Monday, February 1, 2016


I'm going to do double-duty today and link up both with Marcia's Runfessions, and with MarciaPatti, and Erika for Tuesdays on the Run.

I runfess...
I got an ugly blood blister on my foot several weeks ago after wearing an incompatible combination of running shoes and socks. I'll spare you the details and pictures, but trust me, the aftermath is not pretty. 

Normally when I get a blood blister, it goes away within a few days. Unfortunately, this one left a mark that stubbornly refuses to fade. It's to the point that I've been wearing socks to yoga class. Even so, I am self-conscious of being barefoot in the locker room lest folks catch a glimpse and then run away screaming in a fit of terror. 

I am SO thankful it isn't sandal season right now. Otherwise, this might become a last resort:

I runfess...
I had a treadmill-induced social dilemma last week. 

My company's fitness center has a row of about 10 treadmills. I was the only person using one. Then, a woman came in and took the treadmill right next to me.

I was really surprised. I considered moving over to a different treadmill. After much internal debate, I ultimately elected to stay put, but I felt awkward for the rest of my run.

I've always operated under the theorem that thou shalt always space out thy treadmill occupancy. Is that not so much the case any more?
I runfess...
Food journaling has always been the best way to keep myself accountable. Unfortunately, my tracking has been hit or miss recently. My onsite Weight Watchers group is also terminating this week, and there are no other groups conveniently located to my home or office. This means I'm about to lose another fantastic resource for keeping myself accountable.

So far, I've been able to get away with not being as conscientious as I'd like. However, I definitely need to start being much, MUCH more careful.

I runfess...
I looked at my GU inventory and saw a bunch of packets that are past their expiration date. I never thought of myself as a GU hoarder, but the evidence is right there.

Expiration dates are not going to deter me. I still plan to consume all of those packets in due time. 
Yes, I know some of you (Adam) are shuddering right now.

Your turn! Do you have any runfessions to share?


  1. I can relate when it comes to being embarrassed with your feet. I have had this black toenail for quite some time now and I am going on a cruise this wk. Luckily I had dark purple polish to cover it up. No one will ever know. I am the same way with GUs. I'd still use them pass their due date. Oh well!

    1. Oh gosh, black toenails are the worst! They last for so long, too! I got one awhile back that took at least 6 months to grow out. Thank GOD for dark nail polish to cover it up. I'd be too self-conscious to ever get a professional pedicure when I have a black toenail, though, so it would definitely be an at-home pedicure!

  2. I completely understand about the treadmill space dilemma. I agree, spreading out is better, unless for some reason that person has a preference for that specific treadmill for a technical reason. The view ? The tv works better ? I wouldn't have moved either but it probably would have irked me.

    1. Ahhh, I didn't even consider the possibility that a specific treadmill might have a better view or better TV functionality. But given there were SO many other treadmills to pick from, you would think there'd be at least one other option, right? Sigh.

  3. OMG I think I'd have gotten off and moved. Why do people do that? I can't stand it when the locker room is EMPTY and someone comes and takes the locker right next to mine. I mean really. I'm right there with you on the expired GU. I'm still standing, just saying. Thanks for linking up! Twice!

    1. ARGH! I have had that happen with lockers in the locker room, too! It's even more awkward in that situation because you are changing clothing and nobody wants to have someone right up next to you during those moments. Yikes!!! Thanks for hosting these fab link-ups!!!

  4. What is wrong with people? The same thing happens to me at yoga. There's the whole studio, and someone puts their mat right next to me. Like 6 inches away. Nooooo!

    1. YIKES. Yoga can be super awkward when there's someone too close because of all the poses. I once attended a yoga class that was so crowded I was worried I was going to get kicked in the head or kick someone else. Space is really important in yoga!!!

  5. blisters are the worst! It's great that food journals help you so much. What ever works right?!

    1. For sure! With food journaling, I've long believed it's not so much how accurately you track what you eat, but just that you are being mindful of it. It works wonders!!!

  6. No, I still use the same treadmill rules. If there aren't that many, I get it, but if there's 10 in your gym, then no, there's no excuse for violating the unspoken rule. My guy friends call it the urinal rule... if there's room for space, leave the space.

    1. LOL, my husband mentioned the same thing! He said there are some internet quizzes out there on "which urinal do you pick" depending on layout and occupancy. He even got into so much detail as to consider "short" urinals versus "regular" urinals. Ahhh, the politics!!! =D

  7. Sorry to hear about your blister, sounds painful! We only have 3 treadmills at my gym so there's a high chance that someone will be next to you. I think I'd be equally as peeved as you were!

    1. Appreciate the sympathy, Janelle! If there are 3 open treadmills, I would think the first person would take one on either end, the second would take the opposite end, and if a third person came in they'd take the middle, yes? It's like window or aisle seats in a plane. The middle one is always the last to go, albeit reluctantly!!!

  8. Which meeting do you go to? I applaud you for walking 10 minutes during lunch to go to a meeting! That takes a lot of dedication!!!

    Sorry to hear about the nasty blister from Fox Valley. I've heard a lot of folks rave over Injinji socks! Unfortunately, they didn't work for me (my toes are shaped weirdly, I guess). But it is frustrating when we randomly get blisters even in tried-and-true gear and routes!!!

