Wednesday, May 14, 2014

An unwanted potential first

Going into this calendar year, my intention was to be more selective about the races that I signed up for. There have been so many times where I signed up a race far in advance because of an early-bird registration rate, the lure of a PR-attempt-able course, all my friends are signing up, etc., etc.

There are a lot of mantras, pictures, t-shirts, advertisements, et al, about how to stay motivated when the couch calls (loudly and incessantly). Comparatively, there is less material out there addressing what happens when you overcommit yourself and/or when you are battling injury.

I took an entire week off from running due to pain in my left hamstring/hip. In fact, I didn't work out very much at all last week, period. I did some short workouts on the stationary bike and rowing machine, and walked a couple of miles on the treadmill. I spent a lot of time with my foam roller and The Stick. That was it for an entire week. Towards the end, I felt like a slug.

Bringing back the shapeless red blob that was first seen here

Yesterday, I went on the treadmill to test things out. I was so excited to end my running hiatus. I ran an easy 3 miles and felt fine while doing it. I thought, "Great! I'm all set to get back on track!" But shortly afterwards, the pain came right back.

It didn't have the same screaming vengeance as it did early last week, thankfully. But nonetheless, it was still announcing its presence with authority.

This comes at an absolutely terrible time for me. I've got three races on the calendar in the next 10 days: the Chicago Spring Half Marathon this Sunday, the Chase Corporate Challenge a week from tomorrow, and the Soldier Field 10 a week from this Saturday. All of these races seemed like good ideas when considered on an individual basis. But committing myself to so many within such a compressed timeframe is now coming back to haunt me. This isn't even including the Michelob Ultra 13.1 Half Marathon that I've got coming up on June 7.

I am not a beer drinker, but:

Out of these races, the one that is highest on my radar screen is the Soldier Field 10. It draws consistently rave reviews, but I'm usually out of town over Memorial Day Weekend when it takes place. I really wanted to take advantage of being in town this year to run it for the first time.

The others? I've run the Chicago Spring Half before and it's fun. But at the end of the day it's one of many races that run along the lakefront path. The 13.1 Half Marathon is also fun, but I've run it twice before and I also have family in town that weekend for my nephew's graduation. And while I'm excited to run the Chase Corporate Challenge for the first time, my coworkers have made it abundantly clear that they are much more excited about the post-race festivities than the actual run.

Let's focus on one race at a time. At this point, I am seriously considering not running the Chicago Spring Half altogether. The thought of trying to push through that distance sounds awful right now. I shudder to think about the pain it could generate. The last thing I want is to knock myself out of commission for an extended time-period (hopefully I haven't already done that). The Chicago Spring Half does have a 10K option which I could switch into, but right now even that distance sounds daunting.

I've never DNS'd a race before, nor have I ever chosen to downgrade a race distance. I have had a few instances where I should have done one or the other, but I stubbornly refused. (Ironically, my most glaring instance was the Chicago Spring Half Marathon back in 2011. What is it with me and this particular race?!?) I'm not eager to think about getting my first of either, but it is what it is.

My plan is to go to bikram yoga both today and tomorrow, and to continue foam-rolling like it's my job. On Friday I'll do another test run. If the run goes okay, I might try to squeeze in another bikram session on Saturday. But unless there is a lot of improvement between now and Friday, the odds are pretty high that I will indeed post my first-ever DNS this Sunday. Blugh.

To be continued.


  1. Healing thoughts your way. Here's to a better month end for both of us!!

    1. I've been thinking about you and I am sending healing thoughts your way, too! Cheers to a better month end for both of us, big-time!

  2. I'm in the same boat right now. I'm also registered for the Corporate Challenge and the SF10 ... and Ragnar!! ... and then marathon training starts!!! ... and I'm having issues with my left knee. I'm not too concerned about the Corporate Challenge ... while I'd love to have a fast race in front of my co-workers, I've heard it's generally a bit disorganized and most people don't care about the running. Plus even before the knee problems, my pace has slowed a bit. But I really don't want to miss the SF10 - I did that race in 2011 and really enjoyed it. I don't think I'll PR, but I still really want to finish it! And Ragnar! I have a team! I really really really don't want to have to let them down.

    I have DNS'd before, last year when I got a terrible stomach bug the night before my goal half marathon. It was disappointing, because up until about 12 hours before racetime, I thought I had it in the bag, and it was a goal race that I had specifically trained for. It was an easy decision to DNS ... I was up all night puking so I didn't have the energy to leave my house let alone run.

    I know it sucks to waste the money, but maybe just cut yourself some slack and forgo the half marathon this weekend. Is the race sold out? Maybe you can sell your bib and get a little bit of money back. I'd say focus on resting so that you can run the SF10. It sounds like that's the race you really care about.

