Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Tempting fate

The lottery for the 2015 Chicago Marathon opened up yesterday.

In remembrance of the 2014 Chicago Marathon lottery

Going into this year, I had no intention of trying to run a marathon in 2015. The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. I knew that the Chicago Marathon would be doing a lottery again this year, but I didn't pay any attention to the details.

Then, a coworker brought up the lottery to me and asked if I was planning to enter. I gave him an emphatic no. But I also joked that I might end up changing my mind on the last day of the lottery.

When I said this, I really was joking. Then later, I started thinking about it more seriously. Maybe I should just go ahead and enter, and then let fate decide???

More remembrances from the 2014 Chicago Marathon

Why would I want to attempt another marathon?
  1. I feel much stronger as a runner now than I did in 2012. Over the last few years, I've learned a lot and have made so many improvements to my training, health, and diet. I would love to see the positive impact of those changes when applied to a marathon performance.
  2. I ran the 2012 Chicago Marathon amidst painful injury. I was happy to have crossed the finish line in one piece, of course. But I know I could have done so much better, even back then. I would really, really love the chance to experience the race on better terms. I want redemption!
Why would I want to bypass a marathon again this year?
  1. Motivation is lacking. Who has the time or desire to do all of that training? I have a hard enough time just getting motivated to do the 10-12 mile training runs for a half marathon. It is beyond me how I'd work up to 20+ miles to train for a full.
  2. Bluntly, I am scared. Scared of not being able to succeed. Scared of injury. Scared of dealing with the aftermath. It took me months to regain my joy of running after my first marathon. I don't want to go through that again.
Why oh why must the starting line always look so tantalizing?

At this very juncture, I do not plan to enter the 2015 Chicago Marathon lottery. With or without the lottery, I have too many doubts clouding the back of my mind right now. In general, I believe that you should truly WANT to run a marathon in order to ensure yourself the greatest chance of success. 

But, I do have six weeks to ruminate back and forth, haha. Let the countdown progress...


  1. This time around, should you decide to take it on, could be totally different, just saying. Plus I'm the Chi Marathon heat magnet and I'm not running it so the weather will probably be perfect.

    1. You are absolutely right. Every race is different every year. BUT - I'm starting to think that I'm the rain magnet! So many of my races are being plagued by rain these days. If you and I both ran the same race together, we'd create a sauna, LOL!

  2. Part of me wants to enter the lottery, too. But, I am already training for my first triathlon(s) and I know that adding marathon training into the mix means I would never seen Jason or my friends or my dog or, you know, have a life. And, to be honest, part of the reason I wanted to run is so I don't have to volunteer :-) Not that I dislike volunteering, I just need a break from it. Funny when running a marathon is considered a break!

    1. You are too funny that you would rather run than volunteer! Although, I totally get it. Volunteering is REALLY hard work. The runners get all the glory and celebration, but the volunteers work their butts off without very much recognition!

      I do think it would be really tough to mix training for your first tri with marathon training. I know you like to challenge yourself, but WOW. That would be a lot to handle!!! I vote that you just focus on the tri!

  3. I think it's easy to get caught up in the emotion of "everyone is running it, I should too." But there are plenty of other races and distances out there to enjoy.

    1. You are absolutely right! And it's always nice to stray from the crowd and forge our own paths, yes? Cheers to running off the beaten path, both literally and figuratively!

  4. Ha ha, I think you should go back and read your posts from training last summer and how happy you were you weren't doing a marathon before you enter the lottery! :P I like what Xaarlin said too though - so many other races out there. Would you ever try another marathon? If you are going to enter a lottery... I vote for NYCM!

    1. Believe me, it doesn't take much for me to remember how difficult the marathon training was. Anytime I do anything over 10 miles, I am already thinking, I'm glad that I'm not trying to work up to 20. =)

      YES - I would definitely want to try another marathon. Chicago is obviously very appealing because of being a World Marathon Major right in our own backyard. But I've got a ton of others on the list for some day. Honolulu and Disney top the list! NYCM would be cool, but I just feel like the lottery has gotten so competitive that I'd never get selected!

