of us! And can't wait for blogger lunches and post-work get-togethers. =D

  6. Congrats on the new job!!!! Hope it goes well. Its definitely nice to take a week off between the two jobs just to get refreshed a little bit. Hair = super cute! Thats so sad that all your races are getting cancelled :(

    So glad the hawks won the game last night!! Hopefully they can find 2 more wins in them :)

    1. Thanks, Kayla! It is amazing how quickly the time goes by when you are not working (it's actually kind of addicting to not work, LOL). I am excited to hear more details on how you are settling into your new place and work, too!

      I was SO RELIEVED when the Hawks won last night. That victory was pivotal! Praying and praying and praying that they can win two more. GO HAWKS!!!

    2. If I EVER get my place cleaned up and everything put away..I will post pics lol. Since I have been mainly focusing on studying its been a slow process. I'll hopefully only work part time until boards since I have my "training days" almost finished which will be nice even though that extra time will be filled with studying.

  7. Congrats on the new gig! I'd be more envious of your commute if I wasn't currently working from my couch :)

    I love your new 'do! I've had a bob for a few years now too (well, not right now - I haven't actually cut my hair since the end of last year!) and I love it.

    And I think you need a Hawks-themed vow renewal :)

    1. Anne!!! Congratulations on your first half marathon this past weekend! I'm majorly behind on blogging so I'll post a proper congratulatory message on your blog shortly. =)

      Yay for bobs! So timeless and classic - love them!!!

      A Hawks-themed vow renewal would be AWESOME... although Adam would want to weave the Penguins in there too. Maybe a Hawks-Pens combo theme? =D

  8. New job! Exciting! The first day on a new job always gets me a little anxious. (I want to make a good impression!) I hope that your first day is anxious-free and fabulous!

    Love the haircut, too! Great look for summer!

    1. Oh my gosh, I was a bundle of nerves (and still am) about getting acclimated at the new job. As great as the fresh start is, I definitely agree that it can be nerve-wracking to do your best to make a good impression!!! Yay for both of us getting new jobs this summer!!! =D

  9. Em, I love the new hairstyle...bummer that the 10miler got cancelled but hopefully it will resurface another time, Enjoy your summer girlie! Congrats on the new job!

    Shannon at I Survived and Now I Run

    1. Thanks, Shannon! Your hair looks gorgeous in your profile picture, too. =) Happy summer to you too and I can't wait to hear how your half-marathon training continues to progress!!!

  10. Congrats on the new job! I am jealous of the 10 minute commute. That is simply the ideal job. And I LOVE, LOVE your new haircut. Just perfect for the hot summer. Makes me want to cut mine too.

    Go Blackhawks!

    1. Thanks, Zenaida! Summertime is the best time to get a haircut - it makes you feel so free, especially when the summer breeze blows your shorter hair around, LOL. You definitely save on shampoo usage, too, hehe. I say GO FOR THE SHORTER HAIR!!!



    Your new 'do looks fantastic!

    Hope the trail run was fun (and didnt get cancelled. Hahaha)

    You have some bad luck with races being cancelled.

    I hope your first week of work has been amazing!!!!!

    1. YAY BLACKHAWKS!!!!! Are you going to the parade tomorrow!?!?!? I'll be watching along the parade route near my new office, but sadly I won't be able to attend the rally at Hutchinson Field. =(

      My gosh, trail races are REALLY HARD (and it didn't get cancelled ;) ). I had NO IDEA how difficult they are. I have so much more respect now for trail runners and cross country runners!!!

      Will have to find a time to catch up in the next few weeks!!! We have some July birthdays to celebrate together, no? =D