    1. I've been reading about your battles with the knee injury. As someone who struggles with ITBS even to this day, I so feel your pain on that front, too. =( I am so sorry to hear that you're in the same boat - but you're being very smart to try to take it as easy as you can right now. Heaven help us heal over these next few weeks, especially before Ragnar and marathon training for you. From a more immediate perspective, if worst comes to worst, let's go to the Corporate Challenge and SF10 together and take as much time as we need on the course together! I've also heard that the Corporate Challenge is super casual and that lots of people walk the whole thing anyways. =)

      Incidentally, I was thinking about how much I loved tapering for the Chicago Marathon a few years ago, versus how much I hated sidelining myself last week. Funny how the perspectives change, eh? But your bike-commuting is a great way to stay active without compromising your knee. BTW - have you already moved or when does that happen!?!?

      I remember your DNS last year due to illness prior to your goal half. =( Totally sucks. Here is hoping that something like that never happens to you, or to anyone, ever again.

      Thanks for the thoughts on this weekend's half. It does suck to DNS, but it's definitely an investment for the future.

      I wish you a restful and healing week! Please keep us all posted on how things are progressing for you!

  3. I hope you and Maggie have room in your boat for me, because that's kind of where I'm at too. I haven't said much about it because I keep hoping it will go away, but a few days after Wisconsin my calf started flaring up again. It totally behaved during the half, and during my recovery run a couple days later. But then I went to bootcamp and, ridiculously, skipped a little too aggressively during our warm-up and apparently pushed off on it wrong, and found myself totally unable to run the next day. Sigh.

    I'm registered for the Spring Half 10k but was already planning to DNS because I just don't feel like racing again so soon (I don't feel like attempting a 10k PR since I just got one in March, and now that my calf is acting up, why chance it?). Then there's SF10 and Ragnar. Ughhhhhh..... I think it's about time for me to renew my lap pass and just swim for my cardio for a couple weeks, but dang, I don't want to miss out on those races.

    I second Maggie's advice to sit out the Spring Half (and it is sold out, so you probably could sell your bib if you wanted) and hope that you're feeling better next weekend.

    1. Anne! NOOOOOO!!!! I am so sorry to hear about your calf flaring up again. It sounds like the injury bug is biting a lot of us WRCEs. =(

      Isn't it crazy how our bodies can handle the rigor of these races and all of our hardest training, but then things like this happen after the fact? Likewise, I had no issues at Illinois and it wasn't until the following week that my pain crept up on me. When you mention "bootcamp" - was that at CrossTown or was that a different class?

      I feel better knowing that you aren't planning to run this weekend, too. I knew that you were registered and I was feeling bad about backing out on seeing you and everyone else. I totally understand that feeling of being raced out, especially after recently setting a PR. It's not worth the risk. I also totally hear you on not wanting to miss some of these great races. But as everyone says, better to miss something now and be okay later, rather than have a miserable race and also miss everything later. I guess we can call it a form of negative-splitting, right? LOL.

      The swimming pool does sound really good now... sigh.

      Thanks also for your thoughts on sitting out this weekend. I am sending healing vibes to you, also, especially with SF and Ragnar coming up in a few weeks. Here's to all of us having the speediest of recoveries!

    2. Well, at least my beer-holdin' arm is still okay :) But yeah, it does stink that so many of us are hurt!

      I take a bootcamp with my trainer every week, so it wasn't at CrossTown (that was a different kind of pain lol, but no injuries from that). My trainer was out sick and I didn't think to tell the sub that I'd been kind of babying my leg because of that calf thing.

      The Spring Half kind of fell off my radar anyway, so I don't feel too bad for missing it. And I think trying to PR a shorter race so soon after a half would just be not smart (and probably not too effective).

      Good luck with whatever you decide this weekend, hope to at least see you at Soldier Field :)

    3. Ah yes, the beer-holdin' arm is MUCHO importante. Glad to hear that there are no injuries there!!!

      Bummer that your trainer was out sick. I can totally envision myself not mentioning anything the sub about injury-sensitive areas, too.

      Yeah, the Spring Half fell off of my radar, too! I looked at the calendar and couldn't believe it was already this weekend. HOLY COW!

      I hope to see you at Soldier Field, too! And I wish you a restful weekend, as well!

    4. Well, that's why I do so much strength training ;) Those steins get heavy!

      I mean, I DID have my calf taped up with bright pink KT tape, seems like that would have been somewhat noticeable. But it wasn't bothering me so I guess that's why I didn't mention it.