  5. Well, for what it's worth, word on the street is that the marathon expects two to three times more people to enter the lottery this year compared to last year, so unlike last year when everyone who entered the lottery got in, this year they're probably going to accept maybe half or possibly even only a third of lottery entrants. So, if all goes according to their plan, you have a good chance of not getting in.

    If training motivation is a big thing holding you back, I HIGHLY recommend joining up with CARA's training (or CES, if you prefer. CARA is just cheaper...and what I train through, so I'm biased ;) ). Having people by your side to pound out those runs makes it SO much easier in my opinion, and I am through and through a solo runner. Plus it's nice to hang out with people who get what you're dealing with from a time commitment and general mental status standpoint (unless your non-running friends are much more understanding of marathon training than my running friends are, haha! I love them, but they haven't been there so they don't fully get it.) ALSO, if you enter the lottery, get into the marathon, and THEN decide you don't want to run, getting in via the lottery is the ONLY way to defer your entry to next year. Last year the cut off was I think Sept. 7 or Sept. 9, so you have honestly until like one month out from race day to decide whether or not you REALLY want to run (though you will be out $185 if you choose to defer, and will have to pay again next year to register -- but you'll be in).

    All that being said, I am hoping to get in via the lottery this year, so don't let me talk you into it. Less entrants = better chance for me getting picked :P

    1. Holy cow, two to three times more people to enter this year!?!?!? GOOD LORD. I LOL'd when you said that if all goes according to plan, I probably won't get in. Actually, if that did happen, it would kind of be a relief for me, you know? It'd be like fate telling me that it's okay to NOT go through the rigorous training this summer!

      Ah yes, I remember reading how much you enjoyed training with CARA! The reason I trained alone in the past was because I prefer having flexibility. I find it hard to comprehend committing to the 6 AM runs every Saturday. Plus I like being able to set my own pace without having to worry about falling behind for whatever reason. But, almost every person I know of who has trained with a group has raved over it. So maybe I will give it a go one of these days.

      Really great points about the deferral system, too. Too bad the deferral would still cost the $185!

      LOL about you not talking me into entering the lottery. At this juncture, I can say that I will not be reducing your chances of getting in - and I sincerely hope that you do!!! =)

  6. Aaaahhhh! The woes of a runner. Now you have me stewing, lol!

    1. Stewing? In what sense? Are you thinking of entering the Chicago Marathon lottery yourself??!!??

    2. It's entirely tempting, but I know at this point it would be madness to even consider. Maybe next year!

    3. That's what I say, too! Maybe 2016!!!!! (Although, I've been saying "maybe next year for three years straight now, LOL)

  7. Amanda, if you AND all three of your favorite run friends end up getting in, then fate has definitely spoken! That would be amazing if all four of you got selected! Do you have any other marathons in mind besides Chicago that all four of you would run?

  8. I ran last year and had a time of 5 hours and 12 seconds. So those 12 seconds have angered and motivated me to run this year and go sub-5 so I put my name in the lottery at 12:03pm on Tuesday.

    If you do decide to run a marathon you can always do another nearby marathon that doesn't fill up. It's not like Chicago is the only choice you have!

    1. OMG, Nina!!! I totally understand the anger and motivation regarding those 12 seconds. ARGHHHHH!!!!!! I hope that you get selected this year and that you can get some well-deserved redemption on those 12 seconds!!!

      And yes - we are very lucky to have a great bevvy of marathon choices nearby. Chicago just holds a very special place in my heart, though, you know? But there are definitely lots of options, many of which are much cheaper, too!

  9. New follower. I threw my name in for my FIRST marathon attempt. I decided I'd leave it up to fate. Ha. I have the same fears as you. I've don't plenty of HMs but a full? Terrified of injury and failure!

    1. Thanks Hoho!!! You've got a new follower in me now, too. =) Congrats for throwing your name into the pool - I think that just making that decision is amongst the hardest parts of the process! I am really excited to find out what fate has in mind for you!!! If you do get selected, you are going to ROCK it. You've got so much half marathon experience that you are extremely well equipped to take the next step!!!!!!!!!