  9. Don't you HATE when someone takes a machine right next to you when the entire row is empty? What the heck? First of all, do you REALLY want to smell how sweaty I am? Second of all, don't you want your own personal space? LOL! Fitness problems!!

    1. YES on all accounts!!! Personal space is super important when dealing with workouts. Nobody wants to be smelling someone else's sweat, for sure. I even have that same problem in overcrowded elevators. BLECH!!!

  10. A buffer, people. On treadmills and in movie theaters! There should always be a buffer!

    1. All hail the buffer! Blessed be thy buffer, for the buffer is good!!!

  11. Ugh, why do people do that?! I just might have moved, LOL!

    1. You know, I chose not to move because I didn't want to come across as potentially offensive... but we all have to take care of ourselves first, right!?!?!?! ARGH!!!!

  12. I believe in the treadmill spacing rule too! That's so funny! I've dealt with many black toenails, unfortunately mine were during sandal season and I had to get creative with bandages to cover the ugliness.

    1. Black toenails are the WORST. Some would consider them a runner's badge of honor, but they can be so frustrating to deal with. All hail the creativity of bandages!!! KT tape can serve dual purpose as a cover-up for bad spots as well as a PT device. =)

  13. I always get the grossest blisters during marathon season. I figure most people don't spend a whole lot of time looking at my feet, which helps me a bit with the self-consciousness thing, but the biggest issue is just that they hurt! It makes me oh-so happy when they finally turn into calluses so they don't bug me anymore.

    As for treadmill etiquette, I definitely don't understand why you'd pick one next to someone else when all the other ones are open! The only time I run right next to someone is if I don't have another option. I like my space, and I operate under the assumption that most other people do as well!

    Bethany @ Accidental Intentions

    1. Marathon training season can be so brutal on the feet! When I was training for Chicago a few years ago, I gave up wearing heeled shoes to work and rotated through flats every day. Heels were just too painful! Yes on the transition to calluses, as awful as it sounds. Runner problems, right?

      I am with you, I never want to run right next to anyone else unless there is no other option! I don't understand why folks wouldn't want their personal space when they have the choice. Sigh...

  14. That is really weird that someone would take the treadmill right next to you if there are others. Was it the only one in front of a window or something? Maybe they wanted to be able to see how fast you were running in order to keep themselves motivated? I dunno.

    My feet are a hot mess all the time so I just gave up caring. Thankfully I haven't had many black toenails but since I prefer to go barefoot as much as possible I always have calluses of some kind. I also like my toenails super short which annoys my mom :-)

    You should download the Pact app for your phone and set it up so that you earn money if you track your food! It syncs with MyFitnessPal, which is what I use to track.

    I have so many old packages of Clif Shot Bloks that I'm still working my way through. I did throw out the opened, half empty ones, though. But only because they got rock-hard! Not because I thought they were bad.

    1. Ooooh, interesting theory on someone wanting to check out my paces!!! I never thought of that but it would make sense. I've definitely seen how some folks really like "competition," so to speak.

      I always have calluses of some sort on my feet, too. I think it's really tough for us runners to NOT be callused. Remember when we were doing the trapeze lessons? The instructors had the hand calluses, big time!!! Incidentally, I like my toenails very short, too, which doesn't do a lot for nail polish.

      Ooooh, thanks for the tip on Pact!!! GREAT IDEA!!!

      Anytime I run a race that gives out half-packs of already-opened Clif Shot Bloks, I always end up having to throw a few out, too. I get the idea of being able to customize how many bloks you want to eat, but I've never eaten an entire package in one day. It's too bad they turn into stone like that!

  15. I am with you- who comes in and gets on the treadmill right next to you with all the other ones empty? Creepy...... hope that blister heals soon- sounds uggie!

    1. Creepy is right!!! Clearly this woman had a different understanding of personal space!!! Thanks for the well wishes on my blister!!!

  16. I feel the same goes for the bathroom. If there is an entire row of empty stalls, there is no need to occupy the one right next to me. Lol!

    1. The bathroom stalls are a PRIME example of a situation where proper spacing is REALLY important!!! It's a good thing there are walls, LOL!

  17. Treadmill rules are the same as bathroom rules! Space out when you can. Same at a movie theater!

    1. Yes yes yes on movie theaters! I didn't even think about that but you are right, it is uncomfortable to have someone sitting unnecessarily close to you at a theater!

  18. OMG the socks & sandals picture is too much. Lol I hate when I get blisters, usually from new shoes. I never pay attention to the expiration date on GUs. Lately, I'm been eating dates for fuel so I'm going to have a bunch of GUs that expire.

    1. Wow, I love the idea of eating dates for fuel! I am trying to eat as natural as possible and heaven knows GU is about as chemical laden as can be. I heard someone else say they eat packets of honey, which I have also wanted to try!

  19. I wonder if those people who choose to work next to someone else find it to be encouraging or something. Ha ha. No idea :)

    I just threw out a bunch of old expired gels - but they were flavors I don't like that someone gave me. Otherwise, I am going through them fast enough that they don't expire.

    1. "Encouraging" is a nice optimistic theory! :-)

      I am pretty particular about flavors too! I always eat the ones I like first, then the others gather dust. I appreciate when races hand out GU because then I can try a single flavor without having to commit to an entire package!

  20. The sandals and socks picture made me laugh. No, you CANNOT wear that. :-)