      I think we were both focused on other races - at least that's why it slipped my mind! I'm probably going to go visit my family this weekend instead, so I won't feel too bad about my DNS :)

  4. Boooooo! I have DNS'd twice...once for injury and once for a sick kiddo. I hope you get this all sorted out!

    1. Boooo, indeed. Did I recall correctly that you're running the Chicago Spring Half this weekend, actually? If so, I wish you a great race! And I am bummed that I didn't get to see you at the Wisconsin Half. But I am really glad that your recovery seems to be progressing so well! I saw that picture of you from the race on Facebook and you looked super hard core. =)

      By the way, GO BLACKHAWKS!!! Epic game last night!!!

    2. I am running this weekend. I'll also be at SF10 - hope you are well enough to run that one!! WI was a breakthrough for me - it was so nice to feel so good at the end of a's been a long time since I could say that :)

      GO BLACKHAWKS!!! That game....SQUEEEE! I can't wait for the next series!

  5. Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear about this! I've been in situations where I've thought about DNS-ing because I wasn't feeling super hot (never *knock on wood* with injury, but usually with a grouchy stomach, so it's definitely a different situation), and I've always wanted to keep my record clean, so I went through with the race anyway. An injury is a totally different ball game than an less-than-stellar stomach situation, though. I think you've got a good plan going forward with testing out a run on Friday and seeing how things go. If they don't go well, be smart! It'll pay off SO much more in the long run to bail on the Spring Half than aggravate your potential injury to the point of having to take a ton of time off.

    1. Stomach issues are the worst. They can be so unpredictable, too, which is the most frustrating part. I am glad to hear that you've never DNS'd, despite not feeling great (knock on wood!) I hope that you maintain that no-DNS streak indefinitely!!! Thanks also for the thoughts on the test plan and for assuring me that this is definitely an investment for the future!

  6. Oh man! That is a stacked calendar! :( What a horrible time to be in so much pain. I second everyone saying not to do the HM. But I don't say sell the bib (cause I think that is wrooooooong, lol). Why not walk the 10K? I be the course is open long enough. Or would that bug you too much?

    I have totally had to DNS due to injury. And lack of money to travel (Disney). I might have to for my fall marathon cause of a wedding. &^%&#%%&#%&

    1. I am struggling a bit with the bib-selling because I know it's against the rules. I fear getting caught by some undercover agent and banned for life from racing (I've seen enough episodes of Dateline, LOL). But at the same time, it really sucks to throw away the entry fee. These half marathons are not cheap, you know?

      As bad as it sounds, I don't think I'd be up for setting my alarm for the ungodly hour on Sunday morning to walk the 10K. I'd rather sleep in, LOL. But thanks for the suggestion as it is a worthy consideration.

      Totally sucks that you've had to DNS due to injury and other reasons. =( But you sign up for enough of these races and you figure it's bound to happen at some point or other, right? Tell me more about your fall marathon and the potential wedding conflict!?!?!?

    2. Yeah, they aren't cheap (well, this one I got a free entry for, but I made a donation to the charity). But when I can't do a race I've never considered selling my bib. I don't want anyone else running under my name. Or me under theirs. It just gives me an icky feeling. But I know it doesn't for many others. LOL. There is a guy in my running club who is always trying to buy bibs. In fact, he was sad he couldn't do this race - maybe he'd buy yours.

      LOL! But is there a medal for the 10K? It's only 7:00. Think about how early I will be getting up to do the stupid thing ;)

      I will email you about the fall marathon thing.

  7. Ugh, I totally get this overcommitment thing. I am guilty as charged as well. Bummed if I don't see you this weekend at the half but hopefully at SF. Take care of that hammy! I DNS'd the Philly Marathon due to a cranky hip if it makes you feel any better.

    1. Marcia! I know that you are signed up for this weekend and I was also thinking how much it would suck to not be able to catch up with you and everyone else there. =( But yes, very hopefully I'll see you at SF, and I wish you a great race this weekend! It IS actually making me feel better hearing about how many folks have had to DNS throughout their running careers. So thanks for sharing about Philly, even though I know how much it must have sucked at the time. =(

  8. I have DNS'd an average of about twice a year. I always get suckered into signing up for races way in advance to get low, low pricing - then I get injured or even sick. While you are sitting at home, about an hour after the race ends you will forget the money spent and be glad you took the extra time to rehab. Also, you could do like I do and get the t-shirt and sell it on eBay. I can usually defray at least 50% of the race cost that way! Anyway, taking care of yourself is the #1 priority- don't worry about a DNS or money already spent. You'll have plenty more races to do in the next 50 years! :) By the way, Go Hawks! :)

    1. I totally relate to being sucked into signing up for races way in advance to take advantage of the early-bird rates! I keep telling myself it's worth it to pay a little bit more to have a better idea of how my body is holding up closer to the race. But then I start taking my health for granted and thinking, "Oh yeah, I'll be fine!" Even though I KNOW that is not always going to be the case. =( I think for me it's like a gambler's mentality. Pay less now for immediate gratification, then worry about the consequences later. LOL.

      Thanks for the thoughts on how after the race ends, the lost registration fee won't matter anymore. GREAT idea on selling the t-shirt on eBay! We've all got way more race shirts than we need anyways, right? Although, I think the really big races like the Chicago Marathon would draw a higher premium than the Chicago Spring Half. But hey, any recoup of the cost is better than nothing.

      And yes, GO HAWKS! Have you started watching the games yet? ;-P

    2. You never know how much you'll get. Once I got over $80 for a "Get Lucky Half" hoodie, which completely covered the cost of my entry ( I ran that one). Anyway, I haven't started watching yet, but I need to get on it! La Coupe Stanley championship awaits! :)

    3. $80!!! WOW!!! Who knew that the Get Lucky hoodie would be worth so much? I ended up donating mine to Goodwill. Now I wish I'd tried to sell it instead. =)

  9. Thanks so much for the healing vibes! I will definitely still be at the Corporate Challenge, even if I walk the whole thing. So I will see you there! And my hope is that I'll be healed up enough by the time 13.1 rolls around to see you there, too. Fingers crossed!!!

  10. Great, I will look for Team Masuda! I'm with GE (I think the official team name is "GE in Chicago"), but I don't know what color shirt we'll have yet. Will let you know!!!

  11. Ugh, I am so sorry! I know exactly how you feel when it comes with nagging pain- I was constantly setting goals last year only to have my neck pain come back and have to back off. Do whatever you need to do to get better now, your body will thank you!

    1. Thanks, Katie. I remember how you weren't able to do your triathlon last year, too, because of the government shutdown. Hopefully this year will be much better for you on that front!

  12. What a bummer! DNSing is not fun, but I'm impressed that you've come this far without every having to DNS before. I've been there a time or two myself and even though it sucks in the moment, you've got to listen to your body. No point in suffering through a race or making things worse. If there is a race you really want to run, I'd say consider walking it if that doesn't exacerbate your pain. But your approach to take it one day at a time right now is really the best thing you can do. Hang in there!

    1. Thanks, Amy. I call it more being stubborn than anything else, LOL. But I've definitely learned the hard way that you do indeed have to listen to your body, otherwise it'll just get worse later on. Appreciate the support!

  13. That is quite a schedule you've got coming up! So sorry to hear the hammy isn't behaving.

    I'll be out cheering for Kim and Bobbi on Sunday and I'll also be out spectating the SF10... So hopefully I'll get to see you again at some point. And hopefully you will be back to 100% fast!

    1. Thanks, Xaar. It's amazing how when it rains, it really does pour, you know? After several months of running pain-free, the one week I can least afford to have injury pain is when it comes back. Derp. I envy that you have a nice open calendar right now when it comes to races! It takes off a lot of pressure to be able to operate freely!!! And I wish you a speedy recovery with your ankle, too!

  14. I actually think I'm going to have to DNS the Chase Corporate Challenge! I registered for that before I decided to take another class and both things on Thursday. I would skip the class except that I think we're supposed to be doing an in-class group project that night. But, if you do decide you're not ready to run the CCC it's totally cool to walk it. Lots of people do. It really is more about the after-party with your coworkers than the actual running (unless you're super-duper fast and can win some awesome prizes for you or your company).

    I would say sit-out the half marathon this weekend, though. You already PRed at the half this year and it sounds like SF is more of a priority. Wasn't the half this weekend your back-up half anyway?

    1. Based on everything I've seen and heard about the CCC, it definitely sounds like a lot of people sign up and then end up DNSing, or just walking. Your class is way more important! Not to mention that I'm loving seeing your class project results in our WRCE website. =)

      Yes, the Chicago Spring Half was my back-up PR attempt. I'm definitely starting to feel less motivated to keep the pedal to the metal now that I've already achieved a PR. Heck, it took me almost 12 years to get this one, right? LOL

  15. I have DNS and DNF in the past. Life goes on. :-) Don't dwell on it. Take it as a sign.

    What I do now is usually wait till the last minute before I sign up for a race. Well, unless of course it is a race that I really, really, really want to do. I am supposed to run in Buffalo, NY next Sunday and I have my hotel and plane ticket. However, I have yet to register.

    1. You're absolutely right, Zenaida. Life goes on. There is much more to life than running, and there are SO many races out there to pick from! And even though I dislike having to pay more for races at the last minute, it's better than wasting an entire race fee on a DNS, right? Call the incremental increase in costs from last-minute registration to be an insurance fee, really. =D
